Outdated Features That Should Be Removed from War Thunder

the first 2 poinst wont change bc the economy is supposed to give you the least ammount of money feasable and have you pay the most ammount of it.
This is unfortunately by design of this being a F2P game, wanting to sell you a premium account, or even worse.

The last thing is for different reasons (crew lock), so you don’t voluntarily leave the match early, but take it seriously.
Yes, it has to be reworked, but it is mostly, so you behave yourself at the beginning (don’t crash) and in modes with multiple spawns, you use them, and not leave after you’ve been killed once, having the whole rest of your lineup still ready to fight.

As you wrote:

This is by design and this frustration/disappointment:

is so you spend that money on a premium account, on premium vehicles etc.

Therefore I want a change in monetization, but there wont be that unfortunately.

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Repair cost:
This is already removed for premium account holders.
I feel this is the best method as it’s a healthy incentive to spend $3.34 a month when buying annually during a sale.

Training cost? I feel that outside the 7 figure costs, the amount is largely more than fine.
I feel they could have it set down to 600,000 for top vehicles.

Doesn’t it just prevent you from getting negative sl in a match?


Nah, you still can go negative with the prem (like if you teamkilled someone - you’re gonna pay in SL for this)

Pretty much.
Which is all I could ask for since the only other major money spent is on vehicle purchases.

Regarding your points:

  1. Repair cost
  2. Crew training cost
  3. Crew locks

A short reply:

  1. Repair cost (whilst being a major balancing factor in the past) fulfills mainly the goal of encouraging players to use their resources wisely - i do not see any benefit for the game or the majority of players if the game is flooded with even more absolute clueless players which rush like headless chickens, die and hopp into the next match. Same as wannabe pilots which see trading in a fully committed headon as a viable strategy…
  2. Crew training cost - i fully agree that they are way too high, same as the RP requirements for getting an ace crew/pilot.
  3. Crew locks - Whilst there are fundamental differences between Ground RB and Air RB - at least for Air RB the crew lock forces players to learn how to control their aircraft. So a player unable to take off without an accident or crashing on his way to his target is a burden for every team; the 8 minutes (and repair cost without premium) prevents them to repeat this in infinite loops.
    The issue for Ground RB crew lock is based on other topics and should be discussed in a separate thread - there are dozens of posts dealing with ODL & map design.

Orange smoke when artillery strike. No explanation needed.


I have Premium and was bought it for Fathers Day, and I can tell you, I still have to pay for repairs.


The problem I have with Crew Costs is how unfair it is. Even when moving a crew from one Tiger tank to another almost identicle Tiger tank, or from 1 Spitfire to another almost identicle Spitfire, etc, etc, the crew costs are still FULL PRICE. Why?
They are moving from 1 vehicle to an almost identicle vehicle, but still have to pay in full like they are complete novices to the vehicle despite many battles.

At no point are they forced to quit. Reserve vehicles have no repair cost.

They must have just been holding W and not even touching the mouse. With premium, you cant even lose sl unless you actively try to.


Crew skills are certainly something Id quite like to see removed or at the very least, overhauled. They are a frustrating handicap for the sake of another grind.


I barely break even when spading any plane above rank 6, britain suffers. My SL profits after spading aren’t very high either, maybe a few thousand a match unless I’ve top-fragged. If your friends are struggling at the low ranks they just suck, like really really suck

I think the crewing cost is fine, its the cost for an expert crew which is incredibly high. the difference between an expert crew and a normal crew is extreme and an aced crew is even more insane, it gives majorly faster repair times, reload times and G force tolerances, you’re better off grinding for six hours in your previous vehicle to crew and expert your tank than to spade with a regular crew organically.

crew lock was meant to punish deserters of matches but more often than not just screws over a player that got knocked on takeoff or if your game crashed and didn’t give you the option to rejoin.

Absolutely agree with all of these except for maybe the last one- though I wouldnt mind seeing it go for game crashes/etc.

Repair costs have always been rather stupid imo, and crew costs especially since you have to pay per slot are horrible.

the difference between a standard crew and an aced (even expert) is too high it gives an unfair advantage to us experienced players over the newer guys beyond skill or those without enough SL
Extreme example but here’s FV4005 on a level 145 crewslot vs on an aced level 87 crew. This is pretty big even though the standard crew is much higher in level. even half a second is the difference between survival and death sometimes so its just a terrible mechanic

Yep, there are several aircraft like the Harrier II or Gripen that are basically unplayable without ACE in my experience whilst others you barely need maxed crew. But its naval that I feel that expert or even ACE is the most needed of them. The difference it makes is insane.

But also the little things, like Expert and ACE are slot specific drives me nuts.


Interestingly I dont run into a repair cost problem at all, even when I get no kills I get maybe -1-2k?
Might be a difference between AB and RB, though.

you my GR7 pilot spends a good 10% of every match slumped into the floor as I cant afford to ace the crew playing it. id have to play my Centurion AVRE and sealclub for 30-50k sl a match for a lot of matches to be able to afford it

HMS Belfast is my go-to SL printer and that generates like 200k SL per match :P

But Yeah, I think I got so frustrated with the Gr7 I just GE’ed the ace


may be an arcade to realistic difference as I barely broke even when bombing a full base and averaging one to two kills if I wasn’t instantly killed by a lucky farkour not getting multipath trolled

Yes, I am extremely in favour of removing crew training costs. It means that have to play another 2-4 matches in a premium vehicle that I’m completely bored of playing in, depending on how unlucky I am.

The vehicle already costs a lot of money, especially if foldered and I have to buy something I’m not gonna use the get that vehicle (e.g. Meteor Mk.8 G.41K). And I’ve had to spend a considerable amount of time farming crew points to put my pilots G-force and Stamina skills to 5/5.

But no, the pilot/tank crew turns into a complete moron every time I buy a new vehicle and he needs special “training costs” all over again.