Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

read further bud

yeah but thats just dumb but what ever

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I mean, we also had two relatively close ground event vehicles which skipped a naval event, so it’s not a hard and fast rule of one of each, cycle repeats

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How is it dumb? The second cycle didn’t follow the schedule because they wanted to cram in a ground vehicle event before the break.
The Alcione would have come before the Churchill AVRE if they followed the schedule, so they are now getting back to the original schedule.

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its still dumb? naval is a dead mode and the churchill AVRE is trash. could have given a better AVRE version atleast

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eh more time for me to chill atleast so dont have to grind some shitty events lol

Well, I don’t make the rules and the naval players deserve their third event before we get into the fourth cycle


Earlier we were talking about real life Dutch F-35’s, but yeah in WT you’d likely be right.

All three of them

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ok theyre gimmicky they dont have to be meta every time

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what naval players. theres none. all of the matches are 50% of bots that give no rewards and you have to search 10 mins for a match

You fucked again the Spoiler

also the naval play style is dog shit anyway

It wouldnt let me post the quote without me adding some useless text

Then just write,
“This is an sentence”

Nah, clicking the cog and then “Hide Details” is quicker and I’m lazy af

The AVRE was added for D-day ani. What we got was the first AVRE model made.

You like lying I see. Or did you miss the number of Naval players complain a few hours ago. Said convo I was apart of.

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if there were naval players this entire lobby would be filled with players instead of fucking bots

I can see 9 other players on that screenshot

I’m dumb, its 11

Edit: Turns out Prokopiy is not a player, just a bot with a name that I haven’t seen before.
So it’s 10 other players, 11 players in total


I still count 11 players there. That is definitely not no one.

Besides at this point I’m 90% the bots are there not because of low players but because it’s how the game mode is designed.