Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

No teaser today?

Yeah, pretty sure the game aims to fill the naval lobbies

You never get bots in 6v6/8v8 ground or air matches

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just add higher rank boats for the boats and give the same amount of rewards for killing them as for killing a player

Think so, nothing today :((

Usually thursdays, rarely wednesdays



So nothing for today?

Probably? There might be surprises but not really hopeful, let’s see if there will be two dev or dev&trailer to make up for today

Given its 9pm or so in Russia currently, yeah. or 7pm in the German offices if thats where they post the english devblogs

yeah but on the new plane its supossed to be put at 360 degrees

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A mod already said there won’t be a blog today

Well, that was underwhelming xD

I hope we get a teaser tomorrow (+ dev blog if possible) and stream + server this weekend at least


we still have like 2 hours for the teaser

True! In which case it would be teaser today, and stream-server tomorrow. Even better!

However, my hopes are low, hahah.

My hopes are slowly dying :c

not necessarily but ye in any case its today or tomorrow for the teaser


Still hope for

DIdnt they say on the chinese forums there was on teaser today?

US top-tier GRB is in such a piss poor state right now it’s not even funny. Gaijin adding such useless additions like the a10c and not things like a sepv3 or the humvee with aim120s to address the spaa issue is so annoying.


idk maybe