Cursed state of GRB

Nothing realistic about it …it is just arcade without markers

Love me some CAS, especially in the form of the obscure and OP ones like the AH Mk.1 (even though it got a nerf) and SAAB 105G all the way

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Some of these ‘ground’ players won’t be able to handle that aircraft have been a major part of land stratagems and doctrine since WW2 and without aircraft then whole lines of trees would be useless


Only bad tankers find the need to use CAS to kill other tanks just to compensate for their lack of skills when dealing with other ground vehicles lol


Only bad this is Gaijin’s fault for trash map Design, Bad hitboxes, ghostshells etc. Their General incompetence can make Ground very frustrating…

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While you are right, this is true for all tanks in WT. The implementation was just bad and never got corrected.

Then why do you only look at the negative knock-on effects and ignore the obvious positive ones?

Tank only would syphon a lot of players from GSB, especially the ones playing SB to escape aircraft.

This might lead to dwindling numbers and the removal of the travesty that is called GSB. Making room for an actual tank sim experience in WT (the thing that should actually matter to tank enthusiasts).

This alone dwarfs any negative point you brought up, since all of the are fixable, especially since gaijin is capable of implenting different BRs per gamemode.

While GSB isn’t salvagable without burning it down.

The only thing that frustrates my gameplay is CAS spam in ground battles, there are currently no ground vehicles I cannot deal with, at best only rats sitting ar a corner can annoy me lol


I could keep playing tanks on my lineups but if your team doesn’t fit that bill i will usually go and play CAS, it’s not illegal not to enjoy tanks 100% of the time and doesn’t make me a worse player lol


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Go play 2000 battles as German/Italian/Japanese and lets talk about strategy and doctrine afterwards.

Go enjoy playing against jets that are at least one rank down from place they should be (in GB) and that fly at 900 km/h in your prop that flies at 400km/h or shoot them down with kugelblitz that has turret rotation of 42 degrees…same applies for ITA/JAP spaa

Except that many players who come here to play “Ground Battles”, don’t do so to spend most of their time in a plane.

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Well I haven’t bothered to play low BRs since the fox since those BR ranges simply do not interest me and are plagued with many issues, and on the hand of experience playing different nations, i have achieved at least rank 5 in the ground or air trees of every nation in game.

i can provide points to support my argument, can you?

It’s because of the untapped potential that Naval has if it can truly get its act together, at least in my opinion.

Granted, it keeps suffering hard resets every time the damage output of ammunition gets upended. The objective setup is so terrible that it makes tank close-quarter-clusterxxxx maps look good. It’s also way too grindy for its own good, especially coastal boats.

Also, I would far, far sooner support a split matchmaker for coastal boats from bluewater fleet before I would support tank-only.

  • Bluewater vessels are faster than most coastal boats.
  • Bluewater vessels boast larger armament calibers than coastal boats, as well as more guns in general in the cases where both have identical main caliber sizes.
  • Bluewater vessels can outrange coastal vessels without question.
  • Bluewater vessels absorb much more punishment before sinking than coastal vessels.

Despite the complaints about CAS vs Tanks, at least tanks are for the most part playable and able to get kills semi-reliably, regardless of nation or exact vehicle class. Certain SPAAGs are frankly atrocious, but I attribute that more to missing ammunition types, overly steep learning curve, and a legacy of boneheaded nerfs than I do to “CAS being oppressive.”

Coastal vessels are outgunned, outranged, outsped, and out-tanked vs bluewater ships. Only a very small fraction of coastal vessels can even think about engaging bluewater ships with torpedoes and depth charges, the rest are cannon fodder. Unlike say a light tank vs a heavy tank, in this scenario the light tank can’t even run…

And why do people want to “escape aircraft”? Is it the aircraft themselves or their sleazy implementation as CoD-style killstreak powerups?

I seriously wonder how many people would want to “escape” if the actual problems regarding CAS were dealt with properly.

  • Removing the promoters of revenge killing (kill cam, airspawn, text notifications of caps changing hands)
  • Using Sim’s SP system in RB to no longer have aircraft, whose best counter will always be each other, restricted to being “powerups”
  • Removing old nerfs to SPAAGs’ antitank belt composition and capacity, giving them multiple new buffs in the form of a limited aim assist in RB, spiderweb gunsights, addition of entirely missing antitank or anti-air rounds in some instances (40mm Bofors APDS and HE-VT, 37mm FlaK 43/44 APCR, to name some prominent examples)
  • Giving aircraft some other objectives of actually serious importance to draw their fire away from just bombing player tanks again and again, and where possible using those to give tanks new objectives beyond “sit in circle simulator”
  • Using the above objective overhauls to expand tank map size without automatically increasing travel time, by borrowing Naval EC’s idea of caps that double as spawns.

I don’t really think Combined Simulator isn’t salvagable, if anything it looks to me like it needs more simultaneous rotations available over narrower BR ranges.

that’s normal at the end of some matches

Dude, the planes are the only well implemented vehicles in WT. The only ones with full controls and so on. But then again this only really matters in sim. Which is why the people leave to SB.

Many would still do. Tank only is a very reasonable solution to make ground SB redundant.

Really? How is it salvagable as a simulator without a complete overhaul? The cartoony mouse aim, no interiors, it has nothing a simulation needs. Burn it down. And let RB TO be the torch.

Other games already exist for this, tbfh.

Other games also exist for this, too.

I recently stopped spending money on WT, and ironically I am having more fun, not less, because I no longer feel compelled to play so often. Whether you spend money or not is up to you, but you should not feel compelled to remain in a game you don’t like.

Which ones?

And which one else exists foor burning down ground SB?