Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

So gaijin put his models already in the files despite not being finished?

It 's the honeycomb pod for the laser guided rockets:
( War-Thunder-Datamine/aces.vromfs.bin_u/gamedata/weapons/rocketguns/cn_fire_snake_90a_brm1.blkx at master · gszabi99/War-Thunder-Datamine · GitHub )

Here 's the He 111 H-16 depth charge loadout, :
( War-Thunder-Datamine/aces.vromfs.bin_u/gamedata/flightmodels/weaponpresets/he-111h-16_winter_250kg_depth.blkx at master · gszabi99/War-Thunder-Datamine · GitHub )

" SC250 Trialen Wasserbombe " used in this loadout does not currently exist, but it does explain the addition of the " Trialen 106 " -type explosive that was added in the first devserver version.

The JF-17 LD-10 loadout, currently empty:
( War-Thunder-Datamine/aces.vromfs.bin_u/gamedata/flightmodels/weaponpresets/jf_17_ld10_x2.blkx at master · gszabi99/War-Thunder-Datamine · GitHub )

The new british anti-submarine bomb:
( War-Thunder-Datamine/aces.vromfs.bin_u/gamedata/weapons/bombguns/uk_500lb_as_mk4.blkx at master · gszabi99/War-Thunder-Datamine · GitHub )

WT Mobile 's new Pr.58 missile cruiser has some code showing how the CIWS guns are being intentionally hidden:

I’m going to go back through the other modern ships, see if they’ve also got this code.

EDIT: JDS Takatsuki has it too, which explains where the ASROC and Phalanx went:


I never said they’re in the files?
I put them on the list because other vehicles, like F-8A or half the JPN planes from ArtStation were put on the list by the same principle.


Looking forward to both France and Germany having Sea Hawks with access to AIM-9Bs at the same BR as the regular British Sea Hawk


Thanks for the clarification. I didn’t know that there were planes from other creators aswell.

Seems like most wont make it to warthunder considering the old dates

Sea Hawk Mk.50(NLD)


Swiss Hunter please ?

Sea Hawk with afterburner lol

If only…

The Goliath event was so fun. The stationary at guns as well. But the Goliath could just be added to some tanks or SDKFZ’s. I love these weird and wacky meme vehicles.

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Stationary guns and deployable (mobile) mines could become a reality, if they don’t just immediately abandon the object construction mechanic

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It 's not CDK-readable atm, like the FR-1 Fireball. Ask Gszabi for an SS showing how it appears in the datamine tool
like this.

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Hopefully this as well soon.

yeah. Would be cool and a different weapon. A tank like the engineering panther with a 20mm gun and goliaths would be cool


Also please note that, like the datamined and “normal” leaked items, I use or try to use first datamined / leaked, or in this case mentioned, dates. Not completion dates.


This will be very similar to the german premium sea hawk. It should have aim9bs aswell and probably the loadout is similar too

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Ooooh yeah, I saw some pics of that Panther recently, that could really be a nice specialized vehicle to have, if they go deeper with the construction stuff


Hopefully this one gets to be in the researchable techtree line.

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I just want to see PL-12’s on the JH-7A.

I wish we had more engineering vehicles anyway. They could dig trenches help teammates that are stuck with cranes and winches. And maybe build defenses or something. And of course spawn Goliath’s or other relatable vehicles. This would diversifie gameplay.