Crew Skills Need to Be Removed

And this isn’t even that, this is NO downgrade at all. It’s just giving the same thing they got to other people for cheaper than they paid for it, but their version still does 100% of what it did before. So those exampels of yours are much more extreme.

I don’t know what syndrome or issue you suffer from, but I didn’t read your diatribe. I am not really that interested. All I know is that if I spend money with Gaijin and they rip me off they will be hearing from me and they will lose a customer who is spending.

You obviously rate yourself incredibly highly sadly I don’t rate you that highly, all I see is you argue with everybody on here over anything and focusing and fixating on any random point you can. Somebody needs to tell you that you really are not as intelligent as you think you are. I imagine most on here have just put you on ignore.

There are some really knowledgeable people on this forum that I quite admire and learn a lot from, and you certainly are not one of them.

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Imagine continuing to post in a thread you’re too disinterested and lazy to even read. Why would you post when you have no idea what’s going on anymore lol?

[bunch of ad hominems and tantruming]

Yes clearly you are confident you’re in the right. Yup.

It certainly does and it no doubt feels it is able to do so and it may be able to do so but in doing so it is also open to being caught out under certain circumstances. Look at VW and how they got caught out over the emissions scam. Got away with it for years.

Just takes one person with the cash to say hand on there I paid for a certain thing, and you have removed it. Can anybody tell me that will not ever happen here when it has happed to so many other companies especially over DLC related issues. We live in a world of Ambulance chasers.

I imagine most on here have just put you on ignore.

Good. I prefer not to bother with people who make things up and cannot provide any evidence of anything they claimed out of thin air. My audience on this topic is Gaijin anyway, not you. They can still now see clearly that the guy warning them of a lawsuit actually had:

  • ZERO examples of any such lawsuit ever happening for a company giving away X when they sold X for more money previously,

  • ZERO examples of any relevant laws preventing this,

  • ZERO examples of any credit card policies stopping it,

…and in general turned out to have absolutely no idea what he was talking about, He doesn’t even care about the topic in his own words. So they should be less concerned about that now.

Boring ,goodbye.

Just takes one person with the cash to say hand on there I paid for a certain thing, and you have removed it.

That’s why you DON’T REMOVE IT. You keep it, but you give it to new people for free instead.

Making it no longer P2W but also impossible to file lawsuit over because you DIDN’T REMOVE IT

Can anybody tell me that will not ever happen here

Yes, a lawsuit over “removing something” that wouldn’t have been removed will indeed never happen here, because it makes no sense at simple face value.

We live in a world of Ambulance chasers.

Except in this case, there never was an ambulance at all. We don’t live in a world of “Lawyers running down empty streets where there never was an ambulance to begin with”

What is this drivel you post? Crew skills? Why are they not removed? Because people paid for them that is why…Next!!

What more is there to say?

Because I clearly described how you can totally resolve the issue of them being Pay 2 Win without needing to remove them.

Just keep them (don’t remove them) but give them for free to anyone who doesn’t have them.

Weren’t you supposed to have blocked me and not cared about this topic btw?

@EddieVanHalo and @A_Cute_Chihuahua you’re both WAY off topic. Do the rest of us a favour and take it to private message.


There’s a suggestion related to this topic:

This is extremely on topic.

  • The OP doesn’t like crew skills because they’re P2W and wants to remove them

  • Removing them could risk a lawsuit, as Eddie points out, a wrench in the works for OP’s suggestion

  • So I gave a way to still fix OP’s P2W problem but NOT remove them in the process, thus fixing the lawsuit issue, but still addressing OP’s issue: Simply give them for free instead to everyone.

It’s also a better solution than the one Alvis linked, which also risks a lawsuit UNLIKE giving them for free to everyone.

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Heh, i was wondering if i should talk about this suggestion elsewhere, maybe other ppl will just do it for me.

And maybe, gaijin will approve my 4 pending suggestions

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Anyways, since ive never seen this topic before, i personally think most crew skills are fine, but i loathe the targeting and driving skill on modern vehicles, since the skill of the gunner or driver shouldnt affect how fast a automatic transmission or electric turret drive acts

By the time a player gets to a high level do they not have reasonable crew skills anyway? The issue with top tier players having no crew skills because they “paid to win” a high-level premium with no games played.
Another bug bear of the war Thunder community.

[I didn’t want this conversation]

If you didn’t want a conversation about how to get around an easily bypassed obstacle, maybe you could have considered not bringing up an objection about the easily bypassed obstacle in the first place.

It’s good that you did, because now we came up with a more robust solution that avoids that, which is better than the OP’s original version. But you didn’t have to.

No Idea what you meant there or what it is related to.

It is related to your post where you said you didn’t want to have this conversation, and then requested deadly violence against me after that which got it flagged and removed or deleted by you. Then I replied to the non violent, sane part with a summary in [square brackets] to paraphrase that part

If you don’t want to have conversations about things like lawsuit vulnerability, maybe don’t START the conversations

I don’t want deadly violence against you, in fact I love you. X.

For ground at least, there is not many skills that will be affecting your performance right off the start. Driving and targeting do this, as well as reloading, but lets ignore them for now.
Ofc, there are the survivability skills such as repairing, agility, repairing, vitality, but they dont come into play until you do get hit. I can see why low survivability would be irritating for both the player and teammates, but in terms of lvl 10 premium players, they could spend the ge they got in the pack on crew xp which would smoothly take them to like lvl 50 or so crew level.

Well, assuming they know to spend their ge on crew xp and also know how to distribute it.

For targeting, driving, and reloading, nearly no one will have this maxed out. I personally have a ace type 10, because i bought a talisman to complete the second half of the xp grind, but nearly all players will not have the proper realistic turret traverse or gear changing of their respective modern tank.

In terms of reloading, it more or less is balanced around max reloading + expert = same or marginally better reload than the russian tank at the same br:
105mm cannons have a reload of 7.1 expert, which keeps it at the same rate as russian tanks at that br
120mm cannons have a reload of 6.36 expert, which is marginally better than russian tanks reload of 6.5 seconds.
Personally, I think reloading should be faster and maybe a little cheaper, but the current system has 99% of the playerbase capped at the same reload rate as russian tanks.

Why do 120mm cannons have a faster rate though? Idk, I heard ppl say theres more room, but I’ve seen plenty of videos of all kinds of tanks reload in less than 5 seconds.
Theres like two videos of the type 16 that showcase a reload slightly over 2 seconds.