Create a gap between ww2 and cold war vehicles and tech

People obviously do have an issue with this.

The only way around this as far as I can see is to have two separate divisions that actually over lap BR wise.

So one division is mostly WW2 and runs 1 -7 BR the second is post war/modern and runs
4- TOP

Gaijin seem to also have a bit of an issue with putting later fats post war kit at low BR ( WW2 BR? ) .They elected to follow history for Israel so that is one in the eye for those who say WarThunder is not historical.It is but its just done badly.

There are many good fast light vehicles such as truck and Land Rover based stuff that could be brought in at 4 or 5 BR for the late division and it would also be a way to get the Middle East and South America into the game without destroying the WW2 feel of early BR.It could also be a way to get canon/meat breaking vehicles like the Concept 3 out of WW2 but keep them in the game.

So maybe the 262 would have few rivals in game but in reality it had few rivals anyway.It also had it’s faults. Gaijin don’t need to be super strict with dates just use common sense.

It would be if you want an enjoyable and balanced experience for all players.


No it wouldn’t be.

Saying it’s hard/impossible is just your narrative.

Me when I face 60s tanks in my Pbv 301:

Me when I face a T-54 in my Ikv 72:


In the case of aviation TT, I would rather see a gap in 1953 or something close to it than a gap in WW2 and the Cold War.

There are some props which flew after WW2 such as F-82 and La-9/La-11 so, if MM was separated to WW2/Cold War, late props would be impossible to balance.


He said any sort of historical MM, not strictly historical MM.

Historical MM as in axis v allows, or nato v Warsaw pact would work, and does work in WT.

Historical MM by introduction year can’t be made enjoyable for everyone playing it, without massive changes to how MM is done.


You can’t just put them at a lower BR where they won’t be uptiered to jets? If the eras are separated a lower BR shouldn’t cause any issues.

The problem is that you think something like a Ikv 103 can’t deal with T-54s and I think it definitely can.

By your definition this would be an unenjoyable and unbalanced experience for both sides and by my definition it would be enjoyable and balanced for both sides.

If the MM was loosely historical, an Ikv 72 would be at 1.7 and Ikv 103 would be at 8.0. You think it’s not balanced, when it in fact is.

M18 may be better than an Ikv 103 in a 1v1, but if you would put both of them against a T-54, Ikv 103 could fairly easily one shot it from the front from any range, while M18 wouldn’t be able to do shit from the front from point blank range.

Problem is most late props are really fine at its BR.

6.3 or 6.0 Spitfire Mk.22/24 would be insane as hell.
Same goes with 5.7 La-9.

Also what about MiG-9 and Yak-15/15P?

Their first flight was post WW2 but, they are technically WW2 era jets.


No, I mean reduce the battle rating of all post-WW2 props in synchrony. They will still be fighting the same opponents as before, but now they will be too low to see unfair jet opponents, but they also won’t interfere with mid-late WW2 props at a lower BR because of the era separation.

And as for the WW2 designs flown postwar, I believe that there are probably enough late WW2 American, British, and German jet designs to create an environment in which the MiG-9 and others could property thrive in.

Although, it’s worth noting that I am not really a good opinion on the actual matchmaking of specific jets, as I do not typically play air, but WW2 and Cold War separation is an idea I’ve thought about for while now.

So just BR decompression ? No really , it just BR decompression

You mean want to compress lower BR and makes that BR range awful even more?
That will never be acceptable.

Some aircraft, such as the Me 262 C-2b and Me 163B-0/Ki-200, have no counterparts in the WW2 era.
Meteor Mk.8, F9Fs, etc. work as their counterparts, but they are literally Korean War era jets.

In any case, I believe that TT and MM should be separated somewhere because if Gen’5 jets were implemented in the game, grinding TT from biplanes is just ridiculous.

However, it is not a gap around 1945.

I don’t entirely disagree, It’s nice to see some kind of suggestion that is thinking outside the box as opposed to a knee jerk no which resolves nothing.

