Cursed state of GRB

Only half of the team?



I bet youre not above 17


To be fair if you hadn’t spawned in an aircraft there would be less air up…
And one team got smashed in less than 10 minutes, two on the enemy side did not even spawn in; at least not lots of 1DLs.

Player choice is player choice. Same as starting a match and your entire side is in TDs, you can’t control player choices without removing some of the “you can do what you want in this game”.

Could always support the "rebalancing of CAS in GFRB thread. They finally accepted BRs needed to vary between ARB and GFRB so that is a small start.


Hi, I would recommend using a proper tactic for GRB.

As You can see, there isn’t much point in using a tank really.

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You que up for ground battles, not mixed battles.


Rename it to Mixed Battles, problem solved. Whoever then whines about CAS, skill issue.

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If You die faster than enemy CAS can even appear, I don’t think You should talk about the problem or skill issue to begin with ;)


Depends on the map and amount of Hacks on the enemy Team. CAS is only ever really a problem at high tier with helicopters and when your Team gets stomped. These are my observations from the matches where playability was given.



Someone in WT told me that I even have a negative K/D on the BMP-2M, so what. It is all bias, Gaijin rigging and Player Hacks.

Of course, that is why there are people who manage to get good stats and have different opinion.


And also why not copy over the idea of default planes from Combined Naval while we’re at it.

Can’t argue for “tank-only battles” if tank-only players effectively no longer exist in the first place.

Every user would have default planes added into their lineup in the match, scaled appropriately to the BR, with default ordinance loadouts that are intentionally non-optimized, but are decent enough. Even if they queue with no aircraft in their deck.

I would do the same with SPAAGs and SAMs, again with preset belt counts that cannot be adjusted, mainly HE but some AP.

These default units would intentionally be free to repair to encourage their use.

Naval system works because of naval units having AI AA to deal with planes.

We talked already about it in this forum and on old one MH4UAstragon, You have said multiple times that You don’t want any change that would really benefit ground players.


Including you…

If your going to complain about ppl in planes in GRB, don’t be part of the group 🤦🏽

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If one wants to talk about something, he should have some experience in it ;)


I do think the name of the mode (same with Naval modes) should have been changed many years ago.

The game does its players a major disservice by labeling a mode to look like one thing when it really isn’t.

It does its players another disservice by even allowing people to enter said mode without all the necessary tools to defend themselves properly.

It sets up newbies who were expecting “just tank battles” to rage-quit after being bombed/rocketed/strafed/missiled one too many times, who then proceed to shoot their mouths off here and on other platforms. All the raging on the topic quickly loses any shred of logical discourse, devolving into infantile stat-shaming.

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I don’t get why You try to portray people wanting to play just tanks as newbies MH4UAstragon


I am not referring to you specifically. I am referring to quite literally new players who see the advertising for the tanks, go make new accounts, go play matches in said tanks, then then despite the name of the mode being “Ground Battles,” then suddenly planes show up and ruin said new players’ day.

Said rage-quitting new players then proceed in many cases to jump on the forums or other platforms and add more fuel to the fire of the constantly-derailed CAS discussions.

Giving all users counters ready to use in their decks, inspired by what Naval already does quite successfully, would help address that problem. Thus we all would see far less rant threads on the topic of CAS, and maybe, just maybe, some logical discussion on what is actually wrong with how CAS is implemented can take place without being derailed by cries for TO mode.

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