Crew Skills Need to Be Removed

I’m fine with it. So that’s my take.

Chihuahua has already posited several ways that they could be removed even without technically removing them (i.e. making them super easy to obtain). That would likely not violate any laws. They do that all the time with premium vehicles (see the USS Arizona and USS Mississippi/USS Nevada). They also nerf premium vehicles into the ground after selling them (see the RU 251 as it was originally released versus now).

Digital content in games gets modified all the time. It’s not even your property.

Still not answering the question. Not “do you tolerate it” but is it actively a good idea? As in, better than a game that does have a level playing field?

Do you think a pro soccer player in the UK starts at 200k a week? Do you think they are all going to get that? No you start as a trainee cleaning the boots of the stars until you become one. Time served; respect earned.

If somebody wants to spend cash on extra leg room on a plane, then they should get it.
They won’t fly any faster than the guy sat behind with no leg room, they will just have extra leg room.

I can buy a Jagtiger premium and it’s the same as the one you get for free but you get bonus RP etc .You still die the same and kill the same. fact is you paid the extra you get the extra. The free stuff is the free stuff and the paid stuff is the paid stuff.

War Thunder works like drug dealer’s work. First hit is free, You want more and you pay. Once you are hooked that is it. Nothing to stop the user taking the free hit and leaving but the dealer knows he will make his money and cover the loss ten times over.

You seem to be naive there. WT is a money maker not a charity.

I did answer the question. The bottom line is:


I can buy a Jagtiger premium and it’s the same as the one you get for free but you get bonus RP etc

Which has nothing to do with winning more often inside a match, so is totally off topic for a P2W conversation.

Salaries also, just like the above example, do not give an advantage to win more easily within a game. You did not answer the question either. I asked about a feature in pro football where you could pay money to get an easier set of game rules applied to you, where you don’t have to run as far to get a touchdown.

Is it a good idea or no?

P2W. That is your problem. P2W does not exist, and you have zero concept of that because you have never paid a dime… ever.

People like you think bushes make you indestructible or invisible, that crew skills make you invincible, that the Wythern will get you 15 kills a game every game etc. etc…

All bliss ignorance and a viewpoint that the grass is greener on the other side because you never visited the other side.

American football is for Americans. I’m English.

The Star player will get star treatment. He will start every game. get rested, get top billing, attract advertising and get better contracts and perks, get protected by the referee and be able to afford top treatment and physio. Its a poor analogy.

You need to realize that while you might have you nose pressed against the screen of a 15-inch monitor on a ten-year-old PC your adversary in the game is sitting in a 100k flight sim they had built out an old P51 with hydraulic movement and wraparound 3D screens etc and spending hundreds on GE every day because Daddy is an Oil Baron or whatever.

You talk about equality and pay to win?

I recently went from X box One to Xbox X. What massive hike in performance and what a jump in kills per game. What a clown I was trying to play this game on the old Xbox one for all that time. No wonder my stats look like shit. Spent the cash… boom, what a difference.

Hardware =/= Ingame mechanics

Gaijin isn’t paying for your computer, they are paying for the game. As such players expect a certain level of balance for a multiplayer competitive game.

Yes, and in reality, they aren’t getting it and you know they aren’t. The set up of the internet will be responsible for much of that.

Like I said, the game is Free. You take what is given. Don’t like it? Leave.

In many cases paying players are treated no better by Gaijin as we can see from posts made on this forum over time.

It’s harsh but it’s true and it’s life.

As someone who has played with and without bushes, with no crew skills and Ace crew skills, and with the Wyvern, I totally disagree. Bushes are great, especially before vehicles start getting thermals. Crew skills make a big difference. The Wyvern should net you at least three easy kills- I love flying the Wyvern. If that’s your point of view there isn’t much sense in anyone continuing a conversation with you.

I asked about a feature in pro football where you could pay money to get an easier set of game rules applied to you, where you don’t have to run as far to get a touchdown.

Is it a good idea or no?

Feel free to substitute “cricket” if you wish

You can disagree all you want because you are talking to somebody who has played bushes and taken them off and to be honest, I find that the eye is drawn towards bushes more than a dark angular shape on a background of dark angular shapes. You have to be lucky to have bushes that match your surroundings, very lucky. Check the replays and see how many winners have no bushes. Most of them.

