Constant connection problems over the last week

It’s unfortunate, but this sort of site can give you the wrong interpretation @stangbro01 . Whilst you will get a low ping to that server, that server is based off your location, and is the nearest, often even being provided by your ISP.

Why are you so defensive to everyone? There’s multiples people reporting this issue and you’re only providing excuses.

I reported the issue to let the dev know and that’s it.


If dozens of players across Canada and the USA are all having the same issue, there will be a 5-ish-minute packet loss spike for 30+ seconds, then back to normal.

With NOTHING else sharing these symptoms for ANYONE.

The coincidence of “routing” doesn’t play out. Even if it is routing, multiple other programs/games/etc which would use the same routing in some cases would have the same issue.

Gaijin needs to start investigating why this has been happening since the last update.


I’m not providing excuses, I’m urging people to actually check and diagnose.

The people who are defensive have been that getting all antsy about the fact of someone handing out knowledge when all they want to do is offload the situation on Gaijin.

That just says that no-one has noticed it… Doesn’t mean it’s not being affected in any other manner, it’s just this game is server based, so the effects of it, are more pronounced as such.

See above.

Indeed, but as Stona mentioned, nothing had been really reported at that stage.

All I’ve been doing is making the point, that’s commonly dismissed in the subsequent mentionings, about routing. It’s a very intricate thing about the internet, that every user should understand, as it is that basic, and it does affect things a lot.

As a player, everyone definitely should not understand routing because it’s definitely not provided in any installation tutorials. I’m not a network engineer, I work in healthcare. There is no way from purchasing my computer and my internet to sitting down to play the game that I would ever learn about “tracert” and “routing”. It’s also strange that during each game, when the packet loss occurs, it’s not just me experiencing it, it’s everyone else in that match at the same time. That just screams that it’s on the server side to me.

Why is your profile private btw? I don’t come here often but I did to come see if there were any reports on the packet loss. I’ve heard of you in game and there seems to be a general consensus that users are no fan of you. I’m seeing it quite a bit here as well.


TY. I switched to EU and so far no problems.

Trust me its that bad. you would notice it! If any other game was the same it’d be just as unplayable.

This just sounds like an excuse to not find the actual problem…


You’re not just a player here because now you’re on the forums, so you graduate to a stage of internet user.

They’re common things when looking for answers, again, on the internet…

As I’ve mentioned, multiple times in this thread, routing… It’s how the internet works.

Nothing to do with this.

And you’ve found one… Indeed.

Nice to know the salt genuinely flows…

I’m getting that fixed, because yes, it is tiresome passing out information and being shot down by people who don’t want to fix thier issue on the regular.

I would, and I don’t… That’s the problem.

If they used this method, then yes, but not many even do…

Nope, it’s more the excuse is from those who won’t take on board the information and even come back with a question.

The classic “I don’t have this issue so it doesn’t exist”

Cheers m8 have a good one


so you’re saying everyone in one match goes through the same routing?

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Many can, and do, because at one point the nodes all come together and you go through the same one…

It all depends on where it’s starting.

It’s alright, you don’t understand, but that’s just on you.

so why not make a thread telling us how to find what route is failing and how to fix it since it’s not a gaijin server issue?


I linked a thread earlier.

I have no desire to make a thread, and the fact that you make note of those in game talking trash about me and bring it in here, is laughable at best… Living rent free in thier heads, likely because I asked them if they were using wifi when they said they were having connection issues.

It was over a completely different topic that I saw them talking about you on but alright.

Still, you’re bringing it in here, and all it is is them talking trash.

It doesn’t make my point any less notable, in fact it proves that no-one is looking for answers or fixes, they just want to blame.

You’re not helping anyone at this point. Just move on if you have nothing useful to add.

We’re not software engineer and you can’t expect everyone that report a problem to diagnose it.


Are you referring to the post you made earlier where you said the information was outdated?

After going through this thread and reading most of your responses, you have 2 answers to everyone’s PL issue… it is either because they are on wifi or it is a problem with the route.

Concerning using wifi as the culprit, if the problem was the user’s wireless network, then they should have issues with any game that requires a fast, steady exchange of data. But if someone is having issues in game here and runs a packet loss test (while on their wireless network) and the result is 0% then it is likely not the wifi. Wifi was not suitable for gaming back in the 802.11 b/g days or even current protocols if using a 2.4GHz network. Using Wifi 6 or 7 protocols can achieve acceptable and reliable results.

Concerning the route being the issue, the average player/user is most likely not going to know how to diagnose the issue much less fix it. As end users, we have control over limited pieces of the puzzle, i.e. our own computer, our home network, and who our ISP is. Anything beyond that is out of our control, so in our minds if one of those things isn’t the problem then it must be an issue on the other end. Unless we can tell the data to use a different route. And if that’s the case, please inform me how.

People see it as “If the problem is not client side, then it must be server side.”

From the beginning of this thread your responses have been: condescending toward users with a problem who came here looking for answers and/or help; discrediting users who are providing information about what they have experienced and their best guess as to what could be causing the problem; and just all around confrontational and inflammatory. Unless you can contribute helpful and constructive ideas, please stop “attacking” other users.


Just make sure someone filled a bug report on the community site so the devs get the word out.
Im assuming at this point the provider in the USA for the servers have a little hickup.


I did my best guess at what the server is. If that information is outdated, that’s on FlyingDoctor. From what I’ve gathered, it’s the company that Gaijin leases the servers from that is having issues. So it is server side. I’ve submitted a support ticket.