Crew Skills Need to Be Removed

For ground at least, there is not many skills that will be affecting your performance right off the start. Driving and targeting do this, as well as reloading, but lets ignore them for now.
Ofc, there are the survivability skills such as repairing, agility, repairing, vitality, but they dont come into play until you do get hit. I can see why low survivability would be irritating for both the player and teammates, but in terms of lvl 10 premium players, they could spend the ge they got in the pack on crew xp which would smoothly take them to like lvl 50 or so crew level.

Well, assuming they know to spend their ge on crew xp and also know how to distribute it.

For targeting, driving, and reloading, nearly no one will have this maxed out. I personally have a ace type 10, because i bought a talisman to complete the second half of the xp grind, but nearly all players will not have the proper realistic turret traverse or gear changing of their respective modern tank.

In terms of reloading, it more or less is balanced around max reloading + expert = same or marginally better reload than the russian tank at the same br:
105mm cannons have a reload of 7.1 expert, which keeps it at the same rate as russian tanks at that br
120mm cannons have a reload of 6.36 expert, which is marginally better than russian tanks reload of 6.5 seconds.
Personally, I think reloading should be faster and maybe a little cheaper, but the current system has 99% of the playerbase capped at the same reload rate as russian tanks.

Why do 120mm cannons have a faster rate though? Idk, I heard ppl say theres more room, but I’ve seen plenty of videos of all kinds of tanks reload in less than 5 seconds.
Theres like two videos of the type 16 that showcase a reload slightly over 2 seconds.


I think it’s fun to develop your crews over time as you want them. We all have to start at the beginning. Big issue is poor Israel who come in at 6.0 and have zero crew skills.
That I do find unfair.
I think we should show more respect to those players who have put ten years into the game instead of spoiled newbie kids demanding the same skills after only a few games.
Do your time, earn the respect like everybody else I say.


spoiled newbie kids demanding the same skills after only a few games.

“I deserve a special advantage in the game and to win even if I’m not actually good at the game” is the textbook definition of YOU being spoiled/entitled, not the newbies.

If you’ve been around for years, you should be able to beat newbies using what you’ve learned and honed skill-wise. If you haven’t learned anything and still don’t have better skills to beat newbies fair and square, despite those years, you should not get spoiled by being given an artificial crutch to prop up your winrate and your ego. You should just deservedly lose games a lot for still somehow being worse than newbies after all that time.

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Crew skills is a simulation of crew experience nothing more. I am not going to go round in circles for another hour over. You argued for so long over the simple point of player/customer litigation over DLC. Then you write this :

We dont need a massive argument over every point made on this forum.
Crew skills are a small deal overall. They take a very long time to accumulate, or you can pay quite a lot of money to get them on every nation (and are people doing that? we don’t know and we don’t know to what extent).If it takes years to do then OK. Time served.

It is the Down tiers that are seal clubbing and I include myself in that. I find my ratio can double in a down tier, different topic but the forum would be so much better if it united to tackle the real issues in the game instead of fawning over tiny details that really don’t matter much.

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I generally disagree. Crew skills are here to differentiate experienced ppl and crews from noobish ones. They make sense logically and gameplay wise. It’s a obstacle only if you’re paid your way to top tier, as it should be.
Most of the people you encounter will not invest GE into crew skills. I have silver star qualification on several of my often used premiums, GE ace qualification I’ve never bought, it’s just too expensive.

Now we can discuss on the ability to directly buy crew skills, either ace crews or directly by levels. I would not mind those being removed, no.

Your pixel computer game crew =/= YOU. Them being “more skilled” in simulation world is not you being more skilled. So this does not change the fact that you are saying “[you] deserve a special advantage in the game and to win even if [you’re] not actually good at the game” and was not a coherent reply.

Crew skills are a small deal overall.

Great, then I guess you wouldn’t mind them being made obsolete (by giving them for free to everyone), if it’s such a small deal and doesn’t matter. No big deal, no big loss, right?

Of course you know full well that they aren’t actually a small thing at all, which is why you’re so invested to keep them, because you want an unfair advantage over others. You want to keep being spoiled and keep getting your un-earned entitlements. This suggestion threatens that. We can’t have that.

