Cursed state of GRB

CAS is not needed to deal with positions on maps.

If one wants to shoot at You, You always can shoot back at him.

Adding a mode just for tanks would actually solve the issue of CAS in mixed mode as all palyers playing the mixed mode would be focused on combined aspect of it. Anyone wanting to play ‘just tanks’ would have a place for it.

Meaning everyone playing mixed mode would play it with mixed line-up.

No battle rating adjustments are needed.

T95 can be destroyed by tanks from much smaller B.R. than it is frontally. Not to mention other weakspots.

Devs changed their opinion many times and will change as they want. There is no issue in changing the game to suit what players really want.

If that is the case, then all modes that are not combined should cease to exist.

If You want to discuss anything more, bring examples and evidence so we can actually have a proper discussion.


In theory, this is true. But in practice, assuming both the person camping and the person trying to push the camper out of his hole are of equal skill, it usually would require multiple people from the other team to dislodge one camper, depriving another sector of map of needed treads on the ground to say, prevent someone from hard flanking.

CAS, for all its hate, is the most efficient means of removing someone from a troublesome spot, requiring only one player with one decent-size bomb. If your mode was ever implemented at all, I strongly believe it would require overkill-buffing artillery support so that, rather than threat of CAS, makes people move.

Now can an experienced user like you or I manage to kill a less-skilled player camping in a troublesome spot without assistance? Yes - but we have years more experience than the average person rolling around.

You aren’t seeing my point here. If every user in the Combined mode only queues there with intent to spam CAS, it would likely push existing irritations with how CAS unfortunately works to boiling-over levels, causing yet another frustrated uproar and then some overreaction, heavy-handed, and half-baked weapon nerf instead of actually solving the serious problems with how CAS is implemented.

Surely you should know by now that forcing snail’s hand is not wise most of the time. Unless the upper management completely turned over after the Steam Review Bombing Revolt, I would not think it wise to intentionally force a confrontation.

Especially when copying Naval’s idea of making everyone have a mixed lineup by default would be easier with ten times less headache.

For an experienced user like yourself or myself, yes. We know where to shoot them to cripple or outright kill them. We know to build appropriate lineups instead of blindly rushing down tech trees. We know to not spawn a Jumbo Sherman in a full uptier with an expectation to do well.

The average player does not. They would non-pen, get annihilated, and be that much more prone to ranting here about “[insert heavy tank] is frontally indestructible, what am I supposed to do?!” You or I would merely shrug at dying and then go spawn either a HEAT dispenser or an artillery piece and delete the guy, but the average player is impatient and frequently does not bother building proper lineups before jumping ranks.

Oh they indeed could, but there would be an unavoidably large amount of backlash from people rightfully wondering “what changed?”

This is difficult to navigate, though on its own a well-worded dev blog akin to how World War Mode was first introduced to the live server could help address the concerns. But it depends strongly on the word choice involved - leaning too much on “our statistics show” type language could only tick off everyone else not in favor of such modes that much more.

Frankly, I think the whole game should begin transitioning towards this anyways. Use Naval EC as a base. Allow player ships of Frigate size or larger to capture enemy harbors, after which they can spawn landing boats. Landing boats which reach the beach successfully create player tank spawn points. After capturing a harbor town beachhead, then various caps in the town open up that need to be controlled to fully take over the town. Then more objectives spawn further inland, eventually leading to capturing enemy runways with player tanks. Supply vehicle AI convoys would function as mobile spawn points to push inland with.

Planes would be duking it out overhead, softening up harbor defenses before naval bombardment begins, helping dislodge troublesome tanks in harbor towns or on inland objectives, and so forth.

It is true in practice.

Air allows player to not get better in the game.

It doesn’t. People will actually need to get better instead of getting an easy way of just using the air.

It really doesn’t as people playing that mode would play with that in mind. There would be no people wanting to just play tanks, meaning that if CAS spam appears then there will be fast reaction to it because all people playing the mode are playing it for being combined. Not because that is the only place where they can use tanks.

It doesn’t as teams still consist of people wanting to just play tanks.

So people would need to learn the game instead of getting an easy way with the air? That is good and would allow for more healthy playerbase.

It would work only if there was no more different modes or when all units have the seperate mode.

With TO in place, we could change combined mode into something much better.


Russia and Germany on the same team, what a joke.

And I am proud of it.

I read a book titled “Kamikaze” as far back as Elementary School, painted an Imperial Japanese Rising Sun flag onto the schoolyard with crayons and dreamt of a heroic Death on wings of steel.

This argument was used for years hoping and praying that average players would “git gud using SPAAG,” and guess what, that never happened.

Or for “Tiger Syndrome” or “Jumbo Mania” to gradually work themselves out of the system.

Hoping players “get better” is little more than wishful thinking, and we both know this by now with all our years playing.

Adding your mode does not help make CAS any more of a healthy player in the mode instead of an abusive one. It only concentrates it further hoping to force the dev team’s hand.

TO mode does nothing to make the kill camera less obnoxious. TO mode does not deal with planes spawning in midair at high speed. TO mode does not give both tanks and planes any new objectives to get diehard fans of both off each other’s throats. TO mode does not address the inherent imbalance of the spawn point system for using CAS. TO mode does not make SPAAGs any more user-friendly.

