Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

It does get AIM-9M but u forgot about AGM-65G

Bro, just look in the Video, you have literally all angles of it… right at the start

guys,No dev, no trailer.There’s no need to wait today

realistically speaking it should be able to mount six AGM-65G just not on triple mounts

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Among them, the official Chinese media replied that there was no trailer.

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Does it now looks like an Bullpup to you?

That is actually good to read.

The mavericks are the only useful weapon it will have for the BR it will be at. Besides maybe apkws anyway, lgbs are just a waste to take. So not having to leave half the pylons empty is good to read.

All depends if Gaijin decides to “unlock” that wiring for us or if they will just leave it on current balance-dictated capability.

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yeah basically a passive 360 radar, and there was also the thing about possible usage of radar to emit microwave frequencies to counter missiles wich is being actively tested in japan afaik

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tbh the Mavericks are still going to be rather lackluster when launched by something as slow as the A-10

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a dev blog or the event? cuz the next event should be a tank one. or already breaking the new event cycle more again?

According to the schedule the next event is for naval.
Easy: The last cycles naval vehicle swapped places with the new cycles ground vehicle.

Oh yeah I still think the A-10C will be pretty much DOA, mainly because I expect Gaijin to add it at 11.7 or higher for GRB. Where it’s free RP for the Pantsir and entirely useless when the US already has the much better AV-8B+ and F-16C.

But at least mavericks are much better than LGBs on a shitty plane like the A-10.

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we just had an naval event tho? and where is this “schedule”

Since each event will only have one vehicle, today we’re announcing the first three: the first event will have a Tank as the main reward, the event after will have an Aircraft as the main reward, and the event after a Naval Vessel, where events will follow this general cycle throughout the year.



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From what I understand radar coverage of the JF-210 would be closer to 270°, with the passive detection (C) only covering the forward 180°.

As for microwave to counter missiles, that is F-X, and I haven’t seen anything on it being intended for the JF-210 (FS-X).

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Since this is the 9th one, another naval makes it 3-3-3

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Next event vehicle will be naval, Magazine confirmed it earlier