CV 90 MK.IV data and discussion

Some interesting information:

Starting with the 9040
Armor: After 2000 (2002-) the CV9040B was upgraded with a new protection package namely “AMAP” (short for Advanced Modular Armour Package). Developed by the German company IBD Deisenroth Engineering and included a passive add -on armour for both turret and hull, mine protection belly plate and a spall liner. These sources dont mention any spall liners or any sort of information about the Mk IV, likely due to the age. Also it does not seem to be spall liners on the A-B1 models in the early stages. However, the books dont take into consideration later upgrades made to the B models still in use which have gone through MLUs.

Other fun facts about the 40mm


  • The camera on the left side of the gunbarrel is a CCD video camera system which was added to FCS.
  • The UTAAS sight can be traversed left to right 18°.
  • The LIRC was incorporated during the upgrade to “C” manufactured by FLIR systems.
  • As stated before the UTAAS sight works as inertial tracking is explained, the gunner puts the sight/origo onto the target and the FCS/ballistic computer will aim the gun barrel automaticly after lasing have been conducted. The gunner can lase manually (pulsed) or continous mode. (Nd-YAG laser). However, targets can be tracked and are highlighted on the monitor/display to make it easier for the gunner to aim and spot things on the display.
  • The commander have a monitor that is connected to the gunner sight system, the commander can fire the main gun without the designated gunner. It is also connected with the gunners IRV-system.
  • Also stated in all three books the spall liner is part of the add-on armour packages, and appears to also be part of the other packages implemented for the Finns, Norwegians, Denmark, Dutch etc. which i will also mention later in the post.
  • The general construction of the vehicle regardless of model have reduced IR signature by incorporating double walls around the engine room and exhaust system. In this middle area cold air is pumped through giving it a thermal imaging temperature very close to the outside surrounding area.

The 9030FIN & 9035DK
30mm FIN

  • The hull and turret are fitted with the MEXAS passive add-on armour also developed by IBD Deisenroth Engineering.
  • The commander sight, apart from having access to the gunner sight, is also named as TJ71H.

35mm DK

  • Both the Danes and Dutch utilize ABM/KETF ammunition.
  • The hull and turret of the 9035DK are fitted with the MEXAS passive add-on armour also developed by IBD Deisenroth Engineering.
  • The Danish 35mm offers armour equal to protection level 5 (NATO STANAG 4569) meaning it withstands hits by 25mm APDS, APDS-T, APFSDS and in some cases 30mm ammunition.
  • For clarification: The camera seen to the right of the gun barrel is the gun barrel camera.

I havent gone through everything yet but any more valuable info i find i will post, any specific questions you can write here or message me. I would also like to point out that my sources dont include information about later upgrades such as MLUs conducted after 2010. So all these are from the start of the manufacturing up until 2010.

So with the recent information acquired i will start bug reports on the following:

  1. Thermal signature
  2. Commander gun feature (missing on some of the 9040 models i believe)
  3. UTAAS sight traversing 18°

Other than these i think we have the most important ones already reported.


To further clarify for those who dont know: The camera that you can sometimes see on top of the vehicles are usually part of a BT system. For instance the Laserschuss Simulator Schutzenpanzer 2000 (LASSIM Spz 2000) duel simulation system or the BT 46 duel simulation system by SAAB. The corresponding reflectors are usually visible where the LWRs are typicly placed by the side of the turrets.




I have no proof of it, but seems like that part is about this prototype of the Strf 9040C.

They are refereing to what the C models have today. (Or back between 2002-2010, the books came out 2010)



New cv90 120MKIV (concept)

Where did you get those images? :)

From IDEB 2024

I found some footage of inside the turret of a MKIV that may be helpful for the spall liner report although its not a “OFFICIAL” source.

If the variant can be confirmed and the liner be easily pointed out then i think any video is likely to help the case :)

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Looks like the MK.IV at first glance but i cant really definitively see a liner in there. Mostly because they are filming areas that might not have a liner if the layout is the same as the older versions:
cv9040c spall liner – Kopi

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do you think these are cameras or a LWS?

I honestly don’t know. I haven’t looked into the new D-version turret enough.

Here the Director for the CV90 project in BAE talks some about it:

The LWS would likely look more like this:
( (the weird prism looking thing at the top, though this specific version show later in the video is the MK.III)

definitely cameras from looking at the video.

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What the hell is that (double barreled?) coax cannon?

I think its part of the Demonstrator/prototype Mk.IV with the E turret so i believe it would be eligible since the one we have in the game would be the same prototype.


I will be working on the other bug reports later this week so if someone else could make one for the spall liner that would be nice.

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they are 50. caliber so nothing to crazy still interesting tho but it does have Spikes on it which on not shown.

I don’t know much about spall liners but I thought it might be useful for someone who does.


Look at the model of that absolute beauty 😍
That is what we deserve in the Swedish TT.
Bloody gorgeous.

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