"Crew In Battle..."

Im sure everyone crashed in air battles because of a lag or mistake, while fighting or even some guy killed you by hitting your plane at takeoff. You go back to the hangar and want to continue the grind but no-no, wait 8-10 minutes even if you crash in the middle of the game.

Again, why we need this “punishment”? For example, i killed 2 player and i dogfight with someone. I crash accidentally and the game thinks i J’d out or ended it on purpose. Not to mention the lag spikes sometimes, server or provider issue doesnt matter which, it happens. It will punish you unless someone damage you. ( “you can just play other nation” Yes, i know. Dont come up with that please.)
I want to see others opinion about it. Sorry for the bad england.


The tricky part is what is accidental and what is intentional crashing to deny someone the kill. Its impossible to know. So I get why that isnt filtered.

But it would be good if the game could detect/log a lag spike and if you crashed during or immediately afterwards, the death shouldn’t cause either lockout or SL cost. Too many times ive been flying along happily and not even all that low to ground, a good few thousand feet in the air and then suddenly gotten 999 ping and been body slammed into the ground. Its very annoying to then have to sit in the Hanger waiting

Mhm - this is a frequent topic.

A few replies to the last 4 identical topics:

But this nails my position:

I get the “suicide” part. I just dont understand why theres a punishment for “leaving” battles when those battles last 10-15 minutes, especially at top tier. I can leave in Sim battles without any punishment/crew lock (im poor and sometimes i cant continue the game because no SL) . And im not crying about this because i like to give up if the matchmaking is bad. I have to play on mobile data and its common when the signal is not strong enough or i wasnt paying attention on the ALT. Im sure this punishment is not needed at all.

Sim is different and unique and is intended as a more “drop in, drop out” gamemode. As a result there isnt crew lockouts. But you do instead get the high SL repair costs from dying and the rewards are given based upon surviving and not directly from actions. As a result, the gamemode inherrently “punishes” players for that kind of behaviour.

As for RB… Its to stop people from griefing a match by joining and just quitting i guess.

Well, Im not sure it helps anyone. Its not a motivation to get better, not a lession to learn. Its still a punishment for playing a game. If Joe in his brand new F-4 keeps crashing for no reason then its his issue since he wasting time so the grind will last longer. Or he crashed at takeoff. He will learn it by giving him 8m crewlock, right? Hell no. Not playing in that battle is enough. He leaves after the crash waits 8 minutes, 1 min til finds a battle, takeoff another 1 minute and he wasted 10 minutes of his free time. Thats a battle btw.

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