Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Ehh still sceptical, they are fixing the plate.

Butbthe modifiers of it etc are still less then strv122s

I wouldnt put the 122b+ at 1, it feels so squishy lately (i get one shot all the time even on the sides) the 2a7 is vastly better with comparable armor and better round + optics

So many people asking for new things, better weapons, more powerful tanks, aircrafts ships.
Once implemented, the same people complain that the systems are OP, that they have to gets fixed, …

Like people asking to ban the M-51 because its BR 6 and has access to more powerful ammo than the rest of the BR6.

Before asking for things like getting a F-18E Block III, you should thinks on what the result will be by introducing this into the game. AirSB, AirRB will no longer be the same. The maps will still be to small for BVR, the other aircrafts at its BR might suffer. And then what? Asking to change BR?

I would wish that GJ did not mix up WW2 tanks, Jagdtiger and make them face post-war tanks. But BR dictates which ending up being WW2 vs 70th …

The VR bug should get fixed, that would be important!

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The difference between m/95 and DM53 doesn’t matter that much. You will still have to aim for the same weakspots.

So it’s pretty much better armor but worse optics for the Strv 122B+

Guys is the FW190 Dora premium pack hidden on the store page for you as well?


it gets regular HEAT, not FS, and it’s an unstabilised gun on a Sherman platform…

realistically speaking 2a7hu is worse than 2a7v because of taller profile and MG-station HE trapshot

It’s not the jet but the missiles.

Thats a pretty common sense approach right there!

It’s an arms race…Everyone wants their best toy and believes they should dominate the game.
It was the M1, then the T-80U and then the 2A5. And did any of these nations learn?

Has the same firepower as the 8.0 AMX 30

Theres a lot less people that capitalize on that shot opportunity tho, ive only ever seen myself use HE in matches to pop the roof of tanks (except ytubers) so if anything the roof mg is very useful especially against lighter vehicles and ka-50s

The MG isn’t even that vulnerable to HE, because it’s placed far enough back.

The roof armor itself is a bit of a HE trapshot.

Yes. Buts that more powerful than the Tiger I or Panther at the same BR 6.0. This is why people whats it to be changed.

The problem is not the BR, but the WW2 and post-war tank facing eachother. M-51 never saw a Tiger I or even a Tiger II in real life.

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the 2.7 Archer has the same firepower as the 4.7 Firefly, the 3.3 M10 has the same firepower as the 6.3 M4A3E2 (76), and im sure if i had the time i could find plenty more BR gaps between different vehicles using the same gun.


APG-73 can guide 8 AIM 120s that would be the game changer here

Yep and can they pen any armour by having a cold war shell?

the Tiger can easily one-shot the M-51 through the hull, the panther can cripple it at the very least and I’d be surprised if it ever took more than 2 shots

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Its a question about the situation. The HEAT round of the M-51 has 400mm at all ranges

The Maus never saw any tank it all, so technically you also can’t place a tank like that in the ww2 bracket.

As soon as we start doing historical matchmaking tanks should also get their historical numbers (so only a limited amount of panthers/tigers for German teams) and malfunctions.

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