Create a gap between ww2 and cold war vehicles and tech

I fully agree.

Seperate by years or eras and then have for each era a BR rating.

This way balance and immersion can be united.

Early WW2
Mid WW2
Late WW2
Have maybe a fictional 1946 setting
Then we have Korea era
Vietnam era (early cold war?)
Mid Cold war
Late Cold war till 91 or so
Cyber Mech warrior starship ODST,Blade runer Aliens colonial mariens era?!

Each era can have its vehicel cutoffs and BRs as they are can stay.
This way super heavys will not face Korea era or cold war tech.

History isn’t balanced.


That’s why heavy tanks face apfsds, ATGM and laser rangefinders…yeah… Mr Megamind

It is kind off.
As the previus poster said. You will not face in WW2 a wiesel with 20mm and thermals. Or BMP1´s or what ever wheeld vehciel is there wit a recon drone. As example.
Thats why the BR´s should stay and the era speration just be a addtional layer. Its good for imersion and over all balance.It leavs room to add other vehciels that could fill the gap of vhecels taht ar enot avlaibel becauseof the era lock. More to grind more to drive and fight.

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Nobody said it was, stop bringing these annoying points up

Nice to see you agreeing with me. History isn’t balanced and it would be unfair to base the BR system on it.

Both Tiger 2 and T34 don’t need a buff. I haven’t played the others but they are all good tanks from my experience and don’t need buff neither.

Poor ikv 72.

I bet this topic came up with that stupid video from phlydaily, I’m just waiting for the Swedish low tier to get a higher br because it shoots APDS ammo and it’s all because of the crying germanmains in their tiger 2s because they were pierced in the upper plate by the T92… There’s no chance for such changes due to the parameters of some tanks that are already in this game. There’s already a problem with balance in order to keep the parameters of tanks relatively consistent with history and you want to make it even worse by introducing such inconsistency.


I am so god damn sick of the Germany bashing in this Community, put a lid on it.

Exactly, but also again, realism is subjective at the end of the day.

For example, one thing War Thunder really shines in is that the reconstruction of the machines is breath-takingly detailed. At least for the exterior. That’s already good enough to say, for example, “the vehicles look realistic” even if that’s saying nothing about actual combat.

But on the other hand the interior for ground vehicles and ships is not modelled at all, which for some could represent a limit to what constitutes realism…

It’s something you can argue about until the cows come home. I don’t understand why people fixate so much on this word.

I do have to point out WT does use a HP system for the crews - and possibly some modules as well. But just a nitpick.

We appreciate you for volunteering. For the purposes of game-testing how balanced this would be, we’re going to put you in a Pz.35t, while Tagnoch gets to play in a KV-1. Do a bunch of custom battles, and then let us know what the outcome was.

Once we have determined that this is indeed a fair and balanced fight, we can move on to the next elements of matchmaking that break immersion, such as both teams being always equal in size, WW2 German tanks fighting on 38th Parallel, the lack of infantry and artillery, and many more.

Hell, to make it 100% immersive we could even make it so that every time you die, your account is deleted and you have to create a new one. Fun!

Which WW2 tanks can reliably deal with the Maus and the IS-7? More importantly, what’s going to stop people from only spawning in the Maus and say the IS-4M, if they have such a big advantage, completely ignoring every other vehicle in that BR bracket?

That’s not true.

I’m a German main, I mostly play WW2 vehicles, and here I am.

I hear this argument from players of any tech tree in the game. I unironically read a French player in an ARL-44 argue about this in chat during a match on Abandoned Town a few weeks ago.

Imagine playing the ARL-44 and asking for historical matchmaking. Lol. LMAO, even.


Give me two Pz.35t and we can do it.
Balance is not 1 vs 1 asymetrical balance is posible.
The KV1 must shoot bunkers that far away while my buudy and i just have to cap. How abou that?

You can shift the goal post as much as you like, you make no point at all expect for wasting time to write so much when a no i dont like would have sufficed.

Thast why I have put the 1946 era in. Ther eis space for gajina nd the designers and devs to put all the goffy stuff that nations did plan or did not build. It would leave room for imagainationa nd bring fresh wind in to WT.

Specifically #GermanMains. Ones who fit Wehraboo stereotypes, not just people playing the German tree.

I am with you. Also, freedom for the German Trinity, Panther II, Coelian and Tiger II 10 5.

Sure, it just requires the game to be something it’s not. For example, it needs multiple extra factors of balance now (how many average-player Pz.35ts balance out a KV-1? Or should we ignore that balance element and just go for historical ratios?) and needs to introduce plenty of new mechanics, such as…

Asymmetrical objectives, PVE elements, and (realistically) infantry and tank-killing artillery.

And you wonder why this argument is a non-starter? Implicitly, you’re asking Gaijin to make a completely different game, without a clear business case to do so.

Every element you would need to make historical matchmaker work is absent from War Thunder. You only have the vehicles in isolation. Which is why performance is the only factor that matters.

The Maus was cancelled in the summer of 1944, by which time the prototypes already existed. So what you’re proposing would, ironically, be a-historical matchmaking.

Yes, I know, but it gets tiresome all the same to see the stereotype everywhere, especially because the people who want this stuff seem fairly cross-sectional through the tech trees.

PhlyDaily stirred the hornet’s nest with that video.

I’m not sure what video that would be, considering I removed him from my recommended feed. I just hold this negative opinion based on BR changes (US gets flak from me here as well) and how terrible the experiences are when at 5.3+ with German teams. German ground is frustrating to play but I never have many issues with their vehicles. And while there are valid complaints about German vehicles, they get lost in the swamp of ahistorical complaints.

nah mostly the big three

That’s not saying much. The Big Three is something between 80% to 90% of the WT playerbase.

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Don’t know about that but it’s not cross-sectional through tech trees.

This stereotype is so popular because there are so many german mains who cry about their heavys not beeing invinceble while they just blindly drive into the battle. From my experience german mains are some of the blindest teammates in war thunder.

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