Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Hey! Stealing my shit!

I would uh… willingly trade the pantsir for either OSA or TOR (or both) as they are vastly more interesting systems to me.


Its still disappointing to see that gaijin has given Benelux air to the French when germany seems set oncourse to be severely lacking for the next major update(s).
Meanwhile vehicles like the F18 don’t seem to be coming anytime soon and something stopgap like a swiss Gripen (trial) is behind schedule already. But germany recieving their vehicles has always been a patch behind all the other big players.

We are rapidly approaching a matchmaker, we might have even crossed into or trough it, where early Eurofighters with Aim9 l-1 and Aim120 would be balanced (By denying them access to the BOL pods, something you seem to do to keep the Gripen special and the AV8B and Tornado remotely playable).

For multiple patches it has now felt like germany is always an afterthought, when nations like sweden get to bend the rules and recieve trialed vehicles, or Armament that they don’t even have, the aim9m, as soon as there would be the slightest gap in their capabilities.

But at this point it seems pretty clear that you don’t intend on giving the german tree access to a FOX 3 capable aircraft on a 4th gen airframe before we enter into the later production models of the Eurofighter.

By which point germany might have been behind other trees capabilities for well over a year, considering we need to go trough mid gen4, late gen4 and early gen 4.5 to recieve it

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Never! :3


Next you’re gonna steal my idea for a redone Swedish fighter line

Or just copy paste my bug reports

Personally i’m a Sea Vixen enjoyer. Interestingly they competed in the same competition.


Thats a ton of effort lmao, besides im currently redoing a few of my vehicle suggestions since they need more history and im waiting for a few emails to the finnish archives about aome photos. Ill leave air to you lol.

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Both of them are awesome, I absolutely love the twin boom design of the Sea Vixen, but the Javelin just looks so god damn brutal

50.0 it’ll be 15.0 at this rate lol

I love the thin wing Javelin, but the chunky wing of the original really throws me off and edges the Sea Vixen over the line for me.

Thin wing


Does anyone have any more data on the Aussie F-18 mounting Python 4s? I can’t find too much on it.


Oh yeah, that’s pretty neat looking too

Which ones? Can you link?

After I finish reading 400 comments… but, yeah guess its that time again lol

And some say Staff do not Communicate :P

Not a good idea to dispute Staff in public…

And yes… that was political…

We just do not allow Political complications because that is not what War Thunder is all about and War Thunder is for ages 12+, Gaijin has a right to protect the innocent




It depends specifically on what you want to know,

The gist is it was part of the competition to see which IR SRAAM would win and be purchased to go on their F-18s.

They tested AIM-9X BLK1, Python 4 and ASRAAM.

ASRAAM won apparently by a good margin.

They went to AIM-9X BLK2 on their superhornets for cost reasons.

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Okay so they were compatible just never accepted into service. Thats what I needed, thanks!

It seems that way, though I know they were tested, I’m not sure exactly what those tests entailed, but the Aussie’s definitely carried out test firings of ASRAAM so I Imagine PY4 was the same.

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