Create a gap between ww2 and cold war vehicles and tech

You seem to have appointed yourself as gaijins gatekeeper over this issue.The posts made requesting WW2 seperation are constant and numerous.Its a big an idea and demand as anything else on this forum and wont go away just because you have no concept of WW2. Am I to presume WW2 armour is off more interest to the west than it might be in Asia where tanks were hardly a thing?

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If you are going to seperate WW2 vehicles then you need to do the same for Interwar and WW2 and Modern and Cold War to make things fair overall. But then it would create hard meta barriers to push through for progression, which would be pretty awful. Then which dates matter could wildly change things overall. It’s just a poor idea overall for the game.


As are counterarguments as to why this proposal is ridiculous, with the majority of people who wish to abolish the BR system as it is not really thinking through of what the implications would be for the game.

Having “a concept of WW2” has nothing to do with game balance and wishes for it.
How many reminders that this isn’t a WW2 game anymore and hasn’t been for nearly a decade?
You point a finger at people who don’t wish to separate the time periods as if history is a strict line with defined eras, as if periodising history isn’t more artificial than just making a game where vehicles from all times can work together based on their relevant capability in the game.
Hell, take it a step further and some people would even disagree on when WW2 began and ended. Some say it began in Ethiopa, other say it was China, yet others say it was in Poland. Either way, it goes to show that this distinction in periods and the wish to separate them are more artificial than anything else. If you value history so much then you should come to realize that history is both continuity and change at the same time. Something something about WW2 equipment having served in the 90s still.

Not sure what the relevance of this question is and why you are asking it.

Then, what about bringing rotating BR into other game modes?

It does not separate vehicles by era, but it can simulate something close to it, and yet theoretically almost any vehicle can become a meta.

Like Air Sim does where you can just wait out the top BR to match the vehicle you want to play so you have maximum stomping ability? Personally, I think that’s a horrible idea because it would make certain BRs unplayable for certain amount of time. Just imagine a rotation that stops at 9.0-10.0, all of those 9.0s would be stuck fighting against vehicles they are balanced to struggle against with no opportunity to see lower vehicles. Hope you don’t play only on weekends, because then you could be stuck always playing your vehicles in the worst bracket rotation available without being able to change it. Hard pass.


That’s ignoring how it would mess with things such as event cycles and would lessen the values of any and all premiums. It’s basically a surefire way of cutting off a big part of incone and thus would result in content of less quality and quantity as well as worse maintenance of things such as the servers

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The solution would be to stop adding terrible trees, like Sweden, that have nothing to offer from the WWII era. Sweden building terrible vehicles does not justify adding those vehicles at a lower BR. If the vehicle is not competitive in its era, it shouldn’t be added.

Balancing is more important than dates.


I don’t know about ground battles but, at the least in air, rotation BR is fine because it makes it more controlled meta.

I mean currently 9.3BRs (mainly late subsonic and early supersonic) often get 9.3-10.3BRs for premium grinders and are completely unable to get games where they are the only ones, like jet matches around 2020.

It is one of another issues but, while some rework is mandatory for RB, at least we can get the game close to the old top tier meta (e.g. F-86 vs MiG-15, century series vs MiG-19/early MiG-21, late F-4s vs MiG-23MLA/MLD, etc.) again.

Why would that be?
Swedish vehicles are very unique and they form decent lineups, especially with Finland’s inclusion.

The fact that a lot of their low and mid tier vehicles are post-war doesn’t make them unbalanced either.

As already stated, War Thunder isn’t just a WW2 game anymore. It would be a huge shame to leave countries such as Sweden in the gutter just because certain people like WW2 better.

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A more controlled meta? Please explain.

This also doesn’t address that some people will not be able to play their vehicles in advantageous brackets due to their schedule. It wouldn’t really be fun to have one chance to play your favorite vehicles when they are strong (equivilent to a full downtier now) because you can’t play every day because of your schedule not aligning with the BR rotation schedule.

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I agree, to an extent. The Ikv103 is a great example. It’s just a terrible vehicle and sits at 4.0 because it has no business in the game. Because it’s a terrible vehicle, it gets to sling 400mm pen HEATFS at early WWII vehicles. There is no BR where it will be a good vehicle, so it should not be in the game.

Technology should be the main separating factor, not date of introduction. HEATFS should be separate from WWII tanks.

Sweden was just an example.

I never said it was a WWII game. I’m saying if a tree lacks competitive vehicles, at the appropriate BR, it should not be added. Vehicles that don’t fit the game should not be added.

The Ikv103, PT76, the various artillery tanks, etc.

I almost explained about that in this topic :)

I do not see how these vehicles do not belong in the game.

The given examples meet all the criteria and aren’t bad or broken.

Things such as vehicles that lack direct fire shouldn’t be in game for example, nor should vehicles such as engineering vehicles with 12.7s only. But the ones mentuoned? They have an interesting blend of the classic tank triangle and are just very alternative to the classic things such as light tanks and MBTs. That does not make them invalid.


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The Ikv103 is a perfect example. It’s just a terrible vehicle overall. The argument for it remaining at 4.0 is because it’s so terrible. There is no justification for HEATFS being at 4.0.


Ok, then the HEATFS fired by the Ikv103 should be extremely expensive.