Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

dont really know. Sad really that gaijin isn’t trying to create more gamemodes

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I have 6 nations at 11.7 ground and I’m not done yet, but believe what you want mr below average british main.

Cough cough Air RB EC cough


I would give anything for air rb ec back man…


Heck just make it a weekend thing like naval EC


You have the m1128 as your best vehicle, anyone that has that as their top vehicle doesn’t get to say anything. not a single vehicle on the first page that can be considered below good. meta chaser

The M1128 isn’t even that good lol. If I was a meta chaser I wouldn’t have a couple hundred games in the Merkavas, which are generally some of the worst top tier MBTs, even worse than the Challenger 2s.

Again someone who does as poorly as you in the majority of their tanks doesn’t have a lot of weight to their opinions.

Tbh AIM-9X Block 1 wouldnt be that advanced if introduced rn (ignoring IRCCM)

excuse me for stock grinding everything without premium.
And m1128 is damn good, fast with troll armour and a very powerful FS-APDS

Historical matchmaking be like: yeah that French F-8 Crusader? Yeah that one that doesn’t have flares? Guess what.

Have fun fighting MiG-29s and MiG-23MLDs

There are other less extreme examples of this of course but uh… yeah historical matchmaking is gets really really unfun as an idea the more you look into what aircrafts existed in service at a given time.


Yesterday i saw a post here of WT calender for streaming, showing that today will be stream…where do you find that calender?

The Italian F-104 is another fun example of a plane that was kept in service long enough to be flying around at the same time as Su-27s and MiG-29s…

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Documents isnt public but thanks

Doesn’t explain tanks like your Challenger DS though. And I doubt that you are still stock after 100 games, but then again with such poor performance I might be wrong.

Average at best for a wheeled vehicles.

Lmao maybe if you can’t aim. I 1-2 shot them the fast majority of the times.

Congrats, you found pretty much the only outstanding feature of the vehicle. It has a long reload, bad depression/elevation and bad reverse as a tradeoff for that.

the schedule is on their twitch page


try it over the link on the website maybe just the link here doesn’t work and you need obviously a google account


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Well, this was posted not too long ago, so I guess Gaijin considers them too advanced.

I personally don’t know the specifications of the 9X, all I know is that it is a major improvement over the 9M.

mfw almost every shot in the turret base or slightly below is a kill

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2S38 is 100% functioning prototype, the chasis i am unsure of but the weapon system is mounted onto a few platforms already. IDK what you mean by ‘system’ as in IRST and thermals or what?

I think the main things are thrust vectoring and IIR, but it’ll be (slightly) worse than IRIS-T, as i believe AIM-9X was chosen over other options because the US had thousands of available AIM-9 fuselages available that they wanted to use? I could be wrong though.

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