Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

War Online

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Why even remove it at all?

Oh I see, yeah it could make an interesting addition in that case.

Because, otherwise, it wouldn’t be a new nation bonus, but a fully global bonus hahah.

Which I would not oppose to, but would totally defeat the purpose of the bonus and also make it WAY too overpowered if all of my other suggestions were implemented, including the stacked bonus by amount of nations.

they wont be. What i expect is increase of amount of battles to 5, if anything

AGM-65G-2 & AGM-65K. maybe

Litening AT Blk 0 or Litening G4 or Sniper XR

But I expect not placeholder AN/AAQ-28(V) Litening II targeting pod for A-10C

GBU-12 Paveway II. and GPS guided munition

We’ll have to wait and see how many years it’ll take before Gaijin adds brimstones. I think multiple and in a nerfed state for sure.

Gaijin really dislikes missiles that ignore smoke (don’t really blame them, cas shouldn’t become even more of a disease)

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It’s announced on Youtube, a few hours before it starts

Would these bring any improvements over the current best mavs available in game?

If they are the only useful weapon for the A-10C in game I hope they are at least somewhat improved.

I dont think its even the mmV that is an issue. Simple enough to add them without mmV being able to see through smoke or add smoke with chaff. (wouldnt be the first time they’ve change fundamental functionality of missiles for the sake of gameplay)

I think the problem is the quantity. The average number of FnF AGMs at top tier for jets is what? 6?

Even on the low end, 12x FnF AGMs is problematic if not the full 18.

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The entire turret complex known as Baikal iirc is a naval cwis system already offered for export etc that has been adapted to go into a bmp-3 chassis.

They have swindled us.

From that to.

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hmmmmmm, suspicius

Honestly, the only way they can disappoint even further after two days of no devblogs is to have some random tier 1 coastal reserve ship devblog. Which honestly is what, is probably going to happen.:((



Respectfully, rejection isn’t the problem. Being tagged as “acknowledged” and then nothing happening for months or years is.

I think I speak for many here when I say that bug reports, particularly long-standing ones, could use more resources/attention.

Of course we need a stream of new content to satisfy players, but if the quality of existing content is not taken more seriously the backlog of issues will grow and grow until players lose confidence in the historical/technical fidelity of War Thunder, which is it’s main selling point.


Yea, honestly its just “tactical” putting on the backburner to keep the bug/problem intentionally going. Like Merkava armour, Leclerc turret rotation speed (among other issues), Namer 30, among others.
They can say they havent rejected it and are looking into it while actually doing nothing.


Or going to the effort of testing and then carefully reporting an issue in-game, sending it too multiple tech mods over the course of several months and the report still going un-acknowledge without reason or response

For Example: Community Bug Reporting System

Its also not even vehicle specfic problems, but game-wide gameplay bugs that actually have quite a major impact. Like: Community Bug Reporting System