Just looked and no, last update was the 12th of july
Could be :)
Many trailers have dropped an hour or two from now so, still have plenty of time
Nope, most recent update 21/07/2024
Puts endpart of next tank event into October likely, you can sleep in longer than that
btw whats this? its in the F-5 vid
Right, it’s also connected to the radar assembly. What I assume this means is that in addition to active radar targeting throught the main (A) and secondary (B) radar arrays, there would be passive radar trageting trought this receiver (C), that would function as both part of the RWR and radar.
doesnt rly look like a bullpup but idk
Apparently most significant difference would be a thermal pod, HMD, better IR missiles like the 9M, I assume an option to choose between a 2x 65G and 6x 65D and possibly APKWS and LGBs (although these would be extremely useless).
People talk a lot about LGBs for the 10C, but I don’t understand why, it’ll be such a high BR that it’s LGBs will be useless.
Laser guided tomfoolery
i guess no news today
It does get AIM-9M but u forgot about AGM-65G
Bro, just look in the Video, you have literally all angles of it… right at the start
guys,No dev, no trailer.There’s no need to wait today
realistically speaking it should be able to mount six AGM-65G just not on triple mounts
That is actually good to read.
The mavericks are the only useful weapon it will have for the BR it will be at. Besides maybe apkws anyway, lgbs are just a waste to take. So not having to leave half the pylons empty is good to read.