Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Yea, the old way of the ship trees was better than this useless separation of the two research lines.
There aint no way coastal ships will compete with blue water ships until ship to ship missiles come.

teaser today

f5 GIF

You can’t skip this one:


But why? That’s kinda my point. Why are some aircraft shafted with what is only a QoL issue whilst others are perfectly fine. Its random and deeply annoying

Their vehicles go where they fit best:

  • Indigenous Aussie Vehicles go to Britain
  • Vehicles exported to Straya go to the export nation

This just got put up but it seems broken. Pretty sure its the announcement of the test with just a name change. Hopefully this is just a bug and this isn’t Gaijins response to the test

This is hitting the nail on the head.

I wouldn’t mind waiting the neccesary time to get a bug fixed if there was a sense of order or justice to the process.

Seeing days/weeks old reports being fixed on short notice, while your months/years old report lingers seriously erodes this trust.

@Smin1080p_WT Would it be possible to get more transparancy into the bug fixing process? Maybe in the next developer blog? I believe the community could benefit from an insight into how bug reports are prioritized and the reason why some are fixed faster/slower than others.

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G-2 is just the same as the G we already have, the K is like the regular TV mavericks but with the SAP-HE warhead, the only noticeable advantage, or disadvantage of the seeker is that it has the 15x zoom of the 65A with the lock range of the 65B, not useful in game (the AGM-65H we already have in game also has this same CCD seeker, so unless they improve it, it’s useless). In short, nothing new there.

I imagine the A-10C might come with more than just those mavericks, like APKWS and maybe GBU-39s? (I hope…), otherwise it’s not going to be that interesting.

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Gaijin not ready drop new trailer huh ?

Though the simple question is though. Does the Australian F-111C add anything to the US tree that they cant get via their own F-111.

I doubt it would be premium so that leaves SQV or Event and it would be identical as far as I am aware to any added to the TT

The SAS system was designed to dampen controls, that’s it.
It was never meant to do autopilot roles.
The fact it does attitude autopilot on FBR aircraft is more of a fluke than anything else.
And trim was never coded to work with dampening either.

I’d bet dampening was first intended for virtual joystick where trim and autopilot features aren’t necessary.
Whereas without trim and with a HOTAS you can calibrate your stick to slowly ramp up controls so you’re not jerking your plane around.

Either way, you and I are waiting for autopilot controls to come to War Thunder.

If nothing else a “we are still investigating this issue” comment every 6 months to a year would be appreciated

so every vehicle after the 70’s? i mean some where made here does that count as indigenous? or modded vehicles. like where would an Avon powered Mirage III built by dassult for Australia in Australia. where does the Aussie f/a 18 go. they were built in Australia but identical to the USA ones

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how could i forget the old aermacchi’s i got to play in one at a RAAF base when i was younger

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Did the Abrams AIM add anything to the US tree that they couldn’t get via their own Abrams tanks?

If they really were deadset on adding a F-111 to Britain, it should be the F-111K Merlin

Imo it’s too early we’ve only had 4 update devblogs, if teaser comes this week, the update is going to be very thin.

Ground is a bit different though as you can take multiple tanks into a single match. So tenatively it would give the US 2x AIMS that they could take into a match. Though I think the Australian one does have some mods right?

though they never bothered to add the US AIMS. So…

Teasers are always usually released after 4 blogs

not true, AB coastal has decent playerbase and there are many who go coastal line to strengthen their high tier lineups. The fact you don’t do that doesn’t speak for the community

also bad example since R-130 isnt even close to top tier. You can compare it to a 4.0 destroyer and then you will get similar reaction.