Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

oooooo I’m interested now

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Knew it!

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Ahhh, yea I was wondering about the Russian Empire thing but just passed it off as a jab at it.

pasted image 0

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So QE class it is then

Since its Naval my vote will be on a Japanese Battleship. Since the start of the new event cycle we didn’t have a vehicle yet and since Japan only ever gets ships it’s now time

It’s this one guys, trust



then what

My bet is on ocober revolution in the files. Japan does not have many BBs to choose from

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A bag full of nothing

So, are there any chances of teaser today?

they won’t tell

Perhaps SMS Schleswig-Holstein?
It would explain the ‘Deutschland’ on Gszabi’s spreadsheet as that’s the class name, and it would line up with an event around September 1st being the shelling of the Westerplatte, one of the first actions of the Invasion of Poland.


the bag is filled with empty dreams and disappointed if we don’t even get a teaser now


Another event battleship for germany?

50/50 is really high, anyways I am new to war thunder forums, so could be true

No blog today huh?

Well see you all tomorrow.


could be next week, could be in 5h

That’s why I think it will be a Japanese ship. Or it could be French. Idk if they had one yet