Create a gap between ww2 and cold war vehicles and tech

Sticking with the time of introduction should be fairer. Some T-34-85 was still in use during a recent Russian Victory Parade, so by your logic it should be 12.0 then? Because it served till 2024 or longer

This is why.This video completely captures how I have come to feel about this game at the moment.

I don’t know about the boss tanks, but I too remember when it was just conventional tanks with conventional weapons, and it was fun. Balanced? Perhaps not. Fun? Oh, yes.


Yeah not to sold on the boss tanks either but the first half of the vid I was so in agreement i could have cried : )

This would disproportionally benefit the nation with the strongest 6.7 line-up. Which as I see it is Germany by a decent mile.

Imo if you want a decent and fair WW2 cap (or non cold war) you’re going to have to either remove or limit the number of certain tanks that can spawn in a match otherwise they’ll be no reason to play at these BRs for most other nations.

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Big 3 certainly ,Germany ,Russsia ,USA.

Probably all that was in the game back in the day.

This is a valid point.

You could have a reverse RP point system.

Like in boltaction and or Warhammer or any other tabletop game.

Have both teams to have a 1000 point in tanks.
Who ever comes first can pick his vehicle, this removes the spawn RP points. After he dies the points get added back and if a second player is dead he can chose his super heavy and so forth. This way oversaturation of certain vehicles can be prevented and controlled.


Which is why Phly was saying it should be carefully curated by humans, not algorithm. You could honestly go up to 7.0/7.3 with those post-war heavies that are stuck using conventional ammo.

Hell, it would be a reason to bring back the Tiger II 10.5cm.

Big problem Philly didn’t address is the small nations at 6-7 BR .It’s all about the gaps there.

Yeah, something would absolutely need to be done so they aren’t just copy/pastes. The Free French used Shermans, and while that would be an accurate portrayal of the Western Front, it would be extremely boring for all parties.

I would love to go where Philly says but we have the elephant in the room as they say which is those nations and the gaps.

His video and the way he puts it does include Sweden though ,a nation I have little problem with in the WW2 cannon.I do have a huge problem with the M109 Spam.The nail in the WW2 coffin at 6br

I don’t think human curation would solve the glaring gaps this change would create.
You’re gonna have to compromise and have certain post WW2 tanks in this cap to make it work for at least most of the other trees.
Not to mention a complete re-work of the BRs either side of this proposed cap.
And at that point its just a series of thankless balancing decisions that no-one is going to be happy with.

I think the main issue for me is that under pinning the already volatile balance of the BRs are those more modern tanks and ammo that you see crop up. i.e Gaijin don’t really have to fix APDS if you’ve got HEATFS etc.
There’s alot more work under the hood than you would 1st imagine to make this work… and the benefit as I see it is really just for those that play late WW2 heavies.


Thing is,why would you play a slow heavy like a Jagdtiger in a full uptier with 200 mm of armour into a world where every other fast tank you face can pen 3-400 mm of amour with ease.

Then you have the issue of moving from spawn at 8 mph and finding your own team mates have capped two zones and gained 3 kills by the time you even get within firing range of anything.

This game is meant to be fun not a job.

Yeah I don’t play heavy tanks myself for these reasons and more lol. I just don’t see how they are fun. But I suspect I am in a minority.

I will say that uptiers are supposed to be punishing - heavy tanks in my experience dominate in downtiers and suffer in uptiers, thats kind of how it goes. Whereas with light tanks the swing is more balanced (for the most part) in exchange for survivability and also having somewhat of a higher skill ceiling.

I never went above 7 Br and if I want to then I have to grind through mountains of old heavies all of them facing ATGMS and God knows what else.

I cant be bothered.

If I have to bowl around in a big ugly WW2 heavy tank then give me the armour it was designed for in the era it was designed for because if you cant the game aint worth shit.

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“Should be” is the problem. Each date type you pick drastically changes things.

I decided to take a quick gander at your profile and… what are you doing wrong? Every single German tank you aren’t doing very well, and I do not want to hear excuses about their matchups.

This is all kind of ironic. People here saying that they want historic/immersive ww2 experiences while games that do exactly that exist and have some problems with low player counts.

Please go play those so i can get more games in them.

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We’re not disagreeing on anything regarding the minors. I’m well aware they’re the odd man out and things would need to be done for them that bend the rules.

As to Gaijin doing a total overhaul of the balancing… they’ve needed to do that for years and things are just getting worse and worse.

I came to WT from WoT, attracted by the realism aspect, and initially, especially in Ground, it was great. But the traction change, map reworks, and the addition of HEAT-FS and darts killed so much of the fun for me. I was really looking forwards to the M103 back when it was top tier since I had ground out all the way to the T110E5 in WoT and had a ton of fun with the heavium gameplay style the USA offered, both there and here. Now its hopelessly outclassed by MBT’s a mere 0.3 BR higher.

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Is this the video where he is complaining about heavy tanks only to play a heavy tank and doing well in it?