Create a gap between ww2 and cold war vehicles and tech

There is an implicit code in the War Thunder code. When you open an bonus card, this code will detect that you have opened it, and then automatically push you to a high weight room or select a server with high latency to enter the game. This will weaken your profits and force you to be more aggressive.

Why are you posting this here?


Yet that has nothing to do with what was being discussed, nor my comment. (Edit: and thanks for not explaining what you meant by that WoT statement. I only just worked out what you meant and just as confused what that has to do with what we were saying either).

And I see the supposed issue of non-era division as an imaginary problem and do not see how it would be more fun as there isn’t the issue people make it to be in the first place.

And the inability to not see the same “issues” where era is not a problem tells me much reasoning for this (why it is a supposed problem) is very weak.

A change like this would stop the “fun” enjoyed by people playing as the game is it is now. Or do all people here not like the game they play and continue out of spite? This would be a fundamental change to appease a niche of a niche of a niche.

Welcome to the WT forum and discussion here 🥳


Nice tin foil hat you sporting there!


I’m assuming you have proof of this code beyond people merely saying that it exists?

I was civil to you, so you can keep the snark to yourself.

Even the German tree has plenty of similar vehicles. M109s can take out T32E1s, used it. The Raketenautomat when it was still 7.3 was the bane of every heavy, you just had to point and click to delete an IS-3 from the map.

But it’s funny that you’re telling me to play other things, because in the previous post, you said,

And I responded that I do play a 7.7 heavy, and I have a giod time with it. So I’m not sure what the objection “play non-heavies” is supposed to achieve. To teach me that cold war vehicles are strong? I already know that. I also know that the Maus is very capable at its current BR.


iam civil to you, and u are a german main. If that hurts you that aint my problem

in the face of 8.7 vehicles? Pass me what you are smoking on, it must be strong as hell


You have obviously a severe inferiority complex vs German mains. Kind of comprehensible as your ancestors got clapped by Germans & Sowjets…

But imho you should learn to distinguish between a game and your liking or disliking of certain nations due to whatever reasons; based on my experience playing certain nations has nothing to do with the nationality of a player.

A hell of friends from the US and the RF are somehow addicted to German hardware - why should they feel harmed by the totally irrelevant claims of a random stranger like you?

With such statements (as quoted above) nobody takes you serious.


I am a German main I guess and I am English,What is your point and what is it relating to the current topic? AurenKarach is a nice person and respected on here for being polite and decent.No need for this episode.

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Looks like you can’t answer my question.

No, it can’t go to 9.0. It doesn’t have a stabilizer, which means it will be outclassed by everything above 8.7.

Advocate for decompression, not this idea of separating ww2


Meanwhile french MBTs

I love the Idea of separating WW2 but I dont think its feasible,not now any way.It would leave the smaller nations with next to nothing if the cut was made at rank IV . Big 3 can handle it but some nations would have nothing.

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I was a German main too. Not Polish either, and the reason i highlighted both of their researched vehicles, is that one guy has 1 heavy tank but feels entitled to having an opinion on tanks he does not have, and the German main guy…well …having a good time with something is not an argument.
My ancestors clapped both the Germans and the Russians-

stabilisers appear 8.3 and onwards…My God, the poor Vidar…we should lower it even more then. How about 7.0?

There are no heavy tanks that need era seperation because of bad performance.

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They need separation because of irrelevance( no they wont get it) .They are just pointless and redundant when facing much more modern vehicles.
The idea of WW2 separation just being about immersion has passed.Hard to have game in a WW2 heavy without being taken out every time by an M109 who then gets taken out himself with in seconds ,so all those stupid things are doing is just enough to ruin every bodies game at 6BR

It like WTs main rival put them in to **** everybody up .