Constant connection problems over the last week

Air RB has been borderline impossible to play since the past week. At least every third game packet loss becomes so bad that a good chunk of my team crashes mid game or can’t spawn in. Every game has packet loss that seems to become worse when there are multiple enemies on screen. In ground battles it’s pointless to spawn aircraft. Aiming ordnance is hit or miss with players rendering in the wrong place constantly. Ghost shells are a lot more common.

Has anyone else noticed this? Is there maintenance going on in the servers? I definitely feel like I definitely need to be compensated for my premium time considering how unplayable the game is right now


I don’t see this sort of thing and I game on 200 ping, on the US servers.

If you’re on wifi, start with ditching that.

I also have the same issue
US server constant packet loss even tho im on ethernet
Other programs/games run fine and low ping and 0 to almost no lag or packet loss but war thunder just freak out


It’s every server for me. Anytime I have constant packet loss I immediately tab out to load sites or stream and it’s perfectly fine. So it’s definitely not a problem at my end


Today was pretty bad. Hard wired on North American servers. Tanks flying, planes crashing into the ground, can’t go forward or reverse, sights spinning around and a lot of jittery nonsense.


That’s not accurate to be to the point…

Whilst you can browse on your connection, it’s not to say there isn’t an issue with it.

With multiple people showing symptoms, it can easily be shared routes.

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Same i have pl that gies up to 50% and them goes down slowly its hella annoying and consistent

There are no registered issues on server side.

That’s amazing because the US servers have been the worst I can remember seeing them in NA evening hours over the last two days. When the whole team is complaining about how we’re rubberbanding it’s not something local to my own conditions.

Last night I dc’d, got asked to return to game, and found when I was back I’d teleported untouched onto the enemy spawn point (I had been pointed that way when I crashed out) and no one could hit me cause they were all fighting their own issues. Got 13 kills before I dc’d a second time but still.


There was a lot of packet loss drops last weekend and it wasent the first time


There has been rising amount
People now complain on bug report because of packet loss


I’m getting random high packet loss too. I’m hardlined and getting 40-60 ping but suddenly I’m in the ground because of 30-50% packet loss. Started about Monday and seems to get better late at night EST.


Gajin server start to deteriorate im guessing

I have been having the same PL issue. It is not constant but usually once or twice per match. This has been going on intermittently for three days or longer (three days ago is when I noticed that it wasn’t an isolated incident).

For me it usually happens mid to late game. My ping stays around 70 and my PL starts to creep up to around 20% and then spikes up to usually around 50%. After a few seconds it usually calms back down and works fine. Although a number of times I was piloting an aircraft in Ground RB and crashed due to the lag issue. I have only been kicked once due to Bad Network Connection.

To address some of the responses about it being on each of our client side connection:

  1. When I first noticed the issue, other players in the match also commented that they were having problems.

  2. I have checked with others on the same network (who are also wifi) and they don’t report having any issues playing other games online.

  3. Speed test results showed an avg DL speed of about 1 Gbps, with a latency of <100 ms.

  4. I ran a stability test specifically for packet loss for over 30 min; PL never went over 0%

Given the results of my testing, I would have to say that the issue is server side.


same issue. i will be driving the tank and then it will just pull me in a random direction. when I’m not even pressing buttons to move the tank.

while flying a plane in a straight line. i will just get pulled into the floor for no reason.

my packet loss is between 10-30 and its like a magnet pulls my vehicle in random directions.

edit. after doing another game. with packet loss. i managed to spawn a plane. and without me even pressing a single button. my plane instantly started diving.spinning.turning. and then crashes. all without me pressing a single button.


Anyone come up with a solution to this? I have been getting constant disconnections and 15-20 seconds of 30% packet loss. Seems once it gets closer to peak hours it gets worse for each of the servers. I can play other games just fine and I have ran multiple tests to see if its a me issue and everything keeps pointing to Gaijin servers.


I am having this same problem, about 1/3 of the games I play have packet loss problems. I am hard wired on fiber connection. I also notice my teammates say something in chat about it most times too, so it is not just me.


Getting the same thing on NA servers, can’t control my tank for about 10 seconds. It’ll spin out or drive forward or whatever it wants to do. About the same time I had it happen to my ingame, not even seconds later a teammate was saying he had a 20% packet loss. So, what’s going on? I can play every other MP game just fine without these problems, but when it comes to War Thunder? Nah, 10 seconds of packet loss for you.


So I am sharing the same router as a dude in wisconsin? I am in FL and I am the only one on my router dude. so your opinion is moot. It is constantly happening since newest update. Multiple players complaining about it so it isn’t a fallacy it’s reality.


Route, not router…