Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

There are plenty of other ships coming for the Royal Navy in the future.


1918 had platforms, 1930 had catapult and crane.

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Good, good.

So about the 1916 refit… it shouldn’t have the 4 inch guns nor the plane - are you CERTAIN it isn’t the 1924 refit?

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Just making sure. We haven’t had a top tier BB or BC on our TT in 2 years. Our last one was also an event vehicle

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The QE were equipped with fly-off platforms in 1918
There was another refit ion the early 30s that removed the platforms and added a catapult on the roof of the X turret


Is it possible to get 2 devblogs today?

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that’s the one


Are you excited for the other devblog today?

Ah, the Barham… Sadly, the most famous thing about this ship is probably the footage of its demise…


The year was confirmed by a developer.

way too early bruh

Strasbourg for France? Please! :(



Unfortunately they’re wrong. It shouldn’t have a scout plane nor 4 inch AA - did they do any research at all before making the blog?

Throwing shade / insults isn’t going to change anything. You can submit a report with your evidence for review. Unfortunately just making the claim doesn’t mean we can do anything with it as you would well know by now.


smin every time i’ve done that nothing happens. Your report system is shockingly bad. This isn’t an insult, it’s a genuine question - all they need to do is change the date from the 1916 to the 1924, that’s all.

If it’s wrong then gather the proper research and make a bug report.

What type of floatplane is the new event ship getting?

I’ve tried before but it never works. Alecto still has the wrong pen even after making the report years ago