Create a gap between ww2 and cold war vehicles and tech

You don’t choose uptiers or downtiers… If that was the case I’d win all the freaking time. The premise of your argument is “choose the tank that fits the scenario” but I cannot control when I am in a German tank from WWII fighting a societ tank from the Cold War.

Those are Tiger and Panther players. They are a different kind of animal.
Also, a Sherman can easily cupola shot a Tiger H1, and also pen it’s front, as well as the Panther’s mantlet with APCR.

And the IS-4 has 2 .50 cal HMGs too, so it can track you too as well.

See above reasons why this is not a good idea.

These tetris ads arent like they used to be


Yea as if IS4 or Soviet players are the masterminds of war thunder.
Yea the Sherman can do all that and so can 100 other tanks.If players fail constantly a task they will be forced to learn to complete it IE killing an IS4.If you give them the noob option HEATFS or the extra noob option CAS then why bother using brain comrade ?

It is amusing how much nonsense is being spewed out of this conversation.
“Dicker Max is OP” bro in what world…

I’ll be honest, despite 8k games being attached to your name this all reeks of fundamental misunderstandings of how the game plays.++

Of these “WW2 tier” HEATslingers I saw one being in your record: The Sav m/43 (1946).

I see no IKV-91, I see no Pbv 501, no T92, M56 or M50. No PT-76B nor a 2S1 from any country. No Ratels, no Eland or AML-90. No FV4005. No Type 61 or Type 60 of any variety. No M36s that have access to HEAT-FS yet don’t rely on them! Not a single M48 at all, not even a German one despite being a main. None of the Italian cars or C13. No ELC bis.
Not even the “immersion breaking OP SPH” M109 from any nation. No Bkan either. No G6 Rhino either.

All I see is a German mains perspective without having taken in what it is like playing those “immersion breaking OP CW vehicles with OP shells”.
Sure, some of the mentioned vehicles are good, but almost never is the reason solely their shell or penetration.

How about trying not to make an armoured push for once?
How about learning to play more patiently? Hell, even without having played these vehicles and learned how to counter superior German cannons (because yes, APHE is still by far superior compared to HEAT and HEATFS at “WW2 tiers”) with patience.

This is a one sided vision that doesn’t have the full perspective to really be able to make such claims.


That is a lot of prattle, easier to say cut the game in half at rank IV for all nations.Have two divisions

Two words: hell no

Let’s not divide the community further than it already is. It wouldn’t even solve any issues, it would arguably worsten the situation for many countries as has already been stated.


It would solve all the issues mentioned above

Not reading everything all over again.
Mind listing them for me?

Off topic babble.

Too bad then

No need to waffle with unrelated diatribe just relate to the OP. Yes cut the game in half,tier IV is the perfect spot.

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I simply disagree.

It would artificially make certain tanks overpowered and other tanks useless.
It would further divide the community.
It would not satisfy the “muh HEATslinger ahistorical” complaints.
It wouldn’t fix anything, it would simply further expedite issues.


Explain how

Point 1 already has been with the IS-4 examples.
Point 2 is literally a divide, you’re tearing something apart in two pieces. We already have enough mode elitism, why more?
Point 3 a split by rank would still see those “problematic cold war vehicles” be situated at the tiers that they annoy those who can’t bother learning to deal with them

Nothing you said means anything .you re knee jerk replying and not thinking about it.To be honest if the whole issue is of no concern why get involved in the discussion?

Why it wouldn’t be bad then?

And that is why your input is meaningless

This doesn’t explain anything.
It’s a nothing statement.

:) ?

The IS4 would be well clear of the cut so it’s moot