Critical hits are broken as of 15th of February or nearby

Re-roll any task for “Crit Hits” and re-roll any “Get Assists” as both will be affected by this change, whether intentional or not.


I got t2 task “make 10 critical hits”It is broken, I had 17 Kills with 2 assists and only 1 critical hit. Normally I would have completed the task.


I would hate to be doing a BP season right now. This is a huge nerf to Daily Task progression…


That is my experience. The difficulty getting critical hits just started in the last update. I have just had 4 AB games in the 3.7 A6M2 Zero. Over 40 kills - only 3 critical hits. My daily task is 10 critical hits. This used to be easy. How can you set someone on fire, knock of a wing, cause an oil leak, etc., and it not be counted as a crit? This needs to be fixed!


Same here. I had a 10 crit task today and it took me 3 games (28 kills and 6 assists) to get there, so basically 1 critical per 4 kills/assists, when previously the ratio would have been closer to 0.7 or 0.8:1

And it’s a very recent issue,as criticals come up once or twice a week in daily tasks and I would have definitely noticed the ratio change at once.

Same here … I didn’t think anything of it and took the crit task. In a battle where I damaged 36 vehicles, I supposedly only got 8 crits … Ridiculous.

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This issue really deserves an emergency patch.


I thought I’d take a daily task for crits today, air AB, 10 air kills, 2 assists, not a single crit… I changed task… Something is definitely off with crits at the moment.


In over 50 kills I have had 4 Crits all with P47s turning what I am shooting at into a fireball. something has to change or they need to adjust the air ab tasks. One of the more relaxing tasks to do is now hell and basically a forced re roll.


@Stona_WT Do you have the possibility to forward this problem to the right people?
I am now stuck on 120 crit hits task two days in a row …


According to this they are not testing the severe damage mechanic in Random Battles, they made it as an event for the testing part.

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While I think it’s related (i.e. too similar to be a coincidence), there hasn’t been any explanation of lack of critical hits compared to the severe damage mechanics? Plus it also started earlier than these test events.
Just weird.

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Yes, but don’t forget that we just had an event and I already saw Gaijin changing the kill assist mechanic in the middle of another event that seriously affected it, so it could also be due to something similar. But knowing Gaijin that wouldn’t also surprise me, I was just saying “according to Gaijin” they are doing the tests only now and on a separate event from Random Battles. I don’t trust Gaijin a bit.


Trust in Gaijin has rightly been damaged.
The bad thing is that we don’t know anything and the rumour mill is of course churning.

It’s also interesting removing instakill crits has progressed mode by mode… Ground AB AA gunners saw it a couple weeks ago, now Air. Also suggests it’s intentional.


I know, my fight here is going on for almost 10 years now.

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At first I was more inclined to it being due to bad server sync as in most events but from what I’ve seen in my matches while completing the last marks it may have been something intentional or related to this mechanic. It’s also too much of a coincidence that just a few days after they announce the testing.

I’ve tested it. It’s specifically the “hidden crits” you used to get from instant plane destruction that don’t count anymore.

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So what you are saying is that when you destroyed a plane with a SPAA in Ground AB you would also only get the kill but no more any critical hit?

Yeah I noticed it doing crit tasks on the 4th, thought, “hey that’s annoying,” took another one and counted more carefully after people said they started noticing it in Air about a week and a half later. I haven’t played any air games in weeks because of the tank event.