Create a gap between ww2 and cold war vehicles and tech

That’s basically bad performance.

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No the performance is adequate when facing things they should be facing.

You also forget how good and balanced 6BR was before the artillery spam.
The big 3 were pretty much on an even keel all things considered.It was a good place to be for most nations.Now the game play is awful.

The issue with this game is that nobody realises how good the game is until its ruined ,the devs just cant stop tinkering.Somebody needs to say ,woah its complete and it’s good ,leave it alone.

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If you don’t see the massive, near-house-sized, unstabilized M109s with bouncy suspensions and fire off a round first, this might not be a tank problem.


So the gameplay just doesn’t feel right.

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Er …yeah …cant remember what was said but late WW2 is shit.Can Gaijin fix it? …er …no.

Name some shit late WW2 vehicles.


It was gud now itz shit

No, you are just bad with them. I want to have a better rebuttal than this but there is no other way to word it.

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You just scroll up or click the portraits in the top right corner of a comment 😝

Have a good weekend.

What do you think this is, high school? There are more layers beyond pure literal when it comes to what people say. You mentionend me being a German main for a reason. I didn’t check your stat card when debating your arguments because I didn’t need to, since I was responding to your opinion and nothing more.

The reason you brought it up was to suggest I don’t have enough of a varied experience:

Which is completely irrelevant to what we’re discussing.

First of all: it’s a heavy tank. In a full uptier, it will always be the suboptimal choice, that’s true at literally every BR. So if you’re minmaxxing, you shouldn’t even spawn it at 8.7.

However, sometimes, I do it anyway, just because I feel like it. The last time I did it was… yesterday.

So, what do you think of the quality of what I’m “smoking”? :)

I wasn’t even playing that well, by the way, I made a bunch of very dumb mistakes. I’m an average player who was playing below my average/not overly concentrating and I still did good enough in a full uptier with the Maus. That would simply not be possible if the tank was as hopeless as you say.

This shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone who knows the Maus btw. Yes, at 8.7 the mobility and targeting speed of what you face, puts you at a very severe disadvantage. And enemy rounds trivialise your armour. However, those very high pen rounds also lose post-penetration compared to APHE. You have six crews and a lot of empty space inside the vehicle, so you can survive. And a lot of stuff you see is very lightly armoured, meaning that the coax can be devastating. And the rest, you just need to know the weak spots (such as the cupola on the RISE).

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You either see them or you dont see them and many rounds pass straight through before they one shot kill your Heavy tank from the front in a way no other WW2 is likely to,the game was better without them.

If you’re having trouble one-shotting M109s, allow me to provide a bit of advice that may be helpful: the vehicle has non-depletable ammo racks on the sides of the hull, towards the rear, right under the back of the turret. If the front of the vehicle is exposed, you can reach them through the front: you need to aim to the right or the left rather than the centre, and towards the top of the hull to make sure the round goes clean through. If the side is exposed, just shoot under the back of the turret and they’ll go pop.

If the hull is completely hidden and only the turret is exposed, things get more complicated. However, the muzzle brake is huge and the breech is also easy to damage, so even if you don’t have the OHK option, you can at least disable it from shooting.

Even the Panther’s 75mm - with a relatively low post penetration damage value because of the nature of the shell - detonates the ammo without issue if you aim your shot well.


Your stats are nothing special so you might want to try a different approach lol .What does somebodies individual playing stats have to do with how the game overall is falling apart? Maybe if debating an issue int your strong point you should give up because you are not making any sense here.
There is more than one person on here who hates the clash of era’s in War Thunder.
Learning to accept it is something everybody is forced to do but that does not make it right or any more enjoyable.WW2 vs WW2 was mostly balanced.WW2 vs later cold war is not and its much less fun.

Im not if I see ,Just like anything else. Just carry more HE but that is not really the point.

I just think the game was much more fun before they were spammed into every nation. It’s the same issues others have with the M51.

The game ran well with similar tanks at 6-7BR they had ammo which was simiar and did simialr damge.Then the HEAT slingers and big HE artillery was thrown in and made it all a joke.

I can sit behind a rock in a 60s Russian Artillery piece and take out five old WW2 tanks in a row outside spawn now and I never could before in a WW2 tank, not by hitting them square on the front and doing it every time.

Must be damn frustrating for those in the Panthers and making them wonder why they bothered spawning one if they have no frontal protection anymore. I just cant make that point any clearer or dumb it down any more for some people on here.

Same with the Jagdtiger.It has one saving grace,200mm of armour in an era where nothing has a pen power of 205mm so the big old beast has a reason to be …just about.
Get into a good position and hope you dont get outflanked.
But in face a tank from a different era with 3-400mm penning power and your JT is worthless and pointless, that legendary frontal armour might as well be tissue paper. Same with the Elephant/Ferdinand, nothing but good frontal armour and pointless facing 60s tanks .
I imagine this is why nobody bothers with them much anymore, just too slow and useless.

Most of us will take the uptier as its part of the game although we don’t like it but when those tanks at the end of WW2 get uptierd they get uptierd in a different way,they become redundant.

You could argue it happens again at the point where night vision comes in and some tanks have it and some tanks dont.A problem for some in night games.
The uptier has become too pronounced basically. Leads to much more ODL .People see they are uptierd and leave.

