Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Like in arb, you will get a aymbol and Pop up that there is a missle approaching and from where

U just gotta whip sround your niuse quickly enough

Wait, people are still stuck up on the japanese f15 having slightly better ir missles?

I really would like to see Japans most produced bombers of WWII coming to the game!

The G3M variants and the Ki-48 variants.
Also the Ki-64, Ki-77, NAF-1, NAF-2 and more flying boats would be much appreciated. 💅🏻


And CAS!

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The Type 10 is one of the best top tier MBT’s in the game, second only to the 2a7s and the 122s of course

Any examples of ww2 Japanese CAS that you would like to see added?

Ehh, its propably sth like

Leo 2a7
and then maybe the Type 10

The BVM is down there with the abrams man, its just a T-80

And i prefer the Abrams because of survivability and better round and reload

reload over armor

Top 5 is all Strv 122s and 2A7s in any order really. 6th and 7th are the type 10/tkx and M1A2 SEPv1 also in any order really.

BVM is slightly lower.

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What will be the dev today? Is it a plane? Is it a ship? Or pre order? Or a map?

The only times the Abrams has any survivability is when the opposing player can’t aim lol.

But I do agree I prefer my Abrams over my BVM mostly b3cause of my playstyle. BVM is still really good though.


That would put the leos way lower lol

Well yeah if you wanna look at every strv122 and leo 2a7v/hu, seperately.

Its funny how germany is going down to place 4/5 the

Nahh, side-on its decently survivable, and a lot of times people go for the lower plate and get nothing but the driver, at least in my experience. But i’m not saying that the Abrams is particularly survivable, its just that Russian MBT’s are bombs on tracks (and insanely easy to breech)

The BVM is good because of the speed and mobility of course, but the depression and lack of reverse is a much bigger hinderance than people think

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Idk, I’m going from my own experience and I rarely have to shoot a second time against the Abrams.

If I do it’s usually either when I’m blindly through smoke or I just giga whiff.

I honestly think that the SEPv1 and BVM aren’t too far apart, but I personally prefer my SEPv1.

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Teaser today hopefully and stream tomorrow


my thoughts exactly

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I think the 2A7V, especially after the upcoming buffs, is solid second best. Imo top 5 is 1) 122B+ 2) 2A7V 3) 2A7HU 4) 122 PLSS 5) 122A

where-is-dev JK


Did u just put abrams and survivabiility in one sentence? Lmao

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