If you are so bad that your game falls apart with no crew skills that, is your skill issue. I have gold stars on some vehicles and no skills with Israel at 6BR. Made no difference, had good games, bad games, lucky games, unlucky games. I might say that gold star crew and bushes might give me an extra kill per game but how will I ever know? Is it game changing? No. Slightly faster reload, and damage repair, you are taking milliseconds. Does or did it make me a better player. No.

Wyvern is good, it should be, it’s bloody expensive but it won’t fly itself and it won’t turn a novice into a great flyer. It is harder to drop bombs accurately than a P47 and won’t take as much damage. Don’t we all buy premiums hoping that will win us games and get disappointed when they don’t?

What makes me a God in those game on the odd occasion I am one?
The down tier. Free of charge. I one shot all comers, and they can’t touch me. I get 11 or 12 kills or whatever, thank you very much. When I check the game in replay, I see the runaway leader was also one BR above everybody else. People talk about fair?

Most unfair thing about War Thunder is inherent in the game.

If your attitude is that nobody should have a conversation because they don’t agree with you and your viewpoint then maybe you are the one who should pull out of the discussion. I wasn’t talking to you anyway so by all means feel free to leave.

I think your football analogy fell flat as does your" I am F2P therefore I am God" attitude.
Failed as it does with everybody else who wants to come in and have a free lunch then snigger at all the paying customers sitting in the restaurant with them.

everybody else who wants to come in and have a free lunch

So is that a “Yes, it WOULD be a good idea to make some pro athletes run lesser distances if they pay a lot for it”?

Cool, so why is it, do you suppose, that no pro sports have ever implemented any such feature, then? Or chess? Or the 100m dash? Or wrestling? Or any other game that’s lasted many decades or hundreds/thousands of years?

Surely it would help fund their sports etc. etc., so why is everyone except you blind to this wonderful opportunity?

By the time you’re suppossed to be able to play top-tier, your crew levels should all be about maxed.

What in the world is this based on? I have played since 2014 and I don’t have a single crew maxed out, that’s absolutely false, you’re lucky to get crew lvl 50, not 150.

People like you have made this game a sterile unenjoyable place to be. It is pure Karen style entitlement, and it is killing Wart Thunder dead.

You don’t pay for a damn thing, but you want it all still.

You get sniped, you want the sniping spots removed, you get killed by CAS you demand CAS be banned, somebody shoots you with a bush on their tank you demand bushes be removed, you get killed by a level 100 player you demand low BR games have no Level 100 players, somebody outdraws you and you say it’s crew skill and must go and so it goes on and the game is turning to shit because of it.

I was everybody’s whipping boy as a newbie like we all were and now I can hold my own a bit I have to listen to your crap when you have under half the games I have.

I get sniped from a spot and when I go to try out that spot myself it’s gone because a whiner like you bitched and moaned about how unfair it was.

Do your time, spend your cash or shut up.

Cool, so if paying for advantages is such a great model:

why is it, do you suppose, that no pro sports have ever implemented any such “pay for an advantage in the game rules” feature, then? Or chess? Or the 100m dash? Or wrestling? Or any other game that’s lasted many decades or hundreds/thousands of years?

Surely it would help fund their sports etc. etc., so why is everyone except you blind to this wonderful opportunity?

You have played since 2014 yet you only show 2k more games that I have. I have only been playing 3 years and most of my main crews are near top in my main trees. I only paid a bit to kick start the lesser trees. You should have all the bases covered by top tier surely?

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Okay so you played a lot in the last 3 years, weird how that works?
And no, for my main only a few crews are over level 100, for my other nations most definitely not.

The notion that your crew will be 150 by the time you get top tier is completely false.

If you are not paying anything, what do you care what others are doing?

When I die in a game do you think I spend an hour crying over whether the other guy had paid for crew skills or not? How would I even know? If I get shot down by an enemy bomber, how do I know if it was manually done or done by a Gold star crew on auto? I don’t.
If a Pe8 kills 5 of my teammates and me then flies back to base do I care if he takes 15 seconds less to reload a new bomb?

What is fair about about me with 3 years game time facing somebody who has ten years’ experience? What is fair about a newbie facing me with 3 years in .An M4 is not a KV1 which is not a panzer 4. The game is not fair. You want fair play Atari tanks from 1980.

I love that this game is about a million possibilities that is what makes gaming in 2023 so much more magical that it was 40 years ago.