Create a gap between ww2 and cold war vehicles and tech

Yea but with the same logic late war tanks should fight early war tanks just because its called ww2.Things changed so fast that in just 8-9 years we went from tankets to tiger 2s and pershing and IS2s and from biplanes and props to jets.Lets not categorize it all like that

That would make them glass cannons.We have plenty of those in the game and they work fine.The archer has to rotate 180 to fire yet people still use it.We didnt make it a reserve tank just for that.That kind of logic fails very quickly.

APHE will bounce on anything but the perfect angles unless its some giagantic APHE or unless its an exception of a shell.And when it is a big shell it comes with an equaly big reload.On the other hand HEATFS can pen extreme angles like butter and is often fired by guns with very fast reloads especialy on the 6.0-8.0 br range

Im playing Sweden at 5.0 and even though those are cold war vehicles theyre mostly ok.While their APDS rounds should see them go upwards like i proposed initially without the high pen rounds theyre ok.The DealtTorn uses an APHE and although it has an autoloader its pretty balanced.Same goes for those tank destroyers on the pz38t chassis.

French cold war designs are mostly super ww2 designs not actual cold war ones up until a certain era and the same goes for Italy (which is basically America 2.0 after the p43).This means that theyre ok.I cant say much about the south African vehicles but they would work in the cold war era and they would surely be more balanced there than in ww2.

Gaijin only cares for money and thats sad.The game is more of a profit machine than an actual game where someone has put his soul and thats why it has so many problems across the board.

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I don’t think it even needs to be a big deal or even needs massive discussion. Just cut the game in half at 6-7.

Two separate divisions. 6-7 BR is top tier in Division one two and 6-7 bottom tier in Division one.

Give division one bigger more modern day maps .

Top tier as it is now has nothing above it and it still functions. Bottom tier has nothing below it and still works.

Just a simple cut that pretty much keeps WW2 in its domain.

Top tier div2 may be hard but so is top tier as it is now. If you cut at 7 with no up tier the USA stuff like the Jumbo/M26/T20 could fight the Tiger 2 and not have to worry about facing cold war stuff at 7.7.

It also stops the boring debate about development and reality /history.

I play Sweden at 3.7 and I know many are not WW2 but it kind of works if you dont get too pedantic.

I play France at 5-6 and its still fun even though I know the Shermans are 60s examples VS ww2. I can suspend disbelief there. I would love to play the Tiger 2 etc but I have no desire to play it at 7.7.

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Yea im sorry youre right thats what you said i was just angry with the game and was typing like a maniac.Ive seen plenty of people especailly when i played that br kill is4s with jpz4-5 and RUs so i cant really agree.Plus the existence of the t114 and that other american gun on a supermarket cart on wheels that i cant currently remember its name.Also why should it frontaly be penable by everything ? Can everything pen the kv1 on its br frontaly ? Can everyting pen the IS1 frontaly at its br ? Why is the IS4 any different ?

The is4,maus,T34 fight reply you gave doesnt make sense.Since when the IS4 is so strong ?

Germany at that br has the panthers and many other nations have their respective mediums.You dont need to kill right away.Even breaking the tracks with the pumas 5cm gun is enough so that the heavies can push even more.Plus tigers 2s pershings and what not can also flank and track them set them on fire and much more.Tools exist.Someone could always also use smoke and make everyones but the IS4 teams life easier.

The T54 is better than the tiger 2 and i agree its somewhat of a bad comparison.Still the fact that the first itterations use APHE makes it more viable vs late ww2 vehicles since it has to aim far more.But i would just put it in the cold war category now that i think more about it.

I have faced them 1000 of times literaly so im not disqualified in the slightest.Plus ive seen countless videos of people playing them and i always frown at how easy it is to do half the stuff that i sweat for.The ikv is an extreme example but theres so many other vehicles that are not on the extreme spectrum.

Early cold war vehicles would work like reserve ones.In fact at this point im going to advocate for a 2 way progress system to reduce the grind.You only want to play modern tanks ? Start from the early cold war and reach to the modern stuff.You only want to play ww2 ? Start from the interwar and go to the late war ones.

Ive been killed multiple times from HEAT shells that came at me from extreme angles than from carefully aimed ones.Ive been ammo raced in the maus and tiger 2 105 from 60 deegrees plus angles that no APHE or APDS would ever pen.And the exact same goes for missiles.HEAT and missile firing vehicles in the 6.0-8.0 br are usually so small that you barely even seen them and good luck hiting that thing with any kind of tank.You have to change to HE and shoot at pixels at range that is if youre gun is still functional and the guy waiting on the corner hasnt pushed you.I have played in Germany vehicles like the Leo1 and a bit the jp4 and the rktjpz and i never had serious problems.I though my non existent armor would create an issue but i was so fast that it never seriously mattered.Again my biggest threat was noobs flying planes

I agree but they also should be fighting toddlers just to balance them

Yea i agree with that in many ways.At the same time it doesnt mean that the maus the T34 the T28 should face cold war vehicles and technologies.Theyre all “goofy” designs,which i disagree,for most players but people playing them shouldnt feel like literal Goofy

The only thing that needs balancing is gaijin head because its been leaning over money more than an addict over drugs.The maus is fine as long as it fights its equals.Put a gorila to fight todlers and youll have problems.Noone said that and you can understand very easily what i advocate for.

The ikv103 is really just one example but i still disagree that it has a place in the 4.0 br.A kv1 or ISU152 shouldnt be penetrated from any angle without thought

Maus shouldnt face ww2 either? It would be incredibly overpowered. How do you not see this

Yea but we go more into the “all vehicles should function equally well regardless” which is not balance its destroying every kind of hierarchy so that everything is equal.

The ikv103 would be far better at the cold war where so many lightly armored vehicles roam.You would overpressure half the vehicles you face compared to overpenning a heavy or medium and having to fire 3 shells to kill them.

The m51 is another joke of a vehicle

You think it is OP, or bad?

Yea man from any distance if you have .50 and if you see him before he sees you


It is extremely average at best. There is nothing OP in it.

Youre jocking right ? APCR the same as HEATFS ? Do i live on Neptune or something ?

It shouldnt be able to pen the vehicles it does with that ease.Tigers and IS2 are made fun of by its shell.You dont care about angle unless its totaly flat and you just pen.The bad things are the chassis,the gun wobling and the average hull armor which falls in the chassis category

I would have grinded French early cold war designs but i dont want to die from cas 50% of the games and the other 50% from t54s so i stay at the ARL44 with the 75

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The Maus was a joke and was removed for years. They should never have put it back to be honest. It was maybe the point where the game either completely lost the plot or just gave up on it.
Fact is if you like WW2 and the game at 6 BR and no more then Gaijin should cut the game in half so we don face the cold war era so much.