Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

yea so am i

like this is actually suffering, even against bots

never before have I thought of the Soviet subchaser and the Japanese reserve boat as dangerous, but now they are

new belts did nothing btw, the AP belts are slightly better but still horrible

I would assume so

With only 2 slow ass torpedos as usable armement, i don’t see how gaijin hopes that anyone will try to grind the tree


as of now, only the AV-8Bs (all variants) get JDAM on dev

question, is there a reason that the NL cv90 gets IrLock and the DK or FIN dont?

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It can go much higher, not implemented sadly


now you can preview user skins and camouflages for vehicles you don’t own, this is very nice!


No any boxer…

No amagi either

so, to wrap french coastal in its current state up

the VLT2 is its best boat and by quite a lot

the Combattant thing could be neat nieche boat but idk

still gonna play it just because its small and there will be some funny additions at some point in the future

Interesting. Of course I read the disclaimer so I’ll just wait and see, but the A-10C is probably the plane that needs JDAMs the most to survive at it’s current BR.

Spooks is probably stuck knee deep in dev server now

I love how one of the very few boats is just a copy paste XD

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They also said in the dev stream that numerous other aircraft will get jdams like the f-16c , f-15c, gripen, and f-16 am

9M are the deciding part for this thing imo

cant really let those missiles get any lower


yea, the first 3 boats are the same in armarment and playstyle

then we have a brit, which looks fine and a worse version of VLT2 as its missing the 2 Oerlikons

general the best armarment seems to be 2 Bofors and thats… not even mid… thats actually bad

like the reserve and by extention the entire first rank actually has a problem with damaging the other reserves

this is quite an accomplishment


that’s rather disappointing



It almost feels like the air and ground BRs are the wrong way around. 11.3 air seems incredibly low for 4x AIM-9M and HMD while 12.0 ground seems incredibly high for a shitty platform like the A-10 with the current weapons.

The AV-8B(NA) has similar armaments, although a slightly in lower quantity, but a far better platform at 11.3 in GRB.

Tiran-6 is giving me ‘T-62 with modules added via picatinny’ vibes … Tacticool T-62 if you may …

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