Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Is the CV9035NL a sign of the Benelux getting fully added to the French ground TT? Or is this a one off, like the Thai F-5

Did the hstvl really get proxy rounds? Cant access dev server or a pc right now

I imagine BeNeLux ground will be added piecemeal rather than getting a full line like the Air tree

holy moly…


I wanna point out that The JF17 fires the gun right from the location where F18 has the gun.

But guuuuuuys. F18 was never planned to come :clueless:


HELL YEAH! Gonna first spawn a hstvl now whenever ussr is on the enemy team lmao


only problem is that you can’t equip them for now on the dev server.

spookson is crying


the french boats look honestly unplayable

at least on the first rank, you have 4 with only one twin MG as its armarment


spook video posting the hstvl is still inaccurate soon:tm:

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Nice! Unfortunately, APFSDS is still underperforming ;/ (still far from the historically reported 105mm M774-like performance)


You’re mainly fighting bots to begin with but they definitely need some real hard hitters at low br.

Hopefully this is a sign Gaijin is paying attention to the HSTV-L and looking in to fixing it, fingers crossed.


Yeah, I’ve done a lot of researching into that and I can pretty much conclude it won’t change until Gaijin realizes their current numbers/estimates are just not correct. No concrete numbers on the dart dimensions, so that’s it really. Unless they do change it this update, or else I fear it will just forever stay like this.

Also no auto tracker still, but oh well not the end of the world :/

Yeah, I had to do a double take when I could fire the gun with my gear down lmao.

eh close enough, just change pt-76 to hstvl… boom


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Now Namer weighs 64.4 tons, while Merkava Mk.4s weigh 65 tons, lmfao

And in both cases, hull KE is still 350mm KE and turret is still on the 450-500mm KE range.


Of course, no Abrams, Challenger or Leclerc fixes either, not a single one. Type 10’s mobility is still broken as well.

…and people say “too much focus is put into Top Tier”… meanwhile countless issues remain unaddressed for years.


the MG does a bunch of Non pens and riccochets on UNARMORED boats

literally cannot damage enemyboats by gun

nerf to m163 incoming for trying buff American tech tree…

Then yes it should be addressed and dealt with even if its not historical imo or, better boats should be chosen.