Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)


Correction, they said yesterday that no teaser comes that day. Nothing about this week.


I mean we’ve had it with staff biases before. Look, it’s such a simply fix - it’s changing 2 numbers. If you look at the model yourself please tell me you see the 4 inch aa guns, which didn’t even get mounted until 1924

There are a various amount of reasons for that unfortunately. Often things can be in queue for a model correction, awaiting an allocated spot for when a model can be revisited, when a weapon system or type is due to be reviewed or when the information within the report can be fully confirmed if it has conflicts with existing material (often meaning we have to find addional confirmation somehow from further sources) just to name but a few.


@Smin1080p_WT How many people do you think the Aussi F-111 would annoy since it’s been leaked it could go to Britain.

: P

but those are 4 inch guns as you can see. Now the blog doesn’t even mention the guns that are clearly visable

You haven’t provided any evidence to support your claims.

I’m sorry, but if you believe something is incorrect, please take the matter to a bug report and submit it properly. Then it can be reviewed and corrected.

Getting argumentative here isn’t going to solve anything.

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May the hopium continue its flow


I don’t report bugs anymore because i’ve helped in reporting vehicles with the manufacturer’s bill of sale only to be told it isn’t a valid document. I’m done helping people who lack eyes and cannot read

but they would not even be there

Am i missing something? Why yall talking about the Barham


That’s entirely your choice.

However unfortunately there is nothing I can do with your claims and words alone.

I’ve outlined what you can do to have a historical matter reviewed if you believe you have information to show something is incorrect. Sadly I can’t assist further here.

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It’s behind the last 6 incher. The 24 refit replaced the pair of 3 inch guns - the mount is here in the picture

thanks for the headsup on the headsup!

but the 3 inches are here

the news may be wrong , i also strongly hope that a teaer can come this week


All good, I think we all hope for one otherwise we wouldn’t be here.

lol, have you corrected it?

then what the hell am i looking at? It looks like a twin 4 inch mount