I’ve noticed the core of the game hasn’t changed for like the last 10 years. Not one complete rework of the game since then. They still use the same assets they did 10 years ago, maps didn’t change, the only thing they reworked was the game’s engine. At most they add new assets for new stuff, like new airfield asset.
So it isn’t the damage or pen, couldn’t be the armor si ce it has none, and couldn’t be the molbility because it’s not great. Must be fine then.
AI overhaul is in development as we speak. Those can take years though.
DCS’s AI overhaul took 3 years, and before that it was using AI developed in the late 200X’s.
They’re working on new spawn systems for air modes.
They’re working on new air defense systems for air and ground modes that’ll change how matches are played.
They’re expanding the borders of old maps.
Some old ground RB maps went from 30x30km to 80x80km in an update without a note in the major update notes allowing for more airspace for people to fly around in.
they also have been changing for better or worse many of the old maps on ground rb
Because it’s not a multiplayer game. Even if the devs add multiplayer in the future, they said singleplayer is their main focus.
That’s my main issue with this game, it has so much wasted potential. The mechanics and vehicles are realistic, which is the hard part, the foundation is here. All they need to do is come up with new game modes and make mm historical (which could be done in a week). Possibly develop new AI for infantry or AI-controlled anti-tank guns (Pak 40, Russian 45mm and 76mm) around capture points or something, which they could steal from Enlisted and build upon that.
They need a new AI, which is harder than everything they’ve done previously.
AI that doesn’t go faster than tanks can go.
AI that can fire weapons.
AI that are limited by the flight models of aircraft.
AI that don’t aimbot.
AI that can use naval vessels like a player.
AI that can use helicopters [this one flat out doesn’t exist yet].
Who did this?
Who alowed this?
How they did this?
damm… imagine dying to HE shell to the head by a tank with anime things…
I agree, this is a hard task. No question about it. I’ve never heard they are working on it though.
They mentioned it at least 3 times.
Once when heli PVE was in testing.
Another a few months after.
And another when talking about AI-radar systems for player-controlled SPAA that don’t have radars equipped to the chassis [Type 81 for example].
Gaijin don’t talk in detail much, so gotta grab those bread slices as we wait for the full loaf.
Well yes, but I mean stuff like the ground targets asset, with howitzers, anti-air emplacement and a light pillbox or the airfield asset. Some ground targets have damage models from ground RB, while some still have the old ones with HP. Some anti-air have to actually hit you to kill you, while some old anti-air just make your entire plane yellow, if you fly in it’s range for too long.
That’s the kind of stuff that makes this game feel unchanged in it’s core.
Someone in current ongoing conflict of [REDACTED] and [CENSORED]. Not sure which side, but there are plenty of anime fans on both going by online propaganda :P
Expanding the borders? I played Hürtgen Forest last night for the first time in ages and they have red lined it.Reduced it’s width.Are you playing the same game as the rest of us?
Every heavy vehicle in the game drives much better than it should. That is the ONLY reason why they have fight tanks from the distant future.
Don’t forget that they captured a Bradley and used it in a fight with this pillow)
No politics, just random talks about historical dakinakuras
He is talking about the air. Ground map for them is smaller but the air portion is larger.
That is the root of my argument certainly. It is about where the game could go not what it is currently.
Some players on here have no imagination and sadly the game makers dont either.I
watched an interview with Anton the CEO and he said he does not want any spin off series for this game as it is a conflict of interest so any “Warthunder 2” or WT Modern conflict or what ever has to come from inside the game.
It comes as no surprise that many players call for changes.The desire to re work kill cam is years old and they only just updated it so just because Gaijin don’t do something overnight does not mean they never will.
fr ww2 era, post ww2 should be together and coldwar vehicles separate.
cold war vehicles in ww2 era is nonsense this is not historical.
despite of the balance this is how it should be.
many people will surfer from HISTORICALLY accurate battle that’s how 1939-45 it was,
How would you make imbalance enjoyable from a gameplay standpoint?
A hard date cutoff also adds a ton of issues that have already been outlined before, and any sort of historical MM is quite hard to balance.
What about post war designs with performance similar to WW2 vehicles, like many Swedish and French vehicles?
M103 is a cold war 1957 tank with HEATFS