Gaijin could and should be free to make a cut off point that they feel suits the game.For exapmle I can appreciate the Centurion is not a WW2 tank but Cold war classic to somebody around my age but I thoroughly understand why it would find itself in the Cold war meta ,same with the ARL 44 etc

Planes has an are where jets and fast props are not that much different but ten years in military development is a lifetime.The Mig 15 vs the 262 is frankly ridiculous if you take this game any where near seriously. Its no issue at all if you don’t.

If you don’t or Gaijin don’t then why all the detail elsewhere? Gaijin could make things so much more easier in terms of balance if they gave on history all together but they don’t so we have to acknowledge history is a thing in WT.

If Gaijin makes a gap in 1953 or something close to it and moves the BRs like MiG-15, F-86, MiG-17, etc. to the same place as they were in 2018, almost all BR compression problems in that BR range will be solved.

When we didn’t have AAM and supersonicin the game, Me 262A and Meteor Mk.3, P-80A never faced against MiG-15s or Sabres because these early jets were 7.0 and Sabres and MiGs were 9.0.

Only Me 262C model faced against Sabres and MiGs but, I don’t see any problems because their boosters are insane.

True, APDS/APDSFS and HEAT-FS is the reason why i not play or extremly rare play with Tiger II H, Tiger II p, Maus, T26E1-1, JagdTiger, Ferdinand, T95,T29,T34… and other similar tanks.

In old system/logic they used as a breakthought tanks thanks to his armor and his firepower…‘slow but sure’ now they armor out dated, and they kept they have slow and bad mobility.

Not worth it… a simple fast light tank or medium with mentioned ammo shot through them with they laser gun. Not to talk the rangefinders in cold war tanks case… Waste of 5000 credit/tank + 1 minute repair timewith upgraded crew, not worth it to play with them.

Basically i see the solution in the BR changes:
Heavy tanks:+0.5, -0,5 BR
Medium tanks:+1.0, -0,7 BR
Light tanks:+1.1 BR,-1.0 BR
SPAA: +0.7 BR,-2.0 BR
TD:+1.2 BR,-0.5 BR
Arty:+2.0 BR,-0.5 BR

Why?This BR changes good because …
in Heavy tanks case restore his breakthought /front line role and not as a shy TD .
in Medium tanks case able to fight against better opponent but they able to defeat them thanks to they good mobility and firepower. But prevent to they become as seal clubber tanks.
in Light tanks case able to fight against better opponent but they able to defeat them thanks to they good mobility and firepower. But they weak armor not save them from lower BR tanks shots.
in SPAA allow them to fight lower BR CAS. THis will able improve ground AA defences.
in TD case able to use aganst Highter BR armored targets but prevent them to seal clubbing the lower BR opponents (like KV-7 vs 3.0 and 2.7 BR tanks)
in Arty case they able to defeat every armor with one shot+ fast reload speed and mobility. They able to stand against much more highter BR armors.

Just some example:
-2.3 BR tanks not will suffer from seal clubber M4A3(105) and T-34 mod 40.
-KV-1 ZIS-5(BR 4.7) never will meet with Tiger h1.
-T29,T34,T95 ,Tiger II H and P never meet with 8.0-7.7 BR Cold war tanks.
-M26 Persing never meet with 8.0-7.7 BR Cold war tanks.
-T-44 never meet with 7.7 BR Cold war tanks.
-M4A3E2 never meet Tiger II.
-Churchills never will meet with Tiger h1.

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Edited with PS…

I mean, need to add some vehicles as “high tier reserves” but, TT and MM can separated with Rank V to Rank VI.

Rank V is pure gunfight and no supersonics, just like pre 2018.
Rank V is not allowed to have guided missiles, including AGM, and will either remove them or move to Rank VI with the missiles.

Rank VI is the pioneer rank of the missiles and mach 1+, and both ranks never faces each other.

Facts are facts regardless of who posts them.
Maus was an incomplete prototype in 1945, same as T-54, though T-54 got functioning prototypes in 1946.

It is a WWII vehicle, not a Cold War vehicle. There is no reason for it to be a Cold War tank.

Then T-54 is also a WW2 vehicle, as is Centurion.
Of course you get into weird situations like the Mig-9 that uses reverse engineered Juno engines.