TO mode will only serve to enable already experienced players with years of map knowledge to sit in abusable spots that much more, with many less options available to dislodge them.

And frankly the game shouldn’t allow this to begin with. It needs to full-commit to Combined Arms like the dev team proclaims is the game’s focus.

Note: addressing what is actually wrong with CAS does not actually remove potential for your mode. But it does remove the half-baked rage posts screaming for it which never think seriously about the implications of such a mode. Neither you nor I know how popular the idea truly is without a bunch of rage and salt from being revenge bombed one too many times fueling it.

At best I could see it as a small bonus implemented only after the actual wrongs with how CAS works are properly dealt with. A bonus, not a need.

Hell, most of the complaints about CAS really are just revenge bombing or about the intentionally unbalanced top tier debacle of whether the ATGM/Glide Bomb or the SAM has the longer range.

Because most of SPAAs are not effective against the air they are facing. I have pointed that out multiple times.

Especially when we compare it to the air.

Not to mention the difference between asking player to use different vechicle and saying that he should get better in one he is playing.

The situation changes as all people playing the mode are focused on combined aspect of it.

For the sake of argument, let us say that 50% of players want to play just tanks and 50% of players want to play combined in current GF RBs mode. So the matchmaker can make a situation when in one team 10 out of 16 players will use just tanks while in the other the situation is different. Because of it, the abuse/frustartion happens and no argument of ‘just use X’ will change it. With all ‘pure tankers’ out of current GF RBs mode, You would have 16 vs 16 full combined players.

With our without kill camera, if someone wants to do revange kill, he will do it.

Forcing all air units to start from the airport will only make the inevitable happen a couple of seconds later, not remove the problem. Not to mention the airfield campers problem occuring.

New objectives are totally different topic, as I have said, with TO here we could change combined mode into something better.

What imbalance of spawn point system?

Again, no matter what You change with SPAA, if people want just to use tanks, then the situation won’t change for them.

I will ignore the rant about ‘experienced players’ as it is nothing more than just rant.

The game allows for many things and we all know that there is no option to force people to do something.

It doesn’t change anything as a problem for people wanting to play just tanks remains.

All the issues of air are because of different people put in a game at random. Either we get a mode for pure tankers so people playing current GF RBs mode are focused on combined aspect or we get skill-based matchmaker.

There is no other real solution as no matter how You nerf the air or buff the SPAA, for people who just want to play tanks things remain the same. As soon as You understand that people who just want to play tanks won’t change or go away, You will realize that the best solution for improving current gamemode is to first introduce a place for pure tankers.


Holy shi*…

Except you are not going to convince me that the lack of a game mode for pure tankers is a problem in the first place.

The problem you claim to be so much an issue is entirely the fault of said pure tankers not wanting to adapt to the rules of the game.

And making every user’s lineup mixed by default whether they queue with their own planes or not technically doesn’t force them to use anything.

It removes their excuse to complain if they die to something they are choosing not to counter or even learn how to counter. It makes their stubbornness solely on them, not the game.

Indeed, revenge killing can never be fully eradicated, but it can be greatly reduced in regularity to stop the flood of rant threads here and elsewhere. That is the intent of removing the kill camera and forced runway start for planes in Realistic.

If any weapon or machine is locked behind a SP wall early game, it does not matter what gets buffed or nerfed - one team will always get the coveted weapon/machine before the other, who then complains about being on the receiving end of that coveted weapon/machine. So many people talk about just raising SP costs on CAS like that will magically solve things, when it only will delay the problem and solve nothing at all.

An SPAAG is a type of specialized tank, which can kill tanks in a pinch but whose main job is to shoot down or at least deter planes.

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im a cas lover, im here for the mixed battles, “whining” about cas isnt whining, its objectively too strong and too easy to get into.


More simple
Get a fighter
Spawn light tanks
get point fast as possible
J out
Spawn fighter and air spawn camp the fkers
If Grippen have SL multipliers like premium i’ll be billionaires by now
Yep that how to play “GRB these days”

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It’s rather strange that why no one stops them from adding a naval mode, it looks unpopular enough not to waste so much time and resources on it when they should have been focus on improving the “more popular” game mode, so it boils down to whether it has planes in it or not, doesn’t matter how unpopular it deems to be, as long as you can fly your plane in there, then it’s acceptable.

No not at all. It is very good as it is. If you cannot overcome your morals, maybe find a similar Singleplayer experience.

Exactly why game has lost so many players

Well there is nothing we can do

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There are very few planes seen on BR 11.7. maybe play there ;).

Exactly ,all we can do here is yap yap yap

More concerning thing for gaijin is that whales are leaving

My former squadron all big whales left to play HD2

I’ve only come back to see if anything changed ,nope ground air battles still same
If i stay month maybe i’ll get killed once by tank in tank battle .

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Agreed, fighters should be treated similar to SPAA or something. Have its own SP multiplier or something like that.

That fact that you qued for ground battles is only your expectations and your problem.
You can check in game, it says ground battles have both tanks and aviation)
But there are 2 games with only tank mode - wot and project armata.

Its called Ground Realistic Battles in game, where are you getting mixed from?

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