Why would you need to simulate that, when it should just be literally true of the actual human players already, if they put in any effort to improve themselves over the years?

Why aren’t you just winning against noobs using your actual experience? And why should the noobs not rightfully win against you if you squandered that experience and didn’t ever improve?


You really do talk crap

Remove the GE option to buy Ace and reduce the overall RP requirements. Other than that, a reduction in crew enhancements would not be acceptable. I worked hard on all my crews. I’ll be damned if that work was for nothing.

I also appreciate the fact that if a player buys into top tier, they still have to work on their crew for the plane to be flyable without G-locking every turn.


You mean I paid for them. If I paid for them, I very much hope I will keep them. If I had been awarded them by playing, I would also hope I keep them. Either way ditching them is dumb. They don’t need to be obsolete .

Are you a newbie with no crew skills? I can see you have hardly played. Do you spend more time on here talking rubbish?

You worked hard on them others paid good money for them or worked hard and topped them up either with free GE or bought GE. Who in their right mind wants to get rid of them? Do newbies think they have a right to stroll in and get everything on day one?


I believe they do think that. 😅



If you didn’t read some part of the comment closely enough to even have a real question to ask, you can re-read the comment again here: Crew Skills Need to Be Removed - #479 by A_Cute_Chihuahua

I very much hope I will keep them.

I meant “keeping the ADVANTAGE” not the literal points. Again, the correct way to make them obsolete would be to give them for free to everyone, so you would indeed keep your points you got. You just wouldn’t have an advantage due to them anymore, despite keeping them. Which is fine, because you never deserved an advantage.

You mean I paid for them. If I paid for them, I very much hope I will keep them. If I had been awarded them by playing, I would also hope I keep them. Either way ditching them is dumb. They don’t need to be obsolete .

Why do you even care anyway? “Crew skills are a small deal overall”

Are you a newbie with no crew skills?

Why would it matter either way? “Crew skills are a small deal overall”

I believe they do think that [they deserve a level playing field and for the best man to win]. 😅

And you don’t? Why not?

Brett Favre has been playing pro football for about 20 years now. Should he get a bonus crutch for all the years he’s put in where he only has to make it to within 10 yards of the end zone to get a touchdown, while newbies have to make it all the way? If not, why not?

What if there was an option to pay $10,000,000 to get that perk, but people who didn’t pay had to go the full distance? Would that be a good idea for the game?

It was meaningless.

Yes. If I paid for a first-class seat, I expect a first-class seat. Get over it.

Then why bitch about it?
I paid for bushes when I knew little about them and the game. Gaijin can remove them, but I will want my money back.
Same with anything else they charged me for. I am good with that and good enough to manage without now. If I paid 75 dollars for a Premium and I didn’t get it, would you expect I might take action? If I paid 75 dollars over two years for crew skills and Gaijin scrapped it might a player be angry and seek compensation?

We have already had this conversation.

Free to play game, you don’t like it then you lost nothing by leaving. You don’t get a right to call the shots over those who do pay and do keep the game afloat for the free loaders who have never contributed a penny.

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What if there was an option in pro football to pay $10,000,000 and you only have to get within 10 yards of the endzone to get a touchdown, but people who didn’t pay had to go the full distance? Would that be a good idea for the game? If not why not?

Then why bitch about it?

Because YOU said it was a small deal. I never said that. I think it’s a huge deal. Why YOU are continuing to care and comment about it so much, though, when YOU think it’s a small deal, is pretty confusing.

If I paid 75 dollars for a Premium and I didn’t get it

You did. The suggestion here is NOT to take away your crew skills, but to give everyone else crew skills for free. Off topic.

They do have a level playing field. Just gotta put in the work. This type of progression in PvP games is nothing new. There will always be disparities between players. Be it hardware, experience, ingame progression features, etc.

Just play your game, and use the tools available to also progress your gameplay experience.


Newbies by definition haven’t put in time. So you are therefore agreeing that NO, they DON’T in fact have a level playign field, if there’s a condition that “provided they do [thing they can’t possibly have done yet] first”

This type of progression in PvP games is nothing new.

I didn’t ask if it was new, I asked if you thought it was a good idea for players in a game to not have a level playing field.

I was there too. I survived. 😎