Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

You know you can just pen it right back? It’s a sherman, don’t tell me your aim is that bad?

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Historical matches as an option, like you can opt-in for night battles would be great. Prototypes included of course

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in the specific situation of a very long range shot where the tiger doesn’t have the penetration to get through the mantlet, the M-51 has the advantage.

War thunder is not just 2 tanks in a 1v1, stationary at 3km distance from each other on open ground.

that would require a serious rewireing of the Spaghettis

permanent World war mode is what you’re looking for

that would honestly be a welcome change tbh

You just broke your whole historical matches by adding that prototypes part. Historical is historical, not semi historical or whatever.

Most importantly tho historical matches would always be one sided and never actually historical due to some platforms being clearly better than others. Full team of Tiger II (instead of mix of Pz.4, Pz.3, etc) VS full team of M26 (instead of mix of M4, M5 and M24 etc) for example


There are many tanks aswell that were build for use against infantry e.g. petard, pz4 f1, M4 105. These would be impossible to play due to much higher br


why not? other than the possibility of the US not having the best missile for a little while


ASRAAMs, just like AIM-9Xs are still way too advanced

I completely agree with this part. If it’s historical prototypes shouldn’t be included, no matter how much German mains would cope about “muh maus”.

If a limited amount of prototypes were actually send to the front, like some of the long barrel pershings, I would personally consider it somewhat fine.

9X wont be too advanced when hornet is added. as soon as in service American stuff appears in the game for aviation I think its more than fair for recently out of service aircraft to get their final armaments

Can we get the terrible twins added?
Hr.Ms Flores and Hr.Ms Soemba! 🚢🚢

Yes please.

first devblog in 8 min?

I just know you’re an America main, because a major chunk of all other trees in WT use prototypes and stopgap tanks to fill gaps

Id rather they wait till the time for the super hornet and similar capable aircraft comes, then they can add advanced missiles such as the 9x

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will be devblog today?

sure thing lol, infrared imaging seekers are definitely not advanced for the game now (or in a couple months when hornet is added) lol

historical matches are stupid. Sweden wouldn’t be even able to play if we would have historical matches

They could bring back world war mode. That was as close as historical as it gets


dont know. I guess it’s likely

Why was it ever cut?

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