CV 90 MK.IV data and discussion

Not really, if i hadn’t pushed the bug reports on for reddit to see i doubt we would’ve seen nearly as big of a group like we did with the armor and such. You overestimate how many people actually followup with swedish bug reports compared to most nations. This is one reason we need a discord or something set up. Most nations especially Germany have a dedicated discord for this which helps keep info up to date.

Again as it stands rn we are so split, look at some of the newer bug reports that have been up thanks to titan and they have like 4 people who have marked them. Again we lack numbers which is why things take so long, ask the Isreali players and they suffer the same problem.

This is actually a great idea. I’ll look into perhaps creating one, is @ChefViken interested in helping with something like that?

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Hm, i could help out, but i dont know how much time i can spend moderating since i am both a student and have a job at the same time. But i would be up for trying and i do believe it could be a good idea for effective communication and sharing of information.

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I’m not super familiar with discords inner workings but I’d love to help where I can, I am obviously biased with regards to the cv90 family but whatever onces stance is on them, no one can deny the fact that they need work and as such.

I may not be of great help, but I am devoted to the cv90 and ready to assist where I can.

Im in quite a few of the servers, some of us on our danish squadron server keep up to date with aircraft though not many of us there, like 15 people. More just a old squadron thing. Still we have sections for current bug reports and we keep the lists up to date, considering there isn’t a huge influx of Danish vehicles its mainly other vehicles we each enjoy. Way more organized, though it is Danish only. Perhaps setting the discord for primarily english would help? I figure most people who use the forums here at least speak a bit of english or use translators.

Bug-Report list was mentioned?
As an DC with the biggest Bug-Report lists (atleast I havent seen any other…)

List Size


Once such an list is set up its eazy work ))))

DC Version

Example Eurofighter

Forum Version:

Keeping such an list Up do date on DC is eazy work, while Forum can be pain in the ass

If you need help/tips/whatever for such an list just hit me )


Im down for a discord too. Also found this on the new article on the cv90s from the wiki (Lvkv 9040C and Strf 9040 BILL: The ugly ducklings of the CV90 family | War Thunder Wiki)
It says at the “Weapons and Equipment” part that the IRST of the Lvkv90 is using UTAAS moght hep us but idk because as far as i know the wiki is independent from gaijin?

The Wiki is maintained by Volunteers that “work” for Gaijin, they are the ones who determine what is or isn’t selected to be published on the Wiki. The content itself is written by regular players.

We know the IRST is a separate module that can be integrated into the UTAAS sight as it is very much a modular sight. Only the LVKV/TD has been proven to have the IRST module installed.

The tracking the UTAAS does IRL is based on laser distance, turret rotation speed and trigonometry calculations. So a TLDR is that the gunner laser distance twice and the FCS then just continues that movement assuming the target doesn’t change direction. If the target turns or changes height/speed then the gunner is going to have to laser again to get a new measurement. So it doesn’t really “track a target” as much as measure a change in position and continuously adjust for that same change in position.

I mean if gaijin decides what gets published on the wiki that means that they acknowledge the system as being ingame therefore they have no reason not to add it tl the other ones?

So basically…
Frantically spams range finder keybind
and then the gun just calculates based on the previous inputs?
(incredibly oversimplified but i’m tired so eh)

That’s not really how it works. They just look at structure and main talking points, not if the actual information is 100% accurate or not.

Also, just because one version has something does not mean that the others does aswell (Like the CV9040C, it has extra armour modules but that doesn’t automatically mean that all other CV90 versions automatically have them aswell).

The UTAAS isn’t one component that is identical for every use case, it’s modular and consist of several sub-systems that the buyer can add/remove depending on their specific needs/budget. Like the video tracking module.

From my understanding it can be used in “continuous” mode, meaning the gunner or commander can keep lasing the target but in reality that comes with other negative effects, e.g., possible giving away your position


I think some version have that but perhaps not all (not sure). I have however seen that as well, a continuous lase mode that lases x times per second as long as that mode is activated.

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interesting… very interesting…
Fair enough.

Have anyone tried putting decorations on the Mk.IV ? There is 5 odd square shaped blockers all over the front of the vehicle. rotated in all different directions making no sense whatsoever and not corresponding to any armor or structural, structure.

I will look further into this to see if my presumption is right, it is not my intention to distribute any wrongful statements or illegitimate facts :) I interpreted it as such from a book i bought so i will look for more sources regarding this, otherwise i wouldnt see it as hard facts yet but again i wouldnt say its going to have any impact on the game, more for “fun facts”.

But if you have a laser and can lase with “pulse” or one time only i would also make an assumption that it should be able to continuously lase :)

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So I now got the CV90 Mk.IV and I have to say the spikes really let it down, they sometimes just don’t lock at all and when they lock and hit they are very inconsistent, it’s also interesting that they have a performance difference between test drive and real games.

The missing frontal Stanag Level 6 protection also doesn’t help the vehicle much.

It feels like the tracks have no grip at all, the entire thing is just drifting around when turning or even when stopping.

One good part is the optics and the mobility is not half bad.

I have bushes on mine and did not notice it when placing them so they might have come after?

I just tried last night and there were 2 in ufp and 3 on the hood.

Congrats, our dear snail very loves it.

  • CV90 MkIV (E30):
    • commander view zoom: 1.5x / 24x → 2.48x / 9.96x
    • three new armour holes were created:
      • small holes at the junctions of the UFP and lower side armour
      • larger holes at the upper corners of the hull rear
      • gaping hole so large your mum could fit through on the hull rear roof