Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

that’s your interpretation

my Intention was to show that there are Australian vehicles in other trees too

in the case of Britain even in the tech tree

I see now, yes if something is domestically built by Australia or Canada it should go to Britain, if it’s a foreign piece of equipment it should go to the country of origin (US or Germany)

Thats what Gaijin has been doing so far.

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so apparently the US aided in design and offered to produce some but didn’t because they were busy making 20,000 Wildcats

uses a license build P&W engine tho

That puts about as many TT as premium Aussie vehicles I guess so an F-111C really can go either way.

wait what? which sunderland is the Australian version?

Not the place for this argument again but for reference the Australian f111 and G were only ever used by Royal Australian Air Force and were custom order. Being heavily modified even after delivery to Australia.

Not for this thread though.

Smin did say numerous times that Australia isn’t tied to 1 tree. So the 111C in the british tree wouldn’t really suprise me anyway.

The Mk. V version iirc. The gun configuration was custom made by the RAAF.

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that’d be news to me

I’ll check it tho

Which is fine if we didnt have other examples in game in the exact same state.
Mirage 4000 had no orders from the French government they wanted to export it to Saudi to compete with the F-15. Without the orders the aircraft never reached operational status.

Yak 141 Again was never going to be integrated into the Russian federation.
CR3 TD…Say no more

And are Gaijin going to miss out on the opportunity to add iconic test/prototype airframes for the US/Russia?
Su-47, YF-23 and F-15 MTD?

Your points are well made and should be the criteria for adding test/prototype airframes but they arent as Gaijin have proven.

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Been trying to find the listed modifications to compare directly but I’m pretty sure the mk.V is the Aussie modification.


fully functional prototypes / testbeds

ok so eh

the problem everyone had was that the late MK IV were underpowered due to heavy radar syndrome

the Australians then Suggested to upgrade the engines and then both the Australians and the British did that

and that’s the MKV

Screenshot 2024-08-29 at 09.40.57


Yak-141 they didnt have the money for it, they didnt build enough of the cruisers it was deisgned to operate from by definition its an incomplete test bed/protptype.
2S38 not tested, not passed for service (we have no idea if half the advertised systems are functioning)
CR3-TD (incorrect designation but thats Gaijin) Somewhat functioning evaluation vehicle.
HSTVL - High Survivability Test Vehicle (Lightweight)

I havent mentioned Radpz90 for a reason

When dev server?

Next year

Imagine if there is no dev-server next year