Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)


Another event battleship for germany?

50/50 is really high, anyways I am new to war thunder forums, so could be true

No blog today huh?

Well see you all tomorrow.


could be next week, could be in 5h

That’s why I think it will be a Japanese ship. Or it could be French. Idk if they had one yet

actin like we are closed in the evening


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It’s either going to happen or not lol.

But for real, I think it’s either today or tomorrow.

Welcome btw.

damn a naval event vehicle? thanks for letting us know we are gonna get a nice vacation from playing the game

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Guys, maybe the event boat is Warspite

Well, that’s how schedules are supposed to work lol

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The leak list says it is :)

Isn’t it supposed to be one of the QE class which would be the UK’s best class of Battleship and first coming as an event (i’m not salty… I’m just triggered).


u all act like gzabi doesnt have the event vehicle leaked in his list yet


imma be real they could reveal the new naval vehicle is an Imperial 2 Star Destroyer and I’d still respond with “but it’s Naval…”

I mean it is a “spaceship”, still a ship in space

I’d hate that. Luckily Smin said she wouldn’t be. I need the War Corgi as TT.

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well it’s called the Imperial Navy so, still applies.

Haha yes xd

I like naval history and the idea of naval combat, I just wish the gamemode was good.

Naval EC has potential but I won’t hold my breath, EC modes in general don’t get enough attention

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