Critical hits are broken as of 15th of February or nearby

It could well be that a kill no longer includes a crit. But this again would not have to be intentional. Maybe it is just an error or not thought through.

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Same for me, I’ve only been playing the tank event, but I was so focused in getting the event done that I never noticed it. I only noticed that it seemed harder to hit planes with a SPAA, and with that damaging them, but never realized that I wouldn’t get any more crits when I killed them.

I wonder if in total there will be a increase or decrease in rewards with the severe damage mechanic and how that would affect the count of kill assists.

This weekend I returned to air after a while to play a few games to get some propeller planes that I’m still missing and I noticed extremely low battle point rewards per kill. Could it be related to the absense of criticals or what I’m describing has already been that way for some time and I just don’t remember?

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I don’t think a kill ever guaranteed a critical hit in the past. I mean sure you got them more often, but not every time. I have done the “get 100 critical hits” task MANY times doing BP Daily/Special tasks . . it was neither hard nor easy, just time consuming. Now . . . just not plausible anymore, so another scoring gimp for the players. The continual dampening of scoring opportunities and increased parameters/requirements for tasks/events doesn’t seem “random” at all, more “systematic” and it’s not a stretch to see all this as a means to generate more revenue, it’s a business, so I get that part . . . just feels like a bit much anymore. . . . oh well, C’est la Vie


No, if others critted before, you may not get one. Rushing into airspawn was a sure way though, as planes were “fresh meat” without previous damage.

Are those kills against real players or AI? Cause if they were real players then it seems much lower than before, like half of the score.

They were all real players (it’s AB).

I’ll just put here the detailed data:
5 kills - 688 score:

B29         (7.0, undamaged): 277 (57 critical, 50 damage, 170 destruction)
A21A-3      (5.3, undamaged):  97 ( 0 critical, 40 damage,  57 destruction)
Fw190D-13   (5.7, undamaged): 108 ( 0 critical, 20 damage,  89 destruction)
  (death)                      54
B-24D-25-CO (5.0,   damaged):  45 ( 6 critical, 20 damage,  19 destruction)
A21A-3      (5.3, undamaged): 106 (19 critical, 30 damage,  57 destruction)

7 kills - 1234 score:

Mig-9           (7.3, undamaged): 266 (59 critical, 30 damage, 177 destruction)
Spitfire Mk IXc (5.3,  damaged?):  38 ( 0 critical, 20 damage,  18 destruction)
F8F-1B          (6.3, undamaged): 170 ( 0 critical, 30 damage, 140 destruction)
Bf-109 G-6      (5.3, undamaged):  87 ( 0 critical, 30 damage,  57 destruction)
  (death)                          54
MD450B          (7.3, undamaged): 266 (59 critical, 30 damage, 177 destruction)
Meteor NF13     (7.3, undamaged): 246 (59 critical, 10 damage, 177 destruction)
Bf-109 G-2      (5.3, undamaged):  87 ( 0 critical, 30 damage,  57 destruction)
                                                   (20 damage)

I see some interesting patterns. Most of the problem seems to be derived from most of the kills being from <=1 BR below my plane (7.7). In such cases critical is 0 and destruction is a fraction of what could be. Don’t know if critical being 0 in such cases is related to the issue of this post or already was a thing in the past for such type of kills. In such case, I knew they introduced a nerf for low tier kills but didn’t realize it was that much (RP seems to be “fine” though). Just another nail for score based events in AB…


38 score for destroying a Spitfire Mk IXc… what a complete joke.

Don’t worry cause you’ll keep having several here saying how easy and fast it was and asking for Gaijin to increase the required score.


Well, that’s because the score is now reduced, based on the BR difference between planes. That’s the system added to the game about 2 years ago.
When they added this system, I actually wrote on the forum this mechanics is completely unfair, especially for Air Arcade players. You can only lose score by killing someone at lower BR than you are, you can’t gain more score by killing someone at higher BR. And the score reduction is up to 90%! Yes, 90%, that’s just absolutely crazy (e.g. instead of 200 score, you can receive only 20 score for a kill).

I guess players didn’t protest about this, because this change doesn’t affect Air Realistic that much. It still decreases players score globally, but in Air Realistic you can only use one plane. So players are usually within 1.0 BR difference (the only exception are squads). Maybe most Air Realistic players never even noticed this change?

The situation is completely different in Air Arcade, where everyone can use whole lineup of planes. So it’s not a rare situation that players take e.g. a 5.0 plane with 4.0, 3.0 and often even 1.0 planes in the same lineup. Strangely, the game allows you to do this and play even 1.0 planes at 5.0 BR.
The result is, every single Air Arcade player is heavily punished with this system with no fault of their own. It’s not your fault that the enemy decided to take a 1.0 plane in his lineup. And if you kill that player, you will only receive 10% of the full kill score.

This change completely broke the scoring in Air Arcade battles and it caused many chaotic results, where your performance is not rewarded properly, even if you didn’t do anything wrong.

It’s even funnier when you realize that killing a stationary AI ground target can give you more points (exactly 40) than killing a real player at lower BR (that can give you e.g. 20 points), just because that player decided to use lower BR plane in their lineup. This is absolutely ridiculous. Even from the difficulty point of view, it’s always easier and much quicker to kill the stationary AI target.

It’s also worth noting, this system actually favors leaving battles early. Because at the beginning of the battle players almost always use their strongest planes. Later in the battle, you see many weaker planes, that give you close to no score when you kill them.

I’m pretty sure that the devs that make such decisions don’t even play the game. Because this system is completely unfair (players do nothing wrong, but they are punished heavily) and it mainly affects just one, Air Arcade game mode.

