Create a gap between ww2 and cold war vehicles and tech

My opinion is as follows:

I find the current matter of things in War Thunder untenable. On the one hand we are denied awesome vehicles or they are being gatekept from us for being historically inaccurate, like the German Trinity of the Panther II, Coelian and Tiger II 10 5, somewhen the R2Y2’s etc, yet the matches are the most historically inaccurate free for all you could imagine, with some enemies having half a century of technological advancement more than you, some nations being on the same Team they never would have been and people having gnomes and waifu pillows on their vehicles.

The Fair approach

Either these double standards are dropped entirely and such disputed vehicles returned/kept for all to enjoy, because current War Thunder is so laughably unhistoric anyways, or we go full realism.

Going full realism

Strict and historically accurate Era Splitting

First Person only for all vehicles with manual crew switching and leaving the vehicle to repair it, basically the vehicle gameplay of Enlisted

Any even remotely controversial vehicle gets removed, regardless of the type and impact on the game.

Fictional camos and customization are banned for everyone.

Barrel Collision

Accurate reloads (Sturmtiger 10-15 minutes btw)

Pick your poison, Romeos and Juliets.

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Won’t happen.

seems harsh

you can turn them off

could be nice

wow that seems fun


Thus is the nature of life and War.

Even fuller realism

Since you are just one player, you only get one Crew member to control. Maybe it is random, maybe you can choose, maybe it will be one set crew member always. Every vehicle that has more than one crew member, will require a Squad. Any vehicle with 4-5(?) Crew can be fully controlled by a Squad of Buddies, If it has more Crew, random players will get assigned to the free Slots. If you do not have a Squad, you will get a random crew of Players to coordinate with, like Chat Roulette. If you do not want any of this, you will have to switch seats with accurate time to do so, regardless If you have to leave the vehicle to get into a specific seat.

Good luck coordinating a vehicle with random bozos and best of luck playing stuff like the Char 2C or a Battleship.

ok you want realism? Late german tanks and planes spawn without fuel.


As if Soviet and Allied vehicles were flawless

But they had fuel.


Bro got defensive over a joke that doesn’t even touch of vehicle specs


It makes me laugh when people try to justify having mixed eras in a PVP game in 2024 ,really does .Like a bad workman trying to explain a poor job.All the lame excuses under the sun.

The OP like most people should have directed his request formally to the Devs but they put it on here so it’s just a complaint nothing more.

I totally agree that 6-7 BR sucks big time but its part of Warthunder that is broken ,always has been broken and always will be broken.No way to fix it so carry on or leave.


Historical matchmaking would be one of the most unbalanced things the game has ever seen.


Yeah like I said Gaijin can’t do it.It’s broken so we have a childish mix of toys out on the mat at the same time.

Trying to prove me wrong by underlining the problem I am talking about ?

Yeah like I said ,Gaijin can’t make it work so suck it up.It’s pathetic,its poor game play and its poor generally ,deal with it. Retreat to lower BR ,pass though to higher BR away from WW2 or try to turn a blind eye to the nasty era clash.

Anyway you deal with it the situations sucks but that is War Thunder.


Historical matchmaking will never be balanced.


Yes it would .You cut the game at rank four and ditch anything that wasn’t WW2 .It would be perfectly balanced.You might drop a few tanks from rank 4 to 3 even things out but it’s doable.

With The big 3 of USA,German and Russia it’s perfectly feasible.

Problem is we are past those days of just the big 3 and doing what I said would make bigger gaps than we already have in the lesser nations. UK would have to lose the South Africa line and it would have a line that would need filling there,but that could be done.

The lesser nations would have bigger gaps to need filling or they would just have gaps.

Gaps are the issue not balance.Things like the Maus would just get ditched.The Maus was ditched for ages any way .You could not get it when I started playing.Sweden is the issue.It may have worked pre Sweden but it’s too late now.

So my take on era separation is ,yes WW2 only would be great I would love it.

BUT!!! It’s too late to implement it now ,Gaijin would need to make brutal cuts which they would never make and bring in new vehicles and there is no financial incentive for them to do that.

In fact Gaijin have made the WW2 /Cold War era worse lately not better with the M109 spam.
So it’s a dead dream for me and everybody else.I just stay away from 6 -7 BR Now.

I play below 6 BR like so many do just hoping Gaijin will leaves us alone and not spam the lower BRs with any more out of cannon post war junk.

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good bye SPAA

like the ikv 72?


Or the AMX-13, or ARL-44, and several other tanks.

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In some cases yes

like many things as I said.

I would love WW2 only but it’s a lot of work if you look into it properly and any WW2 lover can read what I wrote and see just how hard it would be.It can be done but what would Gaijin gain from doing it?

I just think the "Can’t be done " sounds better from a WW2 lover and WW2 BR player rather than people who don’t really give a damn screaming Balance !

Not wishing to go off topic but Warthunder is one of those games where you overlook the many faults and carry on.Then something just a bit better comes along and you drop Warthunder like a hot brick and realize it wasn’t really that good at all ,in fact it was quite poor but all we had.

I played last night for the first time in a week and had a fun game despite CAS at late WW2, second game was a full uptier against 60 heat slingers and just garbage ,I quit and went to bed.I cant be bothered to meet this game half way anymore.

I see why frustration in WW2 heavies is there.

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Then you didn’t understand sh** from Phly’s video, and no this notion that heavy tanks should not be facing APFSDS and atgm’s is as old as the death of armor meta.
No one enjoys trying to play a cold war heavy tank just to get rolled with ease by some sh**box, 20 years from the future slinging apfsds and such.

Furthermore, there is no need for such obscene compression.
Balance is also not something that pits you against things that completely negate ur existence.Thats lazy gamedesign.

Historical matchmaking is a different thing altogether. Which would affect Swedish low tier experimental vehicles…But Phly didnt talk about that


I dont think historical matchmaking is a good way of addressing compression…maybe conventional vs everything else.
ww2 should have a top tier of Cold War heavy tanks, with bmp’s, marders, self propelled arty guns, heat-fs+laser rangefinder combo , being moved up above this “conventional top-tier” and everything else above subsequently moved up to make space for the new low-tier of modern era and “not so conventional” weaponry

Philly is right but there is nothing we can do.That is where we are at with War Thunder .Its like the BR system ,its an inherent fault that we are conditioned to accept.

Many do and many rebel against it and call it out for what it is like a bunch of revolutionaries rebelling against a corrupt system : ) It is an old game that has boxed itself into a corner and many dont realize this until they make it to 6 BR where you cant escape the fact.

Only thing you can do with warthunder is to turn a blind eye to the faults and try and enjoy it,ignore CAS frustration,BR frustration, Era frustration and Map change frustration if you can

Trouble is they just keep coming at you with more and more BS,every time you turn the game on something has changed so more BS of some kind.I think this why so many are leaving WoT ,just too much,like finally leaving an abusive spouse that you love : )



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Going by his logic the M103 shouldn’t be fighting that oh wait the M103 kept serving till the mid-70s.

T-10/IS-8->Till potentially 1996

The T-62 was the first to use APFSDS which means Fin-Stabilized was invented somewhere in the Mid to late 50’s.

So his claim is none sense.