Create a gap between ww2 and cold war vehicles and tech

All I say is that I one tapped two Maus (Mice) in a row with the japanese Type 99. There is a spot on one of the turret cheeks right next to the mantlet.

Imagine playing one of the most armored tanks just to die to a single hit. It just ain’t right!

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thast the reason why maus was removed from normal tech tree, you cant balance it. Its ether OP or usless.

It also is not helping that you did not face one maus, but whole armys of them if said players had them.
It would have been on the game dev´s side to balance it.

As example by limiting the amount of ceratin units to be at the same time on the map in one mission.


Fortunately Gaijin will never do this tor the sake of a decent game and not placate people unable to do well in their heavies (by their own metric).

Wiping out minor trees to placate this odd “historical” fetishism would be ridiculous since these heavies perform fine, even the Maus.

But again, chances of this ever happening aren’t worth worrying about.


I will tell you what is ironic ,you talking about other games low player counts while telling players to leave War Thunder and go elsewhere 😆

Because its not balanced when something completely negates your whole existence. This is why the Maus has no place in the game and got semi-removed by Gaijin.
The cold war heavy tanks are well equipped to fight each other and form a top tier for the conventional part of the game.
And you who harps all day on about balance should understand that.

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Though that is not ironic at all. I see what you mean but that is far too sloppy a comparison 😝

Asking players to go to the game that actually fits what they want in terms of the subject does not make WT unpopulated nor as niche as those @markimash hints at.

Especially since, as usual, this is in RB section, mainly talking GF; the least popular mode after naval and sim (hint, simulator style is even more niche).

One, it is not “completely negated” at all.

Two, “this” happens at 4.3, by vehicles 1 BR lower. Using conventional “in a game” rounds.

Of course not talking about TDs where they are designed in game to be vulnerable (mobility and or armour) and the main go to when dealing with tougher targets. I am talking medium tanks 1BR lower.

Sort that out first and then later on might be more valid.

Maus is a good tank.

Anecdotal I know but I’ve seen people complain about the Maus when they have a 6/1 K/D in it after many battles.

Edit: and that one is almost 4/1!

And look at all the other “poor” heavy tanks often said to be “useless”.

Again this is why, though current balance system is flawed, player decided balance would be a massive mess.

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Telling players to leave wt wont help with numbers will it ? If you at WoT players are leaving apparently.People come on here to give their grand good bye all the time

The Maus makes wt look like a joke

Yes, as the numbers lost (pure historical battle requesters) would be tiny compared to numbers that play WT. We don’t need “more numbers”. In fact game mode was more pleasant before the last few infuxes.

Again, RBGF (the thrust of this topic), is the least popular mode before naval. So this is a niche of a niche of a niche.

The last bit you need to rewrite cos even I can’t work out what you mean there 😝.

And you avoid the actual point made about how popular “true” historical games are. That is NOT why people come to WT.

It’s a big game with a big player base you only need a small percentage of this player base to quit to have a lot of people.

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Indeed, 7.7 facing super modern stuff yet retains great win rate and kill to death ratio… even WITH supposed “every time !I shoot someone they bomb me”.

Wait, it is almost as if…

And again, constantly ignoring the earlier balancing “issues” with similar era vehicles shows “year” is just a crutch. Same happens lower by normal rounds/vehicles (not specialist) one BR lower than heavy tanks.

A parade is not combat. Nor did I say anything at all about parades. So I kindly request that you do not shove words into my mouth that I did not type/speak.

Not to get entirely off topic but reminds me of how Minecraft rn has groups of people who want the game to be a Vertical progression when the game was built from the ground up as a Horizontal progression. WT is the opposite being Vertical and not Horizontal which makes sense. Trying to force a game to be something it is not never goes well.

A T-34-85 from the 1990 Bosnian war then, chill

Non of us have right to say why people come to warthunder ,we all sorts of ages and nationalities.As for leaving we have posts on here regularly from veterens saying good bye followed by posts about poor quality play at top tier from players with only one vehicle.

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WT would just be more fun with era division and ultimately that is all that matters to me.


More fun for German players, horrible for all the minor nations.
Name some vehicles that need era division because of poor performance.