General Japanese & Thai Ground Forces Discussion HQ

IRL it is manned turret, ICV turret is unmanned

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the sad thing is it is a squad vehicle, and that means pay or grind for a mounth and more. and in this update jf17 is much attractive if i want pay to unlock, that’s sad.

but in other way, it just a weak hull with weak gun… they not give her fuse ammo to anti air, normal apfsds not verry good at AA, so maybe just waitting the without (P) version …

hope the next next patch we can have tai-line or other new highend tech vhicle for morden games




I knew it, and pretty much everything I guessed was true, including the 20mm front plate and no spall liners

Good news. Extra interior armor likes KF41


The good news is that the M41 is now available in HD


Looks good

Kinda sad that it cannot go higher…

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It’s supposed to extend by about 5m (so the sight would be about 8m off the ground), which was even acknowledged in the RU stream but said to be reduced on purpose.

This is a decision that’s just weird to me, it’s the main selling point of a vehicle I’m sure many people would think of actually paying for (me included) if the pole extended all the way.

That, and fixes to armor and gun handling that I’m sure are being done anyways, since those aspects seem very work in progress.

And the missing proxy fuse and airburst ammo would be nice to see as well. A dual purpose vehicle like this would be really helpful and something I’m sure many people would be willing to pay for to get sooner.

(Gaijin seriously, if you fix it you make money)

yeah the pole definitely a feature that should be working as intended and not nerf’d for some reason.
it’s like the JA37 plane that cannot use the reverse thrust because the airfield is longer that of the sweden airfield, so there’s no need to model that.


Since we now have the CTWV, it would be the perfect time to join our squadron, if anyone is interested. Our squadron heavily focuses on Japanese and other Asian military equipment. We have an affiliated and very active Discord as well!

Some community members are a part of this squadron, such as @MAUSWAFFE and @WreckingAres283.


I’ll join, I was removed from my last one out of the blue lmao Just found out yesterday

EDIT: Sent request

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Would you like to be invited to the Discord too?

yes plz lol



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sent request

Why isnt anyone mad that were getting one vehicle… the RCV (P), and its a squadron vehicle? Seriously Gaijin?


We are pretty pissed in the Discord especially me since I haven’t even gotten close to finishing the F-5E FCU and now another SQR vic is being shoved down our throats. However according to MGB’s words, it seems like Japan is potentially getting a Thai F-16A and F-16AM. He said this both on stream and in these messages so it wasn’t a fluke or mistaking Japan for France’s AM. He specifically says JP F-16A/AM and not AJ/AM, so it seems like two new airframes.


I am also very angry, but I think complaining in fourm won’t change anything, at least gaijin is telling me to stay away from this game hahaha

Probably because most of my guesses proved to be true, gaijin won’t always prefer one TT (except for Sweden).


Im not since i already gotten it lol

Hopefully… I caught this myself but thought that I was dumb & deaf, and didnt catch what he said exactly

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Damn, just as I was looking for a new squadron with more activity for faster squadron vic grind. I’ll apply later ig


So does that mean a proper sub tree or more… theyll dribble thai stuff like india…