Crew Skills Need to Be Removed

Well, then they are absurd in every nation. From my point of view, you are mismanaging your crews. You could have more effective crews if you wouldn’t rush the tree. Suggestion stands a few posts above.

IIRC, China is my worst nation. Lvl88 is best there, no rank V vehicle grinded yet, no event capability. With the USA, I got a 9th crew so I can still funnel crew XP somewhere, as all other crews approach full.

I have not rushed any nation. more than 50% of all of my games in any nation except sweeden (I have not been in it that long) are between 5.0 and 6.7 There is no rushing involved.

My crews are absolutely where they should be regarding ground RP. If I check my stats and do the maths they are where they should be.
You have billions of RP ground out in the game to be where you are at, yet have nothing researched? Sure.
My crews again are exactly where they are for anyone else but you.

And Because I am insane I did the Math.
you Got around 5.1 million RP in arcade with just Sweden. That is 153.055 cre XP across all slots and air and ground. Just from Arcade. Which would be enough to get 4 of your vehicles to this point shown in your pic (which happaned far in the past as the CHariot is still 5.7, so the 153k Crew XP are already absolutely generous considering that you played quite a few, especiallyair matches since then.
I could do RB as well, but that would be no more than 4k Crew XP from that.

So how the hell could you spend at least 150k Crew XP on your tanks alone. And still spend on your planes. Unless your plane crews are near level 20 or 30 that makes 0 sense

Note the RP in the Player card Include Premium time, boosters and Talismans. They just gather all the RP you earned by playing a particular vehicle.

Again for comparrison. In germany I have gathered around 100k Crew XP and leveld only a single Plane slot, (with 500GE to boot) sill I am not near where you are.

Your problem is: You think you know, but you don’t. You think it takes 83000 xp, but it doesn’t. You think one needs level 70 for air expert, but one doesn’t. You think my picture is old, but it is from today. And that is why it is pointless to discuss with you.

Your are complaining about others having bought too much crew skill, while your own mismanagement denies you that skill. I tried to explain to you what you do wrong, but no, the others have too much, it can’t be… The others do it wrong. Well then, have it your way.

(And no, my swedish air crews are over 30, all of them)

Nope already corretced that. So go F off with that

Ground as I said. And already corretced to 65. So again F off

Your picture is from Tioday? Well does not change a single thing except for that what i said is more accurate.

You think you can use old statements which I corrected against me while constantly ignoring Facts.
It is a fact that you earned

What missmanagement?
The fact that I did not grind out nearly 2 million RP in a plane and said “some XP overspill” happaned? The fact remains that you lied. You said you earned the crew skill by simply playing. Which is not correct. You specifically grinded for them in a singular aircraft for multiple hundrets of hours. That is not simply grinding through a tree.

You explained? Your explainations just so happaned to not mention the fact that you did not do what you said you did. You lied. Simple as that

SOrry mate I do not have a Top tier sweedish Jet with a Talisman I can use to grind Crew XP in Air Arcade for 500h while pretending that I got to level 118 in my ground crew by grinding to 7.7 with just “some” overspill.

Again 80% of your ground Crew XP is not from ground Matches. 99% of mine is from ground matches.

My stats represent the crew grind a normal player has. Yours are absurdly inflated.

Another mistake: This doesn’t include the win bonus, as it isn’t vehicle specific. Just a hint for your future math.

You fail to manage your grind to be able to use expert yet worry about others having ace. I wouldn’t do it your way.


Can we just talk about how absolutely insane it is that in 10 years they did not actually update the crew system to consider ground forces?
Not like we need more obvious reminders of the complacency and incompetency this game suffers from, but how are we 10 years later and still not have this be addressed?

Not to mention the massive discrepancy between the crew skills required for air vs ground or the fact it’s basically a pay to win feature.

While we often disagree, I do agree with you here. Ground RB isn’t rewarding enough. Could be set to 3% as well.

It takes some time

Literally hundreds of games to get a free ace for a single vehicle, and that is only after you got your crew to a high enough level to afford the expert crew, and you spend the million or whatever to get it to be expert.

Then you grind hundreds of games to get a single vehicle of a single nation of a single branch towards ace, go repeat that half a dozen times more and now you have a single lineup of a single nation of a single branch, and of course only after you grinded out all those vehicles to even make a lineup, and played all those different crews enough to get them high enough for expert crew, then spend all the millions to purchase expert crew and then play hundreds of games per crew in order to enjoy a singular lineup with aced vehicles, only until some arbitrary, nonsensical, backwards logic if not void of all logic BR update hits that randomly changes BRs to destroy said lineup.

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Hello, i started grinding Sweden ground forces like 2 months ago, i played about 20 hours from Tier I to Tier III Arcade Ground forces, helping a friend that just started the game, and was slow and painfull because Tier II is really bad in my opinion, but i just unlocked the T34 and you can check my crews are more leveled than yours excluding that plane crew, so i don’t know why you earn that little amount of crew XP. I have to say that im really bad with Sweden and i think that my KD with this tanks is like 1 or below.

This is the actual screenshot after using crew points

I just wonder why you don’t buy expert for the tanks on crew 2, 3 and 4. You got so much silver and it only costs peanuts at rank 1 and 2. And it will allow you to collect for ace.

That expert would boost your crew skill far more than anything you can grind in a while.

Buying expert would do much the same as having a crew skill of 90 instead. That is why I don’t understand why Baum is not using it in his grind.


Do you think Gaijin isn’t a business?

Every action taken by a company is to drive revenue, that’s what a company does.

And what did you put the points into?
I have mine in reload and leadership. The most expensive points. And again tou get three rimes as many XP in arcade for the same total amount of RP. You just take way longer to earn those RP

I was lazy in leveling the crews, so just now I leveled to level 8 and I think that required level 5 or 10 to be expert. I tried when was creating the line up but because in that moment it wasn’t possible I forgoted to distribute the points and buying the expert upgrade. Normally I try to level up fast to buy expert crew but I really dont like the Swedish Tier II so i forgot about that.

Normally I distribute first in cheap skills for leveling and buying expert, like like every skill at 1 point of 5, and after that in this order: leadership, reload, accuracy, driving, radio operator skills, after that normally I choose repair and level the other skills equally. It takes a lot of time for me because I’m so bad with this tanks 😂

That is exactly what I would consider mismanagement. You forfeit expert to have leadership which gives you at most 10% bonus on your nonexistent crew skills. So you have invested all in reload really and the other invested part is doing nothing?

I take reload first, targeting second and put around 3 points in leadership.
I have not aced many crews because I was lacking found. just 2 months ago I was at 10k SL.
Playing only premiums for Events and not buying stuff brought me to where I am now. SO getting to expert before 5.7 was never of any importance.

Yes, for the exact reasons you wrote, those are all also partially p2w. However, the only p2w part of each one of them is VIA crew skills, so you can solve every single one of them by removing crew skills only and otherwise leaving the rest of those things untouched.

I.e. crew skill is the entire problem for all these “examples”

But that is not what the OP is talking ab out - nice attempt to shift the goalposts tho’

What I take along from this with some amazement:
Among those who consider crew skill unfair and p2w, there are some very verbose players who strategically avoid to have competitive crews. Other casual players here demonstrate, that it is quite possible to have far more competitive crews with a little bit more management.

Given that, I find it kind of funny to complain about someone elses 20% ace bonus, while not utilizing ones own 30% expert bonus. I mean, if I play tanks at a crew level of 11 instead of 80 (which expert would amount to), I will notice my green crew every once in a while.

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