I understand the logic of this system. I understand it’s easier to kill someone that is at lower BR than you are. But the 90% score reduction is way too much. It should be something like 20%, maybe 25% reduction at max. This system also only reduce the score currently. You can’t gain more score by killing someone at higher BR than you are, and it’s obviously a harder task (using the same logic). So how it’s fine to lower your score when you kill someone at lower BR, but it’s not fine to increase your score when you kill someone at higher BR?

For me personally, this change completely broke Air Arcade scoring. I had games with 10 kills, where I only gained about 1200 score, just because I stayed until the end of the battle and most my kills were players with lower BR (which is not my fault - what I’m supposed to do? Don’t kill other players, just because they take lower BR planes, what they are allowed to do in Air Arcade game mode?).

This whole system is bad and it just doesn’t make sense. Especially the devs keep saying how they want this game to stay mostly PVP oriented, and then add a system that can “reward” you with 20 score for killing a real player, and 40 score for killing stationary AI target. Where is the logic in all this?


I’ve been off Air Arcade battles for a while, so long that I only recently realized that it’s around 2-3 years now, so before all those changes. I knew you had a lower reward for killing lower BR vehicles, just like in tanks, I just had no idea the difference could reach 90% of your score, that is pure stealing. Especially after they turn task based events into score based events.

The only consistency this game has is that Gaijin always finds new ways to screw AB players…

This is outrageous, it’s much harder now to achieve critical hits than plain kills.

Before the update i had around 1 crit for 1 kill, now its like 1 crit per 5 or 6 kills.


It’s concerning that Gaijin isn’t acknowledging such a serious progression issue…

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Are the assists broken too? Because the game does not recognise the crits.
If I have understood the crits correctly, it means that a module/crew has been severely damaged. In short, it is black.
In the round just now I took out three crew members and the turret turntable from a VK3002 with my M18.
After that I got hit and someone else took out the VK. But there was no assist.

Air arcade is broken in too many ways. It is usually a nice choice to do tasks, some events and battlepass stuff very quickly, but it has been drained of players, including myself.

I suspect this could be a bug, but it will be hard to report this one. If you make a bug report, it will almost surely be closed by a moderator and not passed to the devs, because it’s not an obvious bug. Moderators just can’t know if that’s a real bug or intended change. In such situations they almost always just close the report without doing anything else.

But because this change wasn’t announced anywhere, I strongly suspect it’s a bug. The only problem will be how to report it to the devs.

It’s also a problem of players. I remember, when I tried to talk about this change on the old forum, there were players arguing with me that this new system “makes sense”, because it’s easier to kill lower BR plane (which is obvious and I never denied this). I will just never understand such people and their way of thinking. Even if the change is always only a negative one for players, there are always people who will support it and somehow find it “more realistic”, whatever that even means.

If you are interested about this system, here is the quote from the changelog:

Dependence on score awarded in the difference between the player’s Battle Rating and the target in case of critical damage, destruction and assistance in the destruction of the enemy has been added. The multiplier will be calculated by the quadratic dependence (1 - 0.014 * (difference of BR) ^ 2) and can not be more than 1.0 and less than 0.1. For example if you destroy a vehicle with a BR of 8.7 using a vehicle of BR 9.7 (3 BR steps difference) the multiplier will be (1 - 0.014 * 3 ^ 2) = 0.874.

I made an Excel table, if you prefer something easier to understand:

Please note that this is always a score reduction. You won’t get a higher score by killing someone with a higher BR.


This thread is about Air Battles, but in Ground Battles if you kill at least one crew member of the enemy tank you should be getting the assist.

There are some here in this forum that defend every change Gaijin makes, regardless of them being positive or negative to the game or to the players. There are also a lot, especially in this new forum, that don’t even play AB but keep storming AB threads to give their RB opinion about AB. Not long ago you had RB players asking for a Ground AB tank only mode here.

I just needed to read the part on that quote that says “can not be more than 1.0 and less than 0.1” to understand what a massive nerf it was. It’s also curious the form they express it which can be a bit misleading, like “can’t be less than 10%” when it’s already a huge 90% cut in the score while not working in the opposite way.

Gaijin is this game’s worse enemy. If they had this system at the start when we had fewer nations and much less vehicles, but makes no sense to keep nerfing rewards when we have so much to grind. In the other hand if they made the game more fun and rewarding they would keep much more happy players playing the game.


I’m playing Air Arcade now and it actually looks like this.

I had 18 kills, 3 assists and… 3 critical hits in this battle (3 critical hits are from 3 assists, I checked that in messages):


I can’t imagine they wanted Critical hits to work this way, it doesn’t make sense. Since I killed 18 guys, I obviously critically damaged most of them.

If I understand the system (before the “bug”) correctly, the only way to not get a critical hit with a kill was to damage an enemy plane slightly and then that plane crashed or J-out (or collided, before collisions nerf). But to directly kill the plane (in the air their nameplate turns grey), you had to do a critical hit first (either by destroying the wing, killing the pilot, destroying the tail, and so on). Slight damages were never counted as critical hits, but the plane had to crash for you to get a kill credit. At least that’s how I always thought the system worked.

That is why I suspected this part of theFeb 15th update:

These things often happen, and may not count any longer.

Before the 15th, my amount of crits was about equal to the amount of kills and assists. Sometimes less, sometimes more.

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Thanks for the advice regarding the air arcade battles. I think the problem also exists in GRB mode. Does it now make sense to open a new thread for this or can @Dodo_Dud edit the thread?