Create a gap between ww2 and cold war vehicles and tech

At this point in the game WW2 vs Cold War seems like an arbitrary distinction.

To me, this type of request can be reduced to: “change the game to suit my playstyle”

And the people requesting it don’t care what they have to break in order to get what they want.

Right, because Me-262 having to see MiG-15 in battle is not already broken.


Bro necroed a thread just to say “i want my late war stuff to be stronger. I dont care about balance”

Your post only makes sense if the 262 was forced to exclusively fight Mig 15s, this is not how war thunder works. Every vehicle in the game excluding the vehicles that ‘currently’ occupy the top tier spot must face other vehicles with clear advantages. A Panzer III M has to fight the KV-1E far more often than a 262 faces Mig 15s and I would argue that the KV-1E has a devastating advantage, so tell me which is the bigger injustice?

I just don’t see WW2 vs Cold war as anything more than a pointless line in the sand.

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There definitely needs to be “buffer BR’s” basically a BR bracket with no vehicles in it. Which means a maximum uptier for vehicles just under the buffer only have a 0.7 increase rather than a full 1.0 increase.

Somewhere around:

  • 3.0: The jump between 2.0 to 3.0, 2.3 to 3.3, and 2.7 to 3.7 are massive. This would also improve new player retention as they’re getting fairer games. This would mean 2.0 would only match as high as 2.7 as there would be no vehicles at 3.0, 2.3 would only match the old 3.0 (now 3.3) vehicles. 2.7 would only match the old 3.3 (now 3.7) vehicles.
  • 7.0 (now 7.3 with above change): Late WW2 into Early Cold War with better APDS and far better HEAT make many WW2 vehicles redundant.
  • 8.3 (now 9.0 with above changes): Early Cold War into Late Cold War suffers similar issues with the addition of APFSDS, HEATFS, missiles, helicopters, thermals, and composite armour in uptiers.
  • 10.3 (now 11.3 with above changes) Late Cold War into early modern era. Facing long rod APFSDS and modern day MBT’s in uptiers.

Doesn’t have to be exactly those BR’s but that’s roughly where the problem points are.


The BR system already separates technology.

Maus is a cold-war tank BTW.

That’s more historically accurate than not.

IDC how they reduce the compression, by separating eras or another method, it just needs to be done, but they are too lazy to fix anything except the highest BRs. Good luck even getting 1 kill in certain matchups because the enemy pilot has to be lobotomised.

I don’t like this idea that Gaijin are being lazy. The game isn’t broken, and it’s no ones jobs to take you half baked suggestion and develop it into a solution to a problem that only sometimes exists, if it even exists at all.

Calm down with this broken game nonsense.

I mean, the game is perfectly okay if you don’t play the affected BR and mode, and just ground pound. Nobody is complaining about mid-high tier tanks or props.

I’m not sure if or how sarcastic you are being.

I know how you feel because I’ve felt the same way many times over the years. I can’t say its a feeling I get anymore, and as much as war thunder has changed for the better over years the main change was my perspective.

I had an honest think about what War Thunder actually is instead of what I thought I wanted it to be and I’ve decided to accept war thunder and enjoy it for what it is. In doing so I’ve gotten way better at the game, invited friends along to help them get into it and we all have a decent time. If a vehicle doesn’t work for us we talk to someone who has worked it out and practise making it work.

The chance of a Panzer III just happening to be side on wit you or behind you in a urban map is high and likely.Same with an M22 against a Panther. In an open sky a 262 vs a Mig 15 is f****d same as a B29 is. It’s no comparison. You are ignoring the huge difference of a complete and intense arms race,the whole game does and its why the game works fine at sub 5BR and collapses after it and why so many long term veteran players run for the cover of a sub 5BR game.

Neither do Gaijin which is why the game becomes such a shit show at that point.
A big ugly seam or crossover where Heavy late WW2 tanks meet fast dart firers or One shot kill HE slingers from the 80s. I certainly couldn’t sell that shit to anybody who does not already play this game.The Maus you say ? Really?