I only brought it up because you mentioned multiple shots passing through, so yeah :D

It takes time to switch to HE, especially if you have a slow reload, and you can also give up your position like that. If you’re in the Jagdtiger it’s plainly too risky. So I always prefer to know how I can best use the ammo I’ve got already in, and then opportunistically I can switch to a different one when the gun returns to battery.

The M-51 is just a tank destroyer. It’s slow, not survivable, and very good at killing things. Being shot by a Nashorn or by an M-51 is basically the same (minus the tradeoff, more pen for less post pen).

IMHO what really puts WW2 vehicles on the spot is the go-karts. The Fox does a lot more damage than the M-51 could ever dream to do, because mobility is the meta and it allows you to influence matches much more, not to mention the fact that with WW2 targeting speed, landing a killing shot on something so small and so fast can be difficult.

Well, you could do the same in a Sturmpanzer Bison, a Sturmpanzer Brummbar, a KV-2, an ISU-152… HE is hardly a new tech in the game. Even the Jagdtiger with HE-only can be incredibly lethal (in fact, since I have it in my 7.7 lineup as well, I’ve occasionally used HE to take out T-10s which my APHE would have been hard pressed to deal with from the front).

In real history, in WW2, one of the main advantages of HE was precisely that it bypassed the need to penetrate armour. There is a very interesting development where machines that were primarily designed for infantry support and bunker busting - Dicker Max, Sturer Emil, SU-152, and so on - were employed more and more as tank destroyers because they were excellent at the job.

And in fact, War Thunder actually undersells this utility compared to the real world: in War Thunder, we do not have a simulation of the kinetic impact of the shell casing after detonation. To cycle back to the Jagdtiger again, in real life its HE round could penetrate 180mm of RHA.

In game this is obviously not the case (notwithstanding the fact that Gaijin uses the formula rather than test results, IMHO correctly since test results are impossible to standardise across armies).

While I’ve mentioned a bunch of German examples, the Soviets were actually the ones most systematic about this idea: any gun with a large enough calibre can, if there is the need, become an anti-tank gun. That was the Soviet doctrine, it’s why Soviet artillery was instructed to act as impromptu AT if there was an armoured breakthrough, etc. And it was correct.

What sets apart the 2S3M, the M109 and so on is that they’re very mobile and they’re turreted, which I agree are major advantages over a Brummbaer… but then again that’s why they’re so much higher in BR.

I’m not a fan of the Ferdinand in the game, but as you can guess with just a cursory look at my stat card, I love the Jagdtiger. It’s my favourite vehicle to play, and in terms of matchmaking is in a much stronger position now than it was before summer 2023. I really emphatically disagree with the assertion that it’s worthless and pointless. No pointless machine is ever gonna get you nukes.

Granted you have to play it very deliberately. But you should be doing that regardless. For example: yes, phenomenal armour, but a Hellcat at very close range can ammo rack you through the MG ball mount (happened to me on Advance To The Rhine). There are ways of enhancing the survivability of the Jagdtiger which really elevate its performance when you play.


I know what it is ,I use it a lot and I can one shot Panthers with it in a way I cannot in a WW2 tank ,that is my point.I enjoy the M51 but its a WW2 immersion game killer for sure : )

We can all get ambushed from the side by a fast M18 as annoying as it may be and we take that as its fair and that was WW2. Getting wiped out one shot by a 60s beast is just crap ,its game off go, play something else,for me anyway. Thats all I can say.I can survive at 6-7BR but I just dont want to play the game any more in a flood of cold war artillery spam in a slow old tank in a fast moving game with cold war ammo flying about.No fun ,no interest.

If you dont mind it then cool I respect that.I also take the advice on how to play, its good and its coming from a good player,I know that : )

This issue of an ugly seam around the WW2 and Cold War meta/cannon is old and many have an issue here ,it was even on the old forum


Of course I don’t mind! Fun is a subjective thing. My responses are purely about the topic being discussed and are not meant as chastisement or rebuke or anything of the sort.

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No I didn’t take it as that at all.I saw it as advice.It’s all good
I think I am just to annoyed by the era mix.I am thinking of moving up and away from WW2 then it wont be an issue for me : )

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It helps that I mostly play WT for the fun rather than the historical aspect. I’ve recently started playing Call To Arms Ostfront, and I’ve also been turning to retrogaming for classic WW2 experiences - WinSPWW2 is amazing and it’s free, and I also got myself Command Ops 2 to play something that recreates the operational level of WW2, which basically no game does - it’s all either strategy or tactics. Finally, I’m thinking of buying the old Panzer Elite, installing the (I think) Ostfront mod that modernises it and that everyone talks about, and having some fun with that as well.

In pure WT terms, I have to say top tier is not really for me. The reason why I enjoy the 6.7 area so much is that I like heavy armour being a factor; I like memorising weak spots, I like that while reflexes are important they’re not absolutely dominant, etc. The higher you go, the faster the gameplay becomes, and that feels a bit too CoD for me.


I will look out for those titles.

I play on X Box and wonder sometimes if I should even be bothering with this game on a console.
The Immersion at lower WW2 levels and even 6BR as it used to be was enough to carry me through what I thought was a game with many annoying issues,now all I see is annoying issues.

The Cold wars spam at 6BR is overbearing now and I am rarely in the mood for it.

If you look at other threads on the forum you can see the WW2/Cold War issue being mentioned there as well even though the post is not directly about that.