Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

The gun is litteraly a glorified S-60

I hope HMS Barham sells at least half as well as the Iranian F-14A did hahahah

I gave up on the F-14 grind because I had less days to get the coupon and I am not much of an air player anyway; but I am confident I can get HMS Barham’s coupon.

The prototype exists and functions as do it’s components.
What exactly do you think ‘prototype’ means xd?

I’m aware of that, it’s more it hasn’t been tested or used on another vehcile excluding those crazy MTL-Bs

You are late to this but the discussion was why do we only have some prototype/test bed vehicles. And omit ignore others

Early 1916.


But the 1916 doesn’t have 4 inch aa guns… those are from the 1922 refit

My mistake, the 1924 refit had the 4 inchers, so it’s still wrong. It should have 2x3inch guns

Ah yes, go back to 2x 3inch

I mean he’s saying it’s the 1916 but it clearly isn’t since the 1924 refit had those guns

any other dev blog today?thanks

teaser prob today

Wasn’t the Barharm equipped for recon aircraft only in 1918 with all the other QE ?

yeah pretty sure - gaijin once again making a fantasy refit

You think?

Just to double check. Gaijin is aware that the Royal navy operated battleships / batrlecrusiers after WW1 right?

HMS Orion
HMS Queen Mary
And now
HMS Barham



wait no - wasn’t the scout plane refit from the 1930’s refit?

oh wait nvm it was 1918

i’m afraid no teaer this week ,the news is form a chinese community