I notice Gaijin’s adverts don’t seem to either.They give the impression of era respect. Realism !!! Yeah …my ass!

Many run across Cold war like hot coals to get to the “promised land” of top tier and many run back to real WW2 for the game as they expect it and like it,where it works.

That muddled era mess in between is just that for so many.Odd you can’t see that.

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You are ignoring the huge difference of a complete and intense arms race

I’m not ignoring it, the arms race is present at all levels of the game, you’re just choosing to fixate on the gap between September 1945 and June 1953 (or would you prefer pre September 1945 vs Post September 1945 as the cut-off?). To me the line seems arbitrary.

There might as well be a cut-off between:

  • High velocity guns and low velocity guns on tanks between rank 1 and rank 2;
  • Biplanes and monoplanes;
  • Planes with rifle calibre machine guns vs cannons;
  • Tanks with Heatfs vs WW2 armour;
  • Tanks with Heatfs vs ERA and Spaced armour;
  • Thermals vs no thermals;
    – (which basically leaves heatfs as a viable shell between 8.0 and 9.3)
  • Props vs Jets;
  • Jets with Missiles vs Jets without;
  • Jets with rear aspect vs jets with all aspect;
  • Jets with countermeasures vs jets without;

And the list goes on, I have yet to see a minor obstacle that a player on the forums hasn’t attempted to escalate into a game breaking flaw.

Many run across Cold war like hot coals to get to the “promised land” of top tier and many run back to real WW2 for the game as they expect it and like it,where it works.

I think you’re conflating ‘the promised land’ with top tier. There are just as many people that run across the hot coals of Pz IIIs to get to the Tiger H1, I think people are drawn to tanks they know and it just so happens that more people have heard of the M1 Abrams and T-90 than have heard of the AMX-30 or the OF-40Mk II, or many of the other 8.0 - 9.7 vehicles.

That muddled era mess in between is just that for so many.Odd you can’t see that.

Don’t get me wrong, I can see all the players complaining about their struggles and the complaints are range from well articulated discussions to emotionally fueled rants which don’t always add up to a clear argument but they have made their points and I know them. I don’t doubt that it’s a problem for people, I just think it’s the players job to change the way they approach the game, not the developers job to change the game to suit the players.

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I dont expect a replication of WW2 as its the game that I am interested in not replicating history.The Maus is and always will be a sad turd in the middle of it and that is Gaijins mistake but I think a break around 6-7 could work.

I also think the two divisions could over lap in BR so one run 1 - 6 or maybe 7 and the other runs say 4 to top, then the second tier could feature all the post war /modern stuff that is lightly armoured and maybe in doing so allow South America or Turkey in and all that truck/van mounted stuff from the more modern era without upsetting the WW2 cannon/meta or what ever you want to call it.You could put the Concept 3 in the bottom of the new division for example.

I am trying to stay away from pleasing historical purists and pandering to personal taste and just taking the frustration out of the game …while taking on board History and personal taste : )

Seriously I think there is more scope to do this than many think .I know there could be issues.I think the current game is rammed with stuff in some areas and missing things in others.There are nations that have zero line up and too many people having to take refuge at lower tiers worried that their WW2 safe haven or old heavy take zone will be saturated with the new and fast.

Its a 12 year old game and a good one but the cracks are showing if the forum is to be believed.

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Are you aware the Me-262 and other ww2 jets are mostly uptiered? That is the issue that compression has caused and is why people often want brackets between ww2/cold war or other divisions.


This is why I say there should be spacer BR’s rather than actual separation.

I’m aware, but I’m also not concerned with uptiers. They just don’t bother me all that much.

I feel like decompression would organically create these breaks.

So you don’t see any issue with a Me-262 regularly facing MiG-15s and F-86s?

Just stop

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It isn’t