Constant connection problems over the last week

And this, convieniently shows that you aren’t reporting it correctly… Support tickets are where you should be making reports.

You know, I was going to continue to go back and forth with you. You are clearly a know it all, to a degree of knowing exactly what people are submitting and that they are doing it wrong. You also know the problem resides “in the routing.” Not worth the time…you win the forum war. Congrats.


Because I’m a retired network technician kid… As I said, I know my craft…

You’re in an ADVICE section IGNORING ADVICE…

So when I have an issue solely with a game I shouldn’t contact that games support?

As many others have stated, none of us came here to prove a point (which you seem to need to).

We all came here because we had the same issue persisting.

No one’s here to “prove” its servers or “routing”, we all just know this issue is specifically targeted towards war thunder. As a player I shouldn’t ever have to worry about anything more.

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LOL…network technician. You were IT. Impressive. Most IT where I work cannot figure anything out…I am sure they would hire you. I am also not a kid, but thank you for showing your omniscience is failing you. I am a retired military officer…do you want to compare resumes and expertise. I know a bit about networks too ;)

Good day to you sir, good day.

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Where did I even say that…

You’re in an advice section, ignoring advice and attacking a person who’s in here trying to give you advice…

Indeed, and barely anyone is wanting to even try diagnose it, just ASSUMING that it’s the servers…

You as a player with a problem, should be at least open to finding the issue compared to assuming it’s the servers and making out you’re unable to even read and follow instrictions.

Cool story, but you’re in an advice section, looking to attack and berate those who are trying to help.

Good stuff.

Ma dude I don’t see you giving any “advice” at all. If you did it was long ago.

On the other hand, your ongoing trolling of people who just want to play a game is building the length of the thread and keeping it high up on the forum, so I’m not complaining. More this snowballs the better for the NA players, tbh, so troll away.


And just to reitterate, you can actually front up to this statement because quite frankly, you’re making a statement that wasn’t made, and it’s horribly wrong.

Read the thread then… I mentioned the wifi in the first instance and highlighted routing, from there the OP and the subsequent new entrants were more interested in making out they couldn’t do anything and that it wasn’t on thier end…

It’s not me that’s arguing here, it’s all them trying to ignore everything to just blame the sercvers, and constantly ignoring the points made to keep complaining.

Calling me kid was not attacking and berating?! You also do not really seem to be trying to help anyone…you are just trying to be right about something. Maybe you find retirement boring…no idea, but good luck to you in all your endeavors.


Ooooh diddums… Military officer should be more thick skinned than that…

I’m constantly addressing those who want to make out that what I say has no relevance to them…

If you’re looking for help, then you’re looking for help… No-one has questioned what I’ve said they’ve all just dismissed it and attacked me for no reason other than me knowing what I’m talking about…

Oh I don’t, that may be you projecting… Maybe you need to go back to your craft.

So you’re saying you’ve done 50 posts in an advice thread, only the first of which contained anything resembling actual advice (“check your wifi”, yeah thanks for that insight btw), and now you’re calling out other people for abusing an advice thread? Sure ok.

But like I said, let’s keep this party rolling, only way anything is ever going to be done about it, same as the last time the NA hamster died a few years back is if we’re all doing nothing but talk about it, so your trollery is serving a good cause.


You’re the only one making out it’s trolling and you’re ignoring a grewat deal of the opening posts in here…

Stop throwing matches Bruce…

I’m at 37 now, so your exaageration only fulfills one purpose…


Let’s keep this as the top thread, maybe get some attention.


Better off to actually prove that it is the servers and not the route, but you can’t prove that…

But you can prove it is the routes and give that information to them via a support ticket to push the fix…

If you were looking for help you’d be asking questions, but instead you mock.

As you’ve shown here with your quotes, 36 of which are basically content-free badgering of other players who are experiencing real in-game problems, presumably just because you like to make them feel worse about it. Point proven. You’re trolling! Enjoy! Your penchant for inflicting casual internet cruelty is for once serving a larger purpose here in keeping the convo going.

Here’s my post with real advice: Constant connection problems over the last week - #22 by Bruce_R1. And here’s a post thanking me for it: Constant connection problems over the last week - #72 by LiteralStone. Show me the post by someone thanking your for your contributions here and we’ll be tied.

I also have maybe a dozen likes for the useful information I’ve posted on this thread, in what, 3-4 posts before now? You have… oh dear, no likes at all? In nearly 50 posts. Remarkable.


I disagree… It’s not badgering, as if it IS badgering then those coming in randomly to say no, are badgering, because NO-ONE HAS DONE ANY ATTEMPT TO TRY AND DIAGNOSE IT…

And THAT is why there’s an issue…

Stop reaffirming assumptions.

I’ve played everyday for the last few weeks. I too have been getting constant packet loss during matches on NA and EU servers.

It’s getting to the point the game is unplayable and they are going to need to start giving compensation. I’ve easily died over 100 times because my plane flies into the ground during packet loss, or my tank keeps driving straight and I get blasted when the packet loss stops.


Has the wonderous creator of the video you linked actually MENTIONED it to anyone other than his audience? Like, that sort of person should be reporting things properly, not just making out it is just the servers.