Crew Skills Need to Be Removed

In my opinion, the crew level at tournaments should be removed, it is terribly unfair, especially in AB, where paying players have a GIANT advantage, and the crew at tournaments gives a lot, gaijn should introduce vehicle packages for a given country we want to play, we choose and we get, for example, vehicles from the USA and the maximum crew for a given tournament for each player, not only would there be more players at the tournaments, but it would also be fair, because the tournaments are supposed to show skills and not who has a bigger wallet and spent more, because for now it is what the tournaments look like on Tue.

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While I have absolutely no interest in turnaments, I agree with you on creating equality in such sporting events. But maybe they just want these tournaments to be like golf tournaments. You don’t see poor guys there.


All of that does not in any way shape or form remove the Ace qualification from being P2W.

Just because a player chooses to not rush Expert does not mean that ACE is not P2W

That would be as saying “Gold ammo in WoT is not P2W, you are not even using researched modules”

Those are two completely seperate things and using one as an argument against the other shows your ignorance

Where did I say that? Here, I help you:

I am saying you turn a mild form of p2w into a big one due to your mismanagement of your own crews.

If I would be playing with crews as inefficient as yours, I would feel disadvantaged too. But that would be my own ignorance to how the system worked not the p2w (which exists too, but far less pronounced).

I quote where you made that argument.

And please use full quotes and don`t take them out of context:

is the full quote.

There is no mild form of P2W there is P2W or no P2W

Making it more than a “yes or no” case makes it far more acceptable and will only lead to more P2W systems being implemented because “they are just mild P2W”.

No this already lead to the acceptance of P2W mechanics in other games because “they are not major”

Allowing any kind of P2W will lead to the same as we have now with microtransactions in full price games.

And you still invalidate everything you say by trying to discredit the other side with blatant lies

One guy tried and failed.
His crews where not ahead of mine.
not at all.
They where right where they should be considering his 3times XP gain from Arcade.
All he showed was that you lied with your claims of “easily getting 120lvl crews” with just “some” overflow.

So go F off with that first grader argument

Yea sure mate.

You have 0 arguments left so all you do is trying to discredit my character by spreading lies and misinformation.

The very fact that you brought up Dunning and Kruger, as per their theory. already shows that you are the one it applies to.

Go learn how to properly hold a debate without attacking the character of the other side once you run out of arguments.

Again. Noone showed that I mismanage my crews. You certainly did not and your one example shoes the complete opposite.

Again you have 0 arguments that Ace Crews are not P2W and again you just insult me.

You truely are the epitomy of Dunning and Krueger

Your words:

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Case in point.
Good thing that Gajin automatically adds the full context of quotes and makes your selective quotations utterly useless because it adds context

He didn’t shift the goalposts- you did. You threw out a bunch of red herrings to try to discredit my argument by expanding it to include other mechanics which I did not include in my post. You, in fact, are shifting the goalposts by asserting that crew skills are only P2W if all these other mechanics are also, which was not the point of this post to address.

No, this is tied to vehicle rank, and it’s much lower in the lower tiers compared to the upper tiers… can’t really check exactly when, but on an alt I do have a lvl 8 crew and to get Ace in tier 3 I need crew lvl 35, and I am already on expert. on Tier 2 it’s lvl 30 for Ace, and tier 1 its 25. So it’s quite safe to assume Tier 4 = 40, 5 = 45, and so on. And that’s for Ace. I haven’t run into any “Expert requires lvl xx” type of thing, I don’t think it exists because people do buy premium vehicles on a lvl 1 crew.

20% of barely anything is still barely anything as I showed too Crew Skills Need to Be Removed - #8 by dоt

If you believe you die because the difference between Ace and Expert, then the reason you died isn’t crew skill

P2W would be entirely behind a paywall, like premium ammo with much better stats that cannot be obtained otherwise. So by your own logic, it isn’t “P2W”. Crew skill difference between expert and ace is so minimal it really doesn’t matter whatsoever. If you believe otherwise, that’ll be on you, nobody can help you with your own deficiencies if you refuse to reflect on the reason(s) you die a lot

If you take a look on his swedish tank hanger screen shot, you will see his problem. He faces the difference between his green crews versus at least expert crews. And that he will feel. But that could be avoided.

This here topic is about Air RB, I can’t give a damn about landcrabs… also rushing the tech tree for ground using premium and then complain “but my crew skills!” after buying more crews sitting at BR 4.0-5.7

And that player has a registration date in 2014 and still wonders how the game actually works. Kinda sad really.

No it would not

an aspect of a game where players can get an advantage with real-world currency to purchase in-game items.

This is what P2W is. Anything which can be bought with real currency and gives an advantage a free player could not get in any reasonable amount of time is part of P2W
In Battlefront 2 P2W was the fact that loot boxes had a significantly higher chance of droping Upgrades than free boxes and researchning those same OP upgrades would take more than 50h of gameplay.

ACE requires an unreasonable amount of grind to unlock for free, Is slot specific, so it may need to be repeated up to 10 times per vehicle per nation and it offers a clear advantage.

ACE crews as they are right now are clearly P2W and not P2Progress.

Nope. Thats where you are wrong

Strange how everyone who considers ACE crews to be fair always ends up insulting me with stuff they can not know and I never claimed.

Where did I claim that I died soely because of ACE crews? Not once did I say that.

You just insult me because you can not fathom that you are wrong, but you ran out of areguments so attacking me personally is the only option left.

Again. ACE as it is right now is P2W. That is clear as day. Less important and less grindy systems have been deemed P2W so there is no question that ACE is P2W.

So where did I claim that I suffer because of difference in crew skills oh master of imagination?

Again not once. All you do is insult my skill without me ever stating that I personally suffer from the difference in crew abilities.

You are simply imagining that the only reason why I argue that ACE crews are P2W is because I feel like I am loosing them. Which I again never once said.

My opinion on ACE crews is soley founded in facts and numbers, not my own experiences in the game.
Firstly I have absolutely 0 way of knowing the crew levels of my enemies. There is non.
Secondly. All my arguments have been from a Time and monetary standpoint, not from my personal gameplay experience.
Thrid. The only Argument I brought fourth which was not Grind, Time or money was an example showing that ACE gives an advantage over non ACE, which again had nothing to do with my personal gameplay experience.

Again you are the one who convinced himself that i only argue against ACE crews because I surely must suck at the game.

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Rushing ground with premium? Dude. at least bother looking at my stats. I bought the Vidar AFTER Unlocking everything but the Charioteer. The VIDAR is not even my most RP earned vehicle. It sits right smack in the pack of RANK II and III vehicles which I played extensively for Sweden. I spaded every vehicle but the Comet (Which I hate) and the ones I am currently using, which would be all the 5.7s.

Again you just insult me without looking at the reality.

P2W requires an advantage over other players which can not be obtained by any other means than spending real world money. This is not the case in WT. You can get Ace crews in a reasonable amount of time by simply playing. For example, a tier 4 Ace crew is about 480,000 RP obtained by using that vehicle… even if you get 3500 RP/match, which isn’t even high, it takes ~137 matches to Ace it. Doubling the RP by using Premium will cut that in half. What are you even on about… you want to casually play WT with no intention to grind (it is a F2P game, which means it’s grindy as hell) and expect all the handouts?

Either play more, or pay to progress faster in a F2P game. Ace crews are not “P2W”.

You’d make more sense if you bring up some certain premiums like XP50 or Wyvern which have no equal in the tech tree and are entirely behind a paywall at a ridiculous low BR, but crew skills? Really dude?

That is not correct and has not been the consensus for at least 10 years. Your infromation is outdated.

P2W has included variables like “amout needed to get to that point”, “amount of money needed to get to that point if time/money is involved” (which would be ACE crew as GE can be used to make it faster). Again Battlefront II was a P2W game despite not having a single item in the game locked behind a hard paywall with no way of getting access to it while just playing.

I do not consider 50-150h for a singular Expert to ACE crew to be resonable at all. If it was 5-10h we could discuss it, but free to play players would need closer to 150h of gameplay to get a singular crew from Expert to ace.

3500RP per match in a single Rank 4 vehicle is not high? Mate you need to make a reality check. the Average for a RANK 4 vehicle on a F2P account is 2 kills per game on a singular vehicle which results in between 850 and 1200RP depending on BR and game lenght. Ofc this is different for planes. But again All branches have crews and as you see they are not at all equal.

As a typical ground match lasts between 12 and 15 minutes that would mean a grind of ~27h. And that is using your unrealistic RP gains for any ground match.

Wait your 3500RP are without premium OH BOY.

What am I on about? Well right now that you clearly hjave 0 idea of what the average player is, of the differences in RP gain between air and ground and of what “reasonable” even means.

As stated many times they fulfill every single category to be P2W.

Star Wars Battlefront 2 was a clear case of P2W. The gaming community was clear on that and all the offending features had to be removed by EA to remove the game from most P2W games lists.

What was the main offending P2W feature?
Star cards
What are star Cards? Special equipment for singular class slots which boost certain aspects of that class by smal amout or boost all aspects of the class by an even smaler amount.
How did you get Star Cards?
By Grinding for them. Which took between 30 and 80h per card (before that they where limited to lootboxes). Alternatively you could also buy them for real world money.

So Star Cards are a smal stats increase, which took a long ass time to unlock, needed to be unlocked many times and could be bought for real world money.

Star Cards are essentially no different from ACE crew qualification.

Again I assume your numbers are for Air RB and not Ground RB, despite the fact that I am consistently insulted for my ground RB performance, so I can see how you get to your conclusion.
But it simply does not apply to anything but Air. in ground you can be happy to get 2k RP for a decent match with 2 kills and a cap in a singular vehicle. The most I ever had in Rank IV was 10 kills and two caps for 8k RP with premium and 10% boosters. In Air that would have been well over 20k RP.
The situation is worse in Naval.

I have 69 games in the KV 2 with a 57% winrate and 128kills. That is way above average. I also had an expert crew on the KV 2 the moment I unlocked it. And I have 85k out of 220k Rp for expert.

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I would also disagree here. In my book, I would consider them p2w too. As I said above, I would consider it a mild form of p2w which will be masked by many other effects. But yes, you do get an advantage (albeit small) over fellow players. In order to apply Ace, you need to level up the crew. If you do this with GE too, you get a considerable effect in total. On the other hand, in that case you start at a disadvantage vs the average player, so it would be rather pay not to suck.

As far as time is concerned, my game logic says that I wouldn’t really want Ace on anything not worth playing a lot. And I doubt that people spend money to ace bad vehicles. So if I look at the crews I have aced, they didn’t take so long, because they are good earners. The best ones are aced on multiple crews by now, as the vehicle earns so well. But playing the vehicle for 24h+ to get ace does seem quite OK with me.

Personally, I would be fine if selling crew skills would be removed. I like the crew management part of the game.

On the other hand, nothing in Warthunder PC is completely behind a paywall, as you can earn Gijin coins with ingame items.

Aside from the diamond, this should have no effect on the picture. You would have half the missions, but the same vehicle and crew progress.

The market is behind a Paywall tho

Like every gajin coin is from someone who spend real money. Gajin also takes a cut from all transactions meaning they eran twice on every purchase and force people to put money into the system.
So the Market is absolutely behind a shared paywall. if noone bought Gjc there would be no market

Ofc one can discuss the difference between shared